Task | Description | Type |
1568 | ENHANCEMENT. Buyer Seller Margin entries rounded to 2 decimal places. | ENHANCEMENT |
1804 | FIXED. Sort by Checknumber filter. Bills > Payments and Credits report. | FIX |
2396 | FIXED. Rep margin share for “BULK” type inventory items only. Margin now splits between Buyer and Seller at the auto-calculated percentage set in Admin for bulk items just like individualized items. | FIX |
3129 | FIXED. When Selling in a foreign currency and printing the Commercial invoice in Base currency the Commercial invoice value in some cases might be off by 1 penny due to line item total rounding method. Fixed. | FIX |
3638 | FIXED. When using “Copy Bill” function to copy a Miscellaneous Bill. Then enter the SO or PO in the distribution. The ledger posted to the original copied distribution SO or PO not the updated distribution SO or PO. | FIXED |
3689 | NEW FEATURE. Alternate check print format Deluxe DLT 153 with check on top. | NEW FEATURE |
3767 | NEW FEATURE. USPS – United States Postal Service Integration via EasyPost – Print 26 Packaging Types including all the Flat rate and International shipments. Click here to signuphttps://www.easypost.com/signup?utm_source=iqreseller Then visit this quickstart guide https://www.easypost.com/getting-started Login to your EasyPost account, navigate to the API Keys section on the EasyPost Dashboard: https://www.easypost.com/account/api-keys. The API Keys section can be found by clicking on your account email in the top left corner of the EasyPost Dashboard: Insert your API keys there. Then insert the same API key in IQ reseller Admin > System setup > Integrated Apps.
3773 | ENHANCEMENT. Invoices created with zero value from SO are now listed in Paid Invoice screen in addition to the All Invoice Screen. | ENHANCEMENT |
3781 | FIXED. Bank reconcilation Print. A few adjustments to show specific records outstanding or cleared depending on report filter. | FIXED |
3787 | NEW FEATURE. Admin system setup > inventory tab For electronic component resellers Create Master Item default setting type “BULK” instead of “individualized”. | NEW FEATURE |
3802 | FIXED. Reports > Bills > Payments and Credits Report now sorts by check number in all outputs. | FIX |
3817 | FIXED. Do not allow a Vendor Prepayment to be Voided if a payment has been applied to any bill. This could cause Bill account and Bill prepayment account to be out of balance. Message now appears to the user. “Void is not allowed since prepayment is partially applied”. Recommended action for user is to use the function at the bottom of Vendor Prepayment screen “Convert Vendor Prepayment to Credit Invoice” | FIX |
3818 | ENHANCEMENT. Removed today’s date filter from Quick Books Online “Completed Payments Screen” | ENHANCEMENT |
3826 | FIXED. Report > Taxes > Tax Reconciliation Report. Affected Foreign Currency Puchases only. The Purchase amount was incorrectly displayed in the Foreign currency value instead of the Base currency value like the Sales – Purchases Tax Report. The Accounting Ledger was always correct. | FIX |
3849 | ENHANCEMENT> IQ reseller PAY Add a button to the CV record view to see all Cards on File with a specific CV | ENHANCEMENT |
3863 | FIXED. SP to SO creation loses Item’s Ledger Sales Distribution Ledger info. Issue only arises when your SP is configured to use Ledger Sales Distribution to Categorize sales on the Profit & Loss. | FIX |
3872 | FIXED. Master Item Update Import is not mapping SalePrice2 field. Fixed in Nov. 2020. | FIX |
3874 | ENHANCEMENT. IQ ResellerPAY phase 2. Added ability to send buyer a secure link from the Contact view for the buyer to securely enter their credit card details. Card is “tokenized” and last 4 digits are saved with the contact. | ENHANCEMENT |
3878 | Enhancement. Added Sales REP from SO to the IQ reseller PAY – Payments Reports for easy chargeback of exact Credit card payment costs to the Sales REP. | FIX |
3886 | FIXED. Copy SO function is copying the source SO Recadded date when it should use current session date. | FIX |
3892 | FIXED. Print Prepayment check is not honoring the check format setting set in Bills > Print Checks. Non-Prepayment checks printed fine. | FIX |
3895 | FIXED. IQ resellerPAY Added ability to Refund a SO prepayment which now allows the underlying SO to be VOIDED. | ENHANCEMENT |
3899 | FIXED. Fixed in January 2021 with a patch. Bank reconciliation in some cases not picking up the correct glaccount balance. | FIX |
3900 | FIXED. Zero value invoices get a paid in full date equal to invoice creation date. Move to paid Tab. Previously they did not move to the Paid Tab. | FIX |
3901 | FIXED. SO with with 1 line taxable and 1 line not; then create Early invoice and the non-taxable line would be incorrectly taxed. | FIX |
3902 | ENHANCEMENT. Changed Commercial invoice currency to allways use the Sale transaction currency. This prevents value changes on the commercial invoice when re-printing in Base currency with updated Currency conversion rates over time. | ENHANCEMENT |
3907 | NEW FEATURE. Generic shippers can now be made Inactive so they don’t appear in the selection dropdown when Scheduling new shipments. Nice for IQ reseller users that used IQ reseller for years and might have dozens of Shippers they don’t use anymore. | NEW FEATURE |
3911 | FIXED. SO Prepayment which is later converted to a Credit invoice was not being marked as posted. | FIX |
3912 | FIXED. Avalara Tax Service users only. When Reserving an SO that has Avalara Tax already saved the Reserve function was reseting tax to 0. Users were then required to re-select the Calc Avatax button. | FIX |
3914 | ENHANCEMENT. Due to BREXIT The existing European EORI number fields were added to include Shipper, Consignee and Importer of record. | FIX |
3925 | NEW FEATURE. Configure attributes to print on your Inventory label to create your own 2 x 4 custom label. 1. In the Print label setup, we have added 2 new dropdowns for Attribute 1 and Attribute 2 2. For example: Attributes for OS and Battery are Selected and then print with Bold label. 3. These attributes selection are saved per REP in the report settings. | FIX |
3926 | FIXED. VAT Tax Report for Foreign Currency transactions shipped within the resident country. Sales and Purchases Tax report was correct. | FIX |
3927 | NEW FEATURE. Added ability to upload text to SO the text feature to SO detail lines area that is in VFP | ENHANCEMENT |
3929 | FIXED. Added country code for South Korea to available lists. | FIX |
3930 | FIXED. SO line view “Reserved by” rep is now the actual user who reservedthe item instead of the SO rep. The Right click inventory Action Table record was not changed as that showed the correct rep. | FIX |
3935 | FIXED. Inventory > Warehouses Admin screen search did not work. | ENHANCEMENT |
3938 | ENHANCEMENT. IQ reseller PAY integrated Credit Card payment processing now allows a partial value SO Deposit payment from CC. | FIX |
3939 | ENHANCEMENT. Add Bulktype master item Reserve capability on SO import. Now you can import a SO with both “individualized and “bulk” type inventory items and Reserve them all. | FIX |
3943 | FIXED. CV Ledger Report Showing voided not posted payments. Report was wrong underlying accounting data was correct. | ENHANCEMENT |
3953 | FIXED. In Inventory list screen”Conditioncodedate” column search filter; if it had a value then export to excel for the items would fail. | FIX |
3954 | FIXED. Sales Proposal Sales Distribution Logic transfers from SP to SO for final invoice. | FIX |
3958 | FIXED. Avalara Tax Service users only. RMA Return is Closed and a Taxable Credit Memo is generated. The Open invoice aging report included the value of the Credit but not the tax value of the credit. Ledger accounting was all correct only the report was missing that item. | ENHANCEMENT |
3966 | ENHANCEMENT. IQ resellerPAY Increased flexibility to allow CV Cards on File to be used with any transaction within that CV. | FIX |
3969 | FIXED. April 20 via patch. Ledger transaction list view default order changed to most recent Session ID first then decending order. | FIX |
API | FIXED. API endpoint. Insert CV – cvtype tag is not parsed in JSON input. | FIX |
NA | ENHANCEMENT. Changed the date time for all entries to the users local computer device date time. Previously all entries were based on Azure East US data center time. | ENHANCEMENT |
NA | ENHANCEMENT. IQ resellerPAY can now accept payment cards from foreign buyers. | FIX |
NA | FIXED. Sales proposal creation now sets internal Shipdate and Scheduledate set as default start date instead of NULL. Prevents later issue from arising. | ENHANCEMENT |
NA | FIXED. Update scheduled shipment date is not updating in stdetail table for that item it was updating the Shipment detail. This improves data for custom report writer reports. | ENHANCEMENT |
NA | ENHANCEMENT. Paid invoiced margin report – Preview and Excel – Performance improvement displays in 30% less time. | FIX |
NA | ENHANCEMENT. PO Item Summary price chance. Eliminated confirmation pop-up for even faster repricing. | ENHANCEMENT |
NA | ENHANCEMENT. Avalara Tax users only. Improvement in Ship-From information sent to Avatax. | ENHANCEMENT |