November 23, 2024 – By IQreseller

New Features and Fixes
Status Task Number Description
New Feature 3040 Added the ability to reserve from the item summary tab of a SO.
New Feature 4548 We now allow  cost change from the update inventory API to create Ledger transactions made for this unit cost change.
New Feature 4737 Added the option to allow  Tax Override functionality on Sales Proposals.
New Feature 4642 Users now have the option to print a label from Sales Orders to allow customers and other users to scan on the outside of packages.
Fix 4808 SO revisions did not update the Shipping Status from Partial to Shipped and this has been fixed.
New Feature 4820 Display Inventory Rep initials in Return.
Fix 2354 Some non inventory features and functions from Sales Proposal’s did not carry over to the Sales Orders.
New Feature 2628 Added vendor prepayment list report.
Fix 4740 User should not be able to view a SO of another rep from inventory list and this is fixed.
New Feature 4807 Allow users to search for Master Item attributes that are applied to the Master Items and can even add them to a Sales Order.
Fix Internal QA In rare cases Master Item look up on PO and SO was not working.
Fix Internal QA On the inventory screen, the condition code filtering did not work. This is now fixed.
Fix Internal QA Inventory Delete – The selection wasn’t working properly in Delete inventory item. This is now fixed.
Fix CC Integration Error responses was not populating correctly, this is now fixed.
New Feature 4714 From the inventory screen, added a button to upload  just inventory by inventory id.
New Feature 4804 Added a setting for Item QTY count within the Invoice, SO and Pick List.


September 11, 2024 – By IQreseller
New Features and Fixes
New Enhancement4697Added a short cut for PO complete on PO dashboard screen.
New Enhancement4717Once the “Closed Date” of a PO is populated with a date, the ability to modify (up or down dates) purchase cost of items on that purchase order to be locked out.
Fix4771Inventory item that is completed, available, received, PO completed cannot have Part Add function performed on it – Fixed
New Enhancement4715We now allow the ability to modify attributes and User Defined Fields of inventory items even after invoiced
New Enhancement4733Added AP vendor bill number to Bill export to Excel.
Fix4720Shift click is carried from on page on inventory list to another
Fix1910When filtering Inventory by SO #, export to Excel was not working.
Fix4721User selection issue when using add Invoice Item in Return module. – Fixed
Fix4736Reports >> Invoice Payments and Credits Report did not export to excel.
Fix4711When inventory items on SO was returned for credit the inventory comments for that item moved back to inventory comments, this is now fixed.
Fix4755SO reserve has an  issue for items that shared the same item number but have different manufacturers on the same PO and this is now fixed.
FixInternal QAThe CLEI flag is not set for the line added in the PO when it is created from the Master item.
New Enhancement4694Add weight clolumn to Bulk Part Removal, Workflow Screen, and item info screen.
New Enhancement4698Allow set purchase costs based on category type from the client vendor code.
New Enhancement4706Added a new feature to track mass balancing with inventory weight.
Fix4767Inventories/Update/XML and Inventories/Update/JSON won’t update warehouse field – API fixed
New Enhancement4716 Allow “Bulk Part Removal” on more than 1 PO at a time with different MFG.
New Enhancement4605Add a total quantity line for number of items that are on the sales order to the sales order template and pick list template.
Fix4744Convert to Vendor Credit Bill in Vendor Prepayments generating incorrect Ledger Transactions is now fixed.
New Enhancement4588Under advance bulk scan, we have now added the option to do bulk part add, removal and breakdown.
New Enhancement4727Under labels, we created a 4×6 skid tag
New Enhancement4668PO’s and SO’s now have Bill of Ladings
New Enhancement4728Updated the receiving document, to be more modern.
New Enhancement4712From the SO screen, added a button to upload excel file with inventory id, price, to reserve all to SO with price from a excel file.
New Enhancement4669We now allow non-inventory items to be received or invoiced alone on a PO or SO
New Enhancement4660Added a new function to apply non-inventory items to a  Bill from a PO when you click apply to bill on the PO.
Fix4772When invoicing a bulk item it was not putting the invoiced comment into the inventory comments his table.
New Enhancement4713We now allow update Purchase Cost from inventory update.
New Enhancement4757NEW! Import Bank Statement records for semi automatic bank reconciliation. (BETA)
Fix4725Need to increase the max no lines on PO reserve API call from 10 to 20.

Creating POs on the Mobile App

August 12, 2024 – By IQreseller

Mobile App

Using the IQ Reseller Mobile App, you can now create Purchase Orders from the phone app. Following the steps below you can do the following when using the app from your phone.  It is not intended to replace the main application but make taking pictures and creating POs on the go much easier.

  1. From the app’s menu you will go Purchase orders to create or view Purchase orders.

2. The Purchase order screen you can click on the plus icon in the upper right hand to create a new PO.

3. You can also, search or existing Purchase Orders in your database.

4. Or you can tap to view on one of the Purchase Orders in the view screen

5. When you are creating a new Purchase order and after picking the vendor ID code. You can add any of the following data in the screen image above. No of these is required

6. After you added the information, you wish to have on the purchase order. You can tab to add line items, and the following screen will appear. You can adjust the qty, condition code, weight of the line item, location and the items purchase price.

7. Once this is complete, make sure you tap submit.

8. After adding the line-item info, you can adjust the PO’s addresses from the previous screen.

9. Lastly, after creating the PO or when you are viewing a existing PO. You can take or upload phots to the attachment tab of the PO.

10. You can also view attachments from the PO or from what you uploaded. 


April 02, 2024 – By IQreseller

Accounting and Administration
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4292 Fixed the inventory summary report  to use the “Sort By” options.
New Enhancement 4327 Added a batch number to AP Payments records  then added the ability to void all payments in that batch number at one time.
New Enhancement 4492 Removed Print Function from Ledger > Ledger Transactions and Add Export to PDF function
New Enhancement 4508 Added the apinvoice vendor invoice number  as Vendor Bill to Bills Payments and Credits report.
Fix 4509 Bill was not being generate due to timing issue, duplicate key value for apinvoicedetailid which is now fixed.
New Enhancement 4518 Added  more room in the footer when printing invoices  allow it to be a little taller/higher space for data.
Fix 4534 Now allowing Credit to APinvoice/Bill to have the paymentID on the general ledger transaction like the regular payments.
New Enhancement 4557 Added PO id of inventory item non-inventory item removed from to general ledger transaction for the part removal of a non inventory item.
New Enhancement 4558 Added option to turn off the intervals column on the Profit and loss report.
Fix 4633 P&L Report didn’t line up with Report Admin Report Name.
New Enhancement 4692 When a user copies a invoice, it will not longer post it right away until the copied invoice is saved.
New Enhancement 4663 When a user copies a bill, the system will not post the bill until the bill is saved.
Fix 4566 Sales/Purchase Tax Report was not contingent on Customer’s Residential Country.
Fix 4686 When voiding a APpayment, we now advise of a currency adjustment in the original posting session and use that in void session.
Fix 4690 We now allow the change the currency rate on manual ledger transaction once date is entered.
New Enhancement 4624 Added a check box selection on all 3 reports under the commission reports drop down, Paid invoiced margin, Unpaid invoiced margin, All invoiced margin.
Sales and Purchasing
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4421 SO imported can now  be voided
New Enhancement 4527 Expand Comments of the CI.
Fix 4561 PO list contract  selection option screen allows user to use the magnifying glass to select  another rep’s PO to print the contract  and is now fixed
Fix 4693 User could not  unreserve items even with unreserve/unreserve  is marked in Access  and when show prices is unmarked.
Fix 4596 Create PO from SO – PO ship to field defaulting to customer information when it should not have and is now fixed.
Fix 4627 System was allowing users to add more items to a invoices SO replacement during the return of a SO. This is now fixed to create a new SO for replacement when the first SO has been invoiced.
Warehouse and Inventory
New Enhancement3727Added a clear marks button under inventory.
Fix3764Maxlist Marketplace status data entry issue is now fixed.
Fix3948Action date and actual date was not getting timed stamp on import inventory on inventorycomments table.
New Enhancement3960Added a Inventory Access Right for Maxlist.
New Enhancement4400Maxlist > BrokerBin Status – last update filter should include a greater than option and it has now been added.
Fix4500Shipping Service was not saving default in System Shipper Setup.
Fix4547Inventory Breakdown displays rounded unit cost and it should not have.
New Enhancement4688New 2×1 Label to show item number.
New EnhancementShipping ProjectNew UPS customs screen based on Easypost – Please view this support KB as all UPS users in Globalship have to switch to Easy Post by June 1 2024.
New EnhancementShipping ProjectNew FedEx customs screen to go with new shipping window.
Fix4572The inventory comments table shows item received after a location change when item was in transit and it should not have.
New EnhancementShipping ProjectUPS from Easy Post – please view this support KB as all UPS users in Global ship have to switch to Easy Post by June 1 2024. post-ups-registration
Fix4592FIXED – Import attributes must not create a record in attribute value table for attributes that is a text attribute.
Fix4593System comments on inventory item for write down is now worded to make it sound better.
Fix4636Add inventoryID to view inventory from the inventory or inventory history list.
New Enhancement4639Added under the im import update of master item to show  url of image in the mappable list.  Update in new Master Item import as well.
New Enhancement4616Added a comment to system comments and to the actions/Comments table when location is changed during cycle count.
Fix4619Inventory comments table dates/times  are now displaying the correct dates and times.
New EnhancementShipping ProjectShipping  UI is improve for SO view performance, better View of shipping screen, and additional settings for Providers based on the new requests on FedEx and UPS.
API & Integrated Apps
Status Tasks Description
New Enhancement 4641 Add non-inventory item from the Insert SO API call
New Enhancement 4691 Avalara Enhancement – Marketplace location transactions to stop taxes from being added for some retail sales.
New Enhancement 4640 Created non-inventory item in the Insert master item API call
Fix Fix SO ship status is not updated when shipment is updated via API, this is now fixed.
New Enhancement External IQ now offers a eBay Integration! Please view this link to learn more:


November 20, 2023 – By IQreseller

New Features and Fixes
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4609 Item Number disappears when changing a Clei Item under Inventory is now fixed.
Fix 4595 The create PO from SO with purchase packet enabled, failed, and just hangs on the creation. This is now fixed to load without issue.
New Feature 4587 Added a qty count on Bulk Advance change menu. When you scan a item, it will now count how many items you have scanned and marked.
New Feature 4578 Due to new tax laws within MN IQ added 2 more tax boxes to the tax structure for a total 6 taxes options within IQ.
You can now have 6 possible taxes on the following menus screens:
1. PP Print
2. PO Print
3. PO Export to Excel
4. PO Contract Print
5. PO Contract Export to Excel
6. AP Invoice Print
7. AP Invoice Export to Excel
8. AP Invoice Export to XML
9. SP Print
10. SO Print
11. SO Contract
12. SO Contract Export to Excel
13. AR Invoice Print
14. AR Invoice Print (French)
15. AR Invoice Export to Excel
16. AR Invoice Export to XML
17. Sales- Purchase Tax Report
18. Sales- Purchase Tax Report – Export Excel
19. VAT-Tax Report
20. VAT-Tax Report Export to Excel
21. Tax Reconciliation
22. Invoice Register Print
23. Invoice Register Export to Excel
24. Tax Reports


October 30, 2023 By – IQReseller
New Features and Fixes
Status Tasks Description
New Feature NA when a user changes the drop down for the date selection page of the client portal, it will now save to the last known date range selected.


September 3, 2023 – By IQreseller

New Features and Fixes
Status Tasks Description
New Feature 4565 IQ reseller PAY Link not being sent with Early Invoice
New Feature 4559 For customers running Avalara AvaTax, added logic to make AvaTax Code mandatory in Master Item.
Fix 4574 When users had  used cycle count for location change function. It was  updating the inventory item and on the SO, but will no longer up  the SO detail line’s location when item is reserved.
New Feature 4552 Released API
Fix 4555 Cvcode lookup on reports >> invoice >> invoice print failed does not choose cvcode selected by user
Fix 4213 Show associated item number on SO reserve screen when associated logic is enabled on Admin system setup
New Feature 4554 IQ now allows users to update associated items  after receiving
New Feature 3707 When a user creates a new one time address(es) when a document is copied like a SO, PO, SP, PP, invoice bill
New Feature 4443 New 1×3 label
New Feature 4403 Created a vendor statement report
New Feature 2871 Added item number and description to excel output of the paid invoice margin report.
New Feature 4582 SO Reserve API using Itemnumber/Mfgr/Condition from Inventories
Fix 3714 Fixed to made sure that main contact, bill to, ship to and remit to contacts are always the top contacts (page one) when viewing a Client Vendor
Fix 4571 Printed Ship To Country Didn’t match CV Ship To.
New Feature 4542 API Receive Inventory – Reserved Inventories’ Serial number, Warehouse, Location not updated in the SO line items
Fix 4394 View Inventory Access setting was not working
New Feature 4585 Extend the Get All Shipments – Fetch additional columns detail(BlindShipment and DropShipment) – API
Fix 4584 Allows for the convert taxable SP/SQ to SO/ST does not update the amount and foreign amounts on the SO/ST header record.
Fix 4174 Changed the verbiage for “Convert Vendor Prepayment to Credit Invoice”.


July 14, 2023 – By IQreseller

Accounting & Administration
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4524 Calculate avalara avatax on Add Line function in a Return Credit Memo.
Fix 4191 Added an option to show currency symbol on printed checks.
Fix 4342 Fixed Avalara tax is putting full new amount of tax into the ledger transactions for a change of unit price on AR invoice, instead of the amount of tax change.
Fix 4419 Delete Function in Admin > Terms is now working.
Fix 4427 When a user is now voiding an ARpayment, users will now know if there was a currency adjustment in the original posting session which it will now use that in void session.
Fix 4431 Corrected the prepayment void field, void status now appears.
Fix 4433 Added Total Credit Remaining to print from a CREDIT AR invoice.
Fix 4448 FIXED: Bills >> Payment and Credit report to now pull.
Fix 4476 Corrected the credit invoice created from returns on Inventory history page that has amount  0.00  to now put in a paid in full date.
Fix 4506 Corrected the rounding adjustment Issue when SO prepayment is applied with manual adjustment in the amount
Fix Internal Filtering now works under Payment and Credits in the Invoice
Fix Internal Print Sample Check is now fixed.
Fix Internal Ledger Transaction Screen >> Print Setup -> Remove unnecessary scrollbar.
Fix 4488 SO number will now  be included on Ledger entries generated from tax adjustments done on an Invoice.
Fix 4451 Corrected the filtering issue for the CV Contact Ismaincontact, ship to, remit to and bill to. As well as the scrollbar issue in lookup for CV shipping and New/View.
Fix 4386 When a user clicked on item label it did not sort correctly on write down list after retrieval and it is now fixed to do so.
New Feature 4460 Added  warehouse column to the inventory write down selection screen.
Fix 4484 Bills >> Unpaid screen has added new filters.
Sales and Purchasing
Status Tasks Description
Fix 3063 Corrected the Copy PO: Return Pending Action Type PO record copies the return pending type when it should NOT have.
Fix 3631 Allow margin split screen to appear when default margin is set to 0 %
New Feature 4387 Added search filters to the Price History window.
Fix 4416 Print name will now show instead of Code for the buyer and seller in the section 5: ACCEPTANCE: area of print PO Contract.
New Feature 4417 Added the access setting for sales – margin summary & sales – Sales Margin report for “Show for all Reps”.
Fix 4424 A space will now appear when you add a new new line character to the internal comments under the bill screen.
New Feature 4428 Added an option to admin >> system setup >> SO to copy SO internal comments to Invoice internal comments.
Fix 4432 When a user added an apostrophe in mfgr it prevented inventory from being reserved and this has been corrected.
New Feature 4436 Implemented new logic tool to diagnose the ledger accounts in System setup and display the status.
Fix 4444 The wrong corporate ledger account for Returns-COG was created and used when Scrap at Client site was used in the RMA.
Fix 4445 When using the Create PO from SO the system was selecting the wrong Ship To Address when a user was changed from default.
New Feature 4450 Added the function to include SO Non-Inventory items to Early Invoice.
New Feature 4452 Added a verification on delete of potype from the potype table.
Fix 4455 Corrected PO Void from being allowed for prepaid PO’s.
Fix 4457 Ship to on SO by hitting a “one time” did not give the message box asking to change shipments to this address and this feature was added to allow this pop-up.
Fix 4458 Made “all manufacturer” box wider to be able to see all mfgr selected for master item list report.
Fix 4470 SP line item >> The item number gets cleared when an Item is looked at and is invoked and Cancels it. This has been corrected.
Fix 4473 Under Returns -> Return Reason Code Delete validation has been corrected to validate.
New Feature 4474 Added poid and line number to scan serial number screen.
Fix 4475 Location has been added when you export the SO out of IQ to excel.
New Feature 4479 Add the ability to search under reserve in the SO reserve screen.
New Feature 4480 Added a method to delete import mappings for SO import.
New Feature 4481 Added a method to delete import mappings for PO import.
New Feature 4483 Added the ability to add PO and SO from Master Items.
Fix 4494 Corrected the logic to stop permissions from now saving all the time.
Fix 4502 Corrected the SO and PO from not displaying correctly when a  Mfgr was chosen.
Fix 4511 Received and current fields on inventory comments table records incorrect when item is remove/deleted on receive screen. This is now corrected to display correctly.
Fix 4517 Allow the refresh of the sub-category update list after save on a sub-category record.
Fix 4519 Corrected the Email Notification Saying Message Sent even with Interactive Off and when inactive is not enabled or email is not setup the pop-up will no longer appear.
Fix 4540 Early Invoice message was not grammatically correct and had no space between the words early & invoice for Early Invoice, it has now corrected.
Fix 4546 Added logic to stop duplicate substitute records from being added.
Fix Customer Issue The Attachment MAX limit was not working based on System Setting and logic was added to enforce this.
Fix Customer Issue Maxlist – Delay Logic Implemented  and Skipped the batch processing when invalid items exist and proceeded during Full Sync. This will allow Maxlist to sync faster and stop the hang ups from happening.
Fix Internal SO and SP line-item window cancel button mouse hover was causing users issues and corrected the logic to fix this.
Fix Internal Inactive item had shown on SP, PO, PP, Bills during line item edit and logic has been added to correct this.
Fix Internal When viewing an RMA – Verified Date and Received Date >> It shows the next day’s date instead of current date.
Fix Internal Fixed the SP line item dialog scrollbar issue
New Feature Internal Users will now have the ability to apply up to 250  items with attributes at the same time. This is a increase from 100 items.
Warehouse & Technical
Status Tasks Description
New Feature 4498 IQ reseller now has all missing Smart post servers.
New Feature 3038 UPS no longer require zip code for third party for some accounts and added a validation within shipping to allow this.
Fix 3652 Corrected the Inventory Actions. Comments Current column displays “Y” when the Inventory record is in the Inventory History list.
Fix 3686 Under the Action Table in inventory, the date/time fields are now being consistently updated with the users local date/time. Work is still being handled within the system to bring this change to all areas within IQ.
New Feature 4340 New 4×2 label option to allow users to pick 5 headers and 1 header will be headerless.
Fix 4447 Corrected the inventory breakdown to now use highlighted item instead of the marked one.
Fix 4472 Added an option on the commercial invoice Print setup to “Show EORI number” when “NA” format is chosen.
Fix 4485 Corrected the warehouse default in PO to now match the warehouse from Master Item.
New Feature 4497 Added a new 3×1 label to match older versions of IQ.
Fix 4507 Workflow attribute bug is now fixed and will save all values to the label when a user clicks save from the workflow process page.
New Feature 4531 Created a new 4×1 header less label to add more space for data to show on the label.
Fix Internal Under the PO Receive Screen, Serial Number Focus will now remain when serial number is empty.
Fix Internal Corrected under the  PO Received, Summarized items  to now show correct mfg. and item number that has serial numbers to display correctly.
Fix Internal New PO (from Breakdown) used broken down items’ received date for new items and it will now use the date of the item that was removed from the breakdown.
Fix Internal Corrected the Inventoryid to now update when used in breakdowninventoryid field after breakdown.
Fix Internal Fixed the condition code drop down from not refreshing in the workflow process page.
Fix Internal Changed the code with loading of attributes and cycle count to allow for faster load times
API & Integrated Apps
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4542 API Receive Inventory – Reserved Inventory’s Serial number, Warehouse and Location have now been updated in the SO line items.
New Feature 3610 Bills update API endpoint.
New Feature 4491 New Feature API to allow users to insert and create a substitute in the IQR database.
New Feature 4501 API has now been added to read and write to the UDF’s in the Sale’s Order page.
Mobile App
View Master Item Table (NEW) July 2023
   •  Allow users to view available qty of an item and all condition codes, plus able to see avg cost of items under each condition.
   •  User can see what type of master item they are viewing, CLEI, Bulk and Non-Inventory.
   •  Able to see Item number, MFG, Description and Ext. Description.
Create Sale’s Order’s (NEW) July 2023
   •  Allows users to create new sales orders to be picked right from the app.
   •  Select the CV Code, REP code, and change Contact, Ship From and Ship to addresses from the app.
   •  Allows you to add items to a OPEN sales order, add QTY and unit price.


May 30, 2023 By – IQReseller

Sales and Purchasing
Status Tasks Description
New Feature 4501 Increasing the UDF space from 35 characters to 100 on SO’s


January 27, 2023 – By IQ Honcho

Accounting and Administration
TaskTask DescriptionFeature
4435Avalara Tax API unavailability caused invoice Ledger posting issue and is now fixed to always allow posting.Fix
3751Ledger detail will now be sorted on print, and PDF by the  first   account number, then by the date.Fix
3803Add Reference Field to Invoices New Credits.New Enhancement
4305Added option to default the contact info into the bill to address on SO and invoice tables.Fix
4311Print check will now the contact name and address from the bill’s remit to addressFix
4321Open Customer Prepayment – Convert to Client Credit Memo is now allowed.New Enhancement
4322IQ now allows the use of all of the reference from apply payment to GL trans description.Fix
4329SO totals had not always updated when a misc charge is on the SQ/SP.Fix
4331When changing  the rep on a bill after tabbing out of the rep field  stopped once the billed was paid manually.  This has been corrected.Fix
4332When using IQ Pay, sometimes the cash account would should 1000-00Fix
4334Internal logic for the apinvoicedetail ID had the wrong value in the company last ID table as it not updated after last line was added to a bill.Fix
4335When a Bill is created that contains a cash account, and then the Bill is Voided, the voided transaction does not show up in the Bank ReconciliationFix
4348The bill to address on early invoice was not getting  updated with CVCODE’s “bill to” when client cvcode on SO was changed.Fix
4350Correct the issues for when bulk items that are split onto a new inventory id had  not been  coping the inventory attributes.Fix
4354Add a filter box for ledger transactions to search who it was created by.New Enhancement
4356Export from ledger transaction list after filter is applied does not export to excel the resultsFix
4357When the  inventory item was removed from the PO  its PTID changed to 0.00Fix
4360In certain situation the  bank deposit failed to post to general ledger transaction.Fix
4361Fixed and correct when the ledger transaction did not total in all lines of the session.Fix
4362PO Receive Item not generating a Bill when Purchase Cost is updated in the Receive Screen.Fix
4371Inventory Cost change methods creates different Ledger Reference.Fix
4379When a user was using the Avalara calculate tax button on SP and SO  in random times it was inconsistent when freight on SP or SO was added.Fix
4384Zero amount for  Credit Memos from a Return needed to Paid in Full date and Commission Date, it has been corrected to allow this logic to happen.Fix
4410We now allow the choice of SO or PO on manual JE ledger transactions using accounts with margin type E.New Enhancement
4411In v42 IQ added the ability to have a  warehouse filter to the inventory write down selection screen.New Enhancement
Internal QACreate SO via Attribute search is failed and it has been corrected to allowed search for all types of Attribute.Fix
FixWhen a user copied a SO it will now have the Avatax values from the existing SO that it was copied from.Fix
FixCredit Invoice created from Return had used Avatax value of  zero and this has been corrected.Fix
FixAvalara Freight tax-code was creating duplication when copied. Fixed on SP, SO and Invoices.Fix
FixIn View of the PO, after changing the purchase cost and try invoking any buttons on the header, it throws invalid message “Please select a record”. This error has been fixed.Fix
FixOptimization of procedure within IQ when invoicing SO’s to load quicker.Fix
FixEnabled the  Colorado retail delivery tax handling when using Avalara.Fix
Sales and Purchasing
TaskTask DescriptionFeature
2359Buildup dialog – On the Available Inventory list, the PO search was not working.Fix
2755Add ability to apply INVENTORY ATTRIBUTES to the MASTER ITEM and INHERIT ATTRIBUTES when Inventory is added to PO. Click the link to learn how to use this: Enhancement
3122Schedule Shipment error when a SO has an item with a status = “Return In Process”Fix
3478Update Return comments on SO detail to include the PO-line & inventory ID of the item is returned.Fix
3622The system allows two mfgrs to be created with same spelling, one in all upper and one in all lower, this was fixed to only allow one mfg..Fix
3751Ledger detail will now be sorted on print, and pdf first by the account number, then by the date.Fix
3796Couldn’t  add a category and have it saved, if the mfg.  was not saved first.Fix
3803Add Reference Field to Invoices New Credits.New Enhancement
3971Bills with voided date after the end date of the aging report will now appear on the as of aging report.passed
4031Updated the logic to stop duplicate mfg. from being allowed.passed
4033The subject on emails with same format as the pdf as the name creation.passed
4055Added new logic to make the warehouse inactive so it cannot be applied to any master item, inventory item, shipment, PO, SO.Fix
4196Add customer PO number and SO number to the ship screen.New Enhancement
4232SO Ship To address updated to prompt to update all shipments or not when a address update is made on the order.Fix
4244The. Material Lists that was auto added was not adding when converting a SQ to SO.Fix
4272Added 30 UDF fields to Master Items: Enhancement
4285Added a inventory condition column in Returns, click here to learn more; Enhancement
4286Easily added missing SO items to a return. Click here to learn more: Enhancement
4305Added a option to default the contact info into the bill to address on the SO and invoice table.New Enhancement
4307Now able to map and import “estimated sale price” on inventory import and import update.New Enhancement
4308Fixed mapping errors when using. inventory update/import to map to original unit cost.Fix
4311Print check must will now use the  contact name and address from the bill’s remit to address.Fix
4315Add email Column in CV Contacts page.New Enhancement
4321When opening Customer Prepayment  you can Convert to Client Credit Memo.New Enhancement
4324Added a setting under the setup of  blind drop ship and when this setup is marked, the addresses will match on commercial invoice for blind drop shipments.New Enhancement
4329SO totals not always updated when a misc. charge is on the SQ/SPFix
4331When changing the rep on a bill after tabbing out of the rep field allow this to happen up  unit the point the manual bill is paid.Fix
4337The tabs “price and cost” and “More” fields are not updated when “jump substitute” button is clicked on the “substitute” tab.Fix
4343Reports > Inventory > Master Item – Manufacturer was difficult to select and was corrected.Fix
4345SO Schedule Shipment was not saving Signature Field.Fix
4353Users can now add serial numbers on the import screen when importing SO’s and it will now reserve the items to the SO.New Enhancement
4362When PO receive Item of an item was happening  at times it was  not generating a bill when Purchase Cost is updated in the Receive Screen.Fix
4364When there was a period or semicolon at end of notification email address it was causing  SO’s  to not be viewable.Fix
4365Added prepayment column on the Purchase orders list.Fix
4370Added a comment to internal comments that when a PO was emailed by the user it will give a time stable of when that emailed.Fix
4372Pick list now has a option to not be blind on when  processing a order that is a blind shipmentFix
4380Added a access right to View a PO only.New Enhancement
4383Turned on the ability to  “show build up and part add” on picklist.New Enhancement
4399Invalid email in the notification email field on shipments prevents other tabs to be viewed on SO of the shipment.Fix
4411Added warehouse filter to the inventory write down selection screen.New Enhancement
4418Updated the master item view access  to now  give the user the ability to move to next page on price history tab or inventory tab.Fix
4438SO Return on partial inventory – Returned inventory record is deleted from ‘inventorybulkallocation’ table when it should notFix
Fix Sales Proposal Export to Excel was not exporting.Fix
EnhancementSO Line Item Add OptimizationNew Enhancement
EnhancementUpdated the pick list to always show the  barcode of the SO number on the normal pick list.New Enhancement
EnhancementCreate SO via Attribute search had failed at times and is now fixed.Fix
EnhancementMaster item list performance optimization, load times have increased to load 2-3 seconds faster.New Enhancement
SO InvoiceOptimization of procedure for SO to invoice to be quicker.passed
EnhancementMaster Item view now has  the applied bootstrap design to that page.passed
Warehouse and Inventory
TaskTask DescriptionFeature
2359Buildup dialog – On the Available Inventory list, the PO search was not working.Fix
2755Add ability to apply INVENTORY ATTRIBUTES to the MASTER ITEM and INHERIT ATTRIBUTES when Inventory is added to PO. Click the link to learn how to use this: Enhancement
3122Schedule Shipment error when a SO has an item with a status = “Return In Process”Fix
3478Update Return comments on SO detail to include the PO-line & inventory ID of the item is returned.Fix
3622The system allows two mfgrs to be created with same spelling, one in all upper and one in all lower, this was fixed to only allow one mfg..Fix
3751Ledger detail will now be sorted on print, and pdf first by the account number, then by the date.Fix
3796Couldn’t  add a category and have it saved, if the mfg.  was not saved first.Fix
3803Add Reference Field to Invoices New Credits.New Enhancement
3971Bills with voided date after the end date of the aging report will now appear on the as of aging report.passed
4031Updated the logic to stop duplicate mfg. from being allowed.passed
4033The subject on emails with same format as the pdf as the name creation.passed
4055Added new logic to make the warehouse inactive so it cannot be applied to any master item, inventory item, shipment, PO, SO.Fix
4196Add customer PO number and SO number to the ship screen.New Enhancement
4232SO Ship To address updated to prompt to update all shipments or not when a address update is made on the order.Fix
4244The. Material Lists that was auto added was not adding when converting a SQ to SO.Fix
4272Added 30 UDF fields to Master Items: Enhancement
4285Added a inventory condition column in Returns, click here to learn more; Enhancement
4286Easily added missing SO items to a return. Click here to learn more: Enhancement
4305Added a option to default the contact info into the bill to address on the SO and invoice table.New Enhancement
4307Now able to map and import “estimated sale price” on inventory import and import update.New Enhancement
4308Fixed mapping errors when using. inventory update/import to map to original unit cost.Fix
4311Print check must will now use the  contact name and address from the bill’s remit to address.Fix
4315Add email Column in CV Contacts page.New Enhancement
4321When opening Customer Prepayment  you can Convert to Client Credit Memo.New Enhancement
4324Added a setting under the setup of  blind drop ship and when this setup is marked, the addresses will match on commercial invoice for blind drop shipments.New Enhancement
4329SO totals not always updated when a misc. charge is on the SQ/SPFix
4331When changing the rep on a bill after tabbing out of the rep field allow this to happen up  unit the point the manual bill is paid.Fix
4337The tabs “price and cost” and “More” fields are not updated when “jump substitute” button is clicked on the “substitute” tab.Fix
4343Reports > Inventory > Master Item – Manufacturer was difficult to select and was corrected.Fix
4345SO Schedule Shipment was not saving Signature Field.Fix
4353Users can now add serial numbers on the import screen when importing SO’s and it will now reserve the items to the SO.New Enhancement
4362When PO receive Item of an item was happening  at times it was  not generating a bill when Purchase Cost is updated in the Receive Screen.Fix
4364When there was a period or semicolon at end of notification email address it was causing  SO’s  to not be viewable.Fix
4365Added prepayment column on the Purchase orders list.Fix
4370Added a comment to internal comments that when a PO was emailed by the user it will give a time stable of when that emailed.Fix
4372Pick list now has a option to not be blind on when  processing a order that is a blind shipmentFix
4380Added a access right to View a PO only.New Enhancement
4383Turned on the ability to  “show build up and part add” on picklist.New Enhancement
4399Invalid email in the notification email field on shipments prevents other tabs to be viewed on SO of the shipment.Fix
4411Added warehouse filter to the inventory write down selection screen.New Enhancement
4418Updated the master item view access  to now  give the user the ability to move to next page on price history tab or inventory tab.Fix
4438SO Return on partial inventory – Returned inventory record is deleted from ‘inventorybulkallocation’ table when it should notFix
Fix Sales Proposal Export to Excel was not exporting.Fix
EnhancementSO Line Item Add OptimizationNew Enhancement
EnhancementUpdated the pick list to always show the  barcode of the SO number on the normal pick list.New Enhancement
EnhancementCreate SO via Attribute search had failed at times and is now fixed.Fix
EnhancementMaster item list performance optimization, load times have increased to load 2-3 seconds faster.New Enhancement
SO InvoiceOptimization of procedure for SO to invoice to be quicker.passed
EnhancementMaster Item view now has  the applied bootstrap design to that page.passed
API & Integrated Apps
TaskTask DescriptionFeature
4435- API Avalara Tax API unavailability caused invoice Ledger posting issue, this has been corrected.New Feature
4369 – APIAPI endpoints which can be filtered by CV code on  inventory and inventory history.New Feature
4414 – APIShipment API – Update Delivery StatusNew Feature
4415 – APIExtend the Get Shipments API – Add new parameter to fetch the data using Scheduled ship date rangeNew Feature
New API FeatureIn  Get Master ItemAPI, in the output response, get the non-inventory field and Max available field detailsNew Feature
4272 – APIAPI added for the 30 new UDFs added to the master items.New Feature


August 5, 2022 – By IQ reseller

Accounting & Administration
Task Description Type
1346 PO Prepayment of foreign currency we were displaying the currency exchange rate dialog pop up. This is removed as the Prepayment is completed at the existing currency conversion rate. Fix
3067 Ledger Journal Entry import from Excel. Great for payroll entries and other situations where you have multiple entries to make in one shot. New Feature
3538 Admin > Comments Admin format now respects the line spacing formatting you have entered. Enhancement
3563 Inactive users are not included in the Rep field for Open Invoice with Aging Report Enhancement
3700 Admin > Manage Company Credit Cards – Added Card Delete function. Enhancement
3772 User with Master Item View Access Right was blocked using Jump to Substitute function. Now they can use it. Fix
3814 In some cases a duplicate inventoryid would get created in inventory matching one in inventory history. Fix
3896 In rare specific situation a user could VOID a payment twice or Pay a Bill twice. Fix
3898 Future ledger entries were showing in prior month’s closed bank reconciliation in Excel. Fix
3921 In rare instances printing check for Bill was creating 2 ledger sessions for posting. Fix
3964 Bulk inventory type only on a RMA return. When 2 separate lines on a SO were Sold of the same item and Reserved of the same Bulk Item lot (which shared the same inventoryid) and both lines were returned; the RMA would fail. Fix
3968 Open Bills with Aging Report AND selecting option Exclude Bills with No Vendor Bill Number OR Only Bills with No Vendor Bill Number the report would fail with message “no records” Fix
4006 Marketplace Payment File Import to pay Ecommerce sales invoices from file from any market place like Amazon or Ebay or Backmarket, New Egg etc. New Feature
4038 Multi-select several AR credit memos to convert to a Bill. Then unselect more than 1. System would not respect all the unchecked and would create a Bill for 1 that was unselected. Fix
4062 RMA Return for Credit Only was returning Bulk Type Inventory items to inventory; when they should go to History. Fix
4072 Cost averaging for all inventory.  This was made for an IQ reseller user which does only computer maintenance and wanted all parts to be cost averaged by condition code. It is all or nothing in that when you enabled it in Admin > System Setup > Inventory; all items will be cost averaged. New Feature
4075 Removed the “upload from posted session” from ledger transaction new screen as it was confusing users to think they could upload a file of ledger transactions. They got their wish and in V41 we added the file upload function to create ledger transactions. Fix
4152 IQ reseller Pay. Added column to show the Card Brand, VISA, AMEX, MasterCard etc. Fix
4156 Affected Chrome browser UK users only. Miscellaneous Invoice with Chrome Language set to English (United Kingdom) was displaying Month/Day instead of Day /Month. Fix
4201 View Cash Receipts Journal screen VOIDED tick box was unchecked when payment was VOIDED. Now it shows both VOIDED and Un-voided payments properly. Fix
4220 Added the AP prepaymentID to the ledger transaction when posting the prepayment for enhanced transaction auditing. Format: PREPAYMENT 3171 ET 294314  where 3171 is the prepayment ID and 294314 is the reference field. Fix
4222 Arrange SO List View List Grid columns anywhere you want! Enhancement
4229 Margin Summary Report “Other Cost” section is showing AR Invoice line as unpaid even when invoice is paid. This did not affect the accuracy of the report as it was shown on the Paid report. Fix
4230 In some cases companylastid for soid was getting updated when Admin > System Setup is viewed creating an incorrect last id sequence. Fix
4233 Invalid Ledge date entry did not permit the user to hit OK and change the date it required a full screen refresh. Fix
4251 Avalara AVATAX Setup.Added in the Tax category headers which now includes all Tax Categories for use. Enhancement
4252 Barcode Reserve on SO was not triggering Margin Share calculations for Buyer and seller when inventory-id was scanned. Manual Reserves were unaffected. Fix
4257 Change session date takes 20 to 30 seconds to update to new date. FIXED in production May 24th. Fix
4262 Added APIs for financial dashboard data Like – Profit and Loss and comparison over time. Dashboards coming shortly from IQ or you can create your own. New Feature
4263 Paid Commission Report API for dashboards. IQ dashboard coming soon or create your own. New Feature
4265 If user VOIDS a Bill then deletes a line from voided Bill, a ledger transaction was made for the deletion of the line. Fix
4266 AP open aging report. Since we added the user defined payment methods in V40 we now have updated the AP aging report to sort by Payment Method if desired. Now you can have payment method ACH and sort to find all ACH payments due. Enhancement
4267 Bills Payment Date format when using UK English is showing Month/Day instead of D/M on an international system. Fix
4270 Invoices appearing in Invoices Aging report that should not be there. This could make the Aging report not match the Balance sheet in specific situations. The underlying financial data was correct the report was not. Fix
4275 IQ reseller Pay.  Card on File capture for International cards no need to require a state value. Makes processing intl cards easier. Enhancement
4278 In rare instance Credit applied to arinvoice not posting to general ledger. Revised the coding to eliminate any possibility. Fix
4279 Bank Reconciliation handling of AP prepayment balance and credit invoices cleared date. New logic insures the entries appear in the correct manner in the bank reconciliation. Fix
4280 Avalara Avatax users only. When Admin > System Setup > Ledger is set to “Post on Document Date” that date is now being sent to Avalara instead of the current date. Fix
4281 Invoice and Bill view. When international user the date format for Due Date was set with wrong date format. Fix
4283 Bank reconciliation fixed a couple issues that caused entries to appear twice in specific instance. Fix
4294 Added page size options for 250 and 500 lines for the Invoice view screen. Great for high volume resellers. Enhancement
4296 Added VOID reason for Bills.  Now when you VOID the Bill it prompts for a reason. Enhancement
4298 Blind Commercial Invoice option. Now you can remove your name from the Commercial Invoice that would normally print in the Upper right hand corner. Enhancement
4300 IQ reseller GlobalShip. When Blind Shipment is selected. The Reference 1 and 2 values used to be blank. Now we populate the SOID and Client PO ID. The Shipment label is still blind. This change makes it easier when the Billing arrived from FedEx and UPS to track it to the SO. Enhancement
4306 Added option to copy internal comments from PO to internal comments of Bill(s) created from the PO. New Feature
Change request Changed Logic when Reserving Bulk type items to split the bulk value for that SO and give its own inventoryid. This improves things later on Return events. Fix
Optimization. Optimized the Inventory Write-down scripts to run faster allowing up to 3000 items to be executed at one time without timeout. Enhancement
Sales and Purchasing
1071Master Item Inactive selection. IQ reseller has customers that have been on the platform for over 15 and over 20 years.  They have hundreds of Master items that will no longer be used in a new transaction.  This feature allows them to make the item inactive so it cannot be used in new transactions.New Feature
3538Admin > Comments Admin format now respects the line spacing formatting you have entered.

4008Copy PO Function will not copy location anymore from the origin PO. It uses the Master Item default location for the item.Fix
4141IQ reseller Maxlist. Added a Sync button at the item.  So any item can be re-synced to reset the qty or availability.Enhancement
4172IQ reseller Globalship. Added “Signature Required” option.Enhancement
4208Added vendor code to SO Reserve screen. This is important for users which are Cisco certified resellers to know when the product being reserved is from a Cisco direct PO and not the secondary market. Feature
4215SO Contract Comments with &or # cause the fatal restart IQ reseller error page.Fix
4222Arrange SO List View List Grid columns anywhere you want!
4246SO Margin Summary View is working when user did not have permission.Fix
4252Barcode Reserve on SO was not triggering Margin Share calculations for Buyer and Seller when inventoryid was scanned. Manual Reserves were unaffected.Fix
4260In rare case when user had SO open in one tab and invoicing in another a prepayment could be done on the SO via IQ reseller Pay.Fix
4275IQ reseller Pay.  Card on File capture for International cards no need to require a state value. Makes processing intl cards easier.Enhancement
4277SO detail Reference field is now being replicated to all lines when quantity of SO line is greater than 1 and expanded upon Reserve.Enhancement
4298Blind Commercial Invoice option. Now you can remove your name from the Commercial Invoice that would normally print in the Upper right hand corner.Enhancement
4299Added Print Packing List and Pick list option in the Shipments screen of the SO.

4300IQ reseller GlobalShip. When Blind Shipment is selected. The Reference 1 and 2 values used to be blank. Now we populate the SOID and Client PO ID. The Shipment label is still blind. This change makes it easier when the Billing arrived from FedEx and UPS to track it to the SO.Enhancement
4303Edit Inventory Description in Bulk Changes. Now you can mark many inventory items and update description for all.

New Feature
Optimization.When viewing a particular Master Item we optimized performance to pop screen in under 2 seconds vs 10 to 15 seconds.Enhancement
Warehouse & Technical
3538Admin > Comments Admin format now respects the line spacing formatting you have entered.

3816An ampersand (&) in the Inventory Comments field caused an error.Fix
3845Master Item import when item description was over the allowed 60 characters this prevented any master items from being imported. Now it skips the offending line and loops to the next.  Report card will tell you what lines need change.Fix
3964Bulk inventory type only on a RMA return. When 2 separate lines on a SO were Sold of the same item and Reserved of the same Bulk Item lot (which shared the same inventoryid) and both lines were returned; the RMA would fail.Fix
4189RMA Partial Return of a Bulk Type item only. Inventory item returned but did not appear in the inventory list. Now it does.Fix
4222Arrange SO List View List Grid columns anywhere you want!
4231SO Right click “Time stamp” cursor change for comment text to post each time stamp in its own line and not from end of prior time stamp. Much improved readability!Enhancement
4234SO Reserve Screen default page size changed from 15 to 50.Enhancement
4238Add attachments to Inventory item via drag and drop or selection.
4240Pick List no longer printed by Location in non summary mode. FIXED May 11 in Production for all users.Fix
4250Inventory comments ID can duplicate causing issues. 
4258Inventory User defined Field multi-select change. Now you can select hundreds of items and change any Inventory User Defined field value in one shot. Used to be 1 at a time.
4271When using Generic Shipping process flow Ship to Phone is no longer required field. Speeds up order processing.Enhancement
4288Ampersand in the attribute value field in inventory attribute table does not allow item with that attribute to be updated.Fix
4299Added Print Packing List and Pick list option in the Shipments screen of the SO.

4300IQ reseller GlobalShip. When Blind Shipment is selected. The Reference 1 and 2 values used to be blank. Now we populate the SOID and Client PO ID. The Shipment label is still blind. This change makes it easier when the Billing arrived from FedEx and UPS to track it to the SO.Enhancement
4301Added SO number to SO ship screen.

4303Edit Inventory Description in Bulk Changes. Now you can mark many inventory items and update description for all.

New Feature
ITAD workflow ScreenCondition code drop-down failed to load the next processing condition code after SaveFix
Optimization.When viewing a particular Master Item we optimized performance to pop screen in under 2 seconds vs 10 to 15 seconds.Enhancement


April 2, 2022  – By IQ Honcho

Accounting & Administration
3630When using Shared Margin between Buying and Selling Rep AND the System Setup option is to “prompt” the split screen to adjust margin share between Buyer and Seller.   Now when the Sale Price = 0 and or Unit cost = 0 the prompt will allow a Share to be inserted.  This means the Buyer can get proper value for equipment with a 0 cost due to inventory writedowns.  Previously you could do this in the Rep Margin share function only.ENHANCEMENT
3746Changed Access for CRM TASK’s so that if user has no access to Client Vendor they can still access Tasks.ENHANCEMENT
3923On Bills with a Vendor Prepayment, system was leaving an amount in Paid non Posted in he table.  However, the Ledger, Vendor Prepayment, Payments and all details indicated the full amount has been applied.FIXED
4043Expanded Bills page size to at least 200 per page.  This is a max number to maintain fast performance.ENHANCEMENT
4095We now automate the default SO ID when applying a New Credit to an Invoice saving a few clicks per line.ENHANCEMENT
4107Vendor preferred default payment method and visibility in the Bills list.  Also allows you to create your own Payment Methods to appear in the dropdown.   PayPal, ACH, Wire, Venmo, etc.NEW FEATURE
4150When user access was limited to  “Only see their own tasks”  they were unable to assign tasks to other users.
4158User with Admin > Access > Bills > Show Transactions of all Reps (unchecked) could not see their own Bills either.FIXED
4159Added CV name in the SO list view.ENHANCEMENT
4165Task notification background color changed to white.

4167Rep on items when using Bulk Breakdown was set to user doing the breakdown instead of the PO rep.   Should be the PO rep for proper commission tracking and write-downs.FIXED
4174Change Button from  “Convert Vendor Prepayment to Credit Invoice”  to “Vendor Credit Bill”    the resulting Bill generated says “Credit Invoice” as before.ENHANCEMENT
4186  On rare occasion companies could receive a “duplicate stdetail id”  shared between 2 SO’s which caused issues.FIXED
4195When changing a Bill Date and entering an Invalid Date, the system prompts you invalid date but then loops and does not move on.FIXED
4210Commercial Invoice Save LogicNEW FEATURE
4211Get Category1 in the Get SOs and Get POs APINEW FEATURE
4216Normalize PO Bill Amount and Paid Posted Amount – use same formatFIXED
4219Bills Payment and Credits Report now shows the prepayments entries in Print PDF and ExcelENHANCEMENT
Sales and Purchasing
1589SO Gross Margin field now shows correct margin.  Note that when products are not reserved the line cost used = $0  when SO is fully “Reserved” the actual costs are used in the Calculation.

3343Added an alert when a CVCode is entered into a SO with a duplicate Client PO number.ENHANCEMENT
3630When using Shared Margin between Buying and Selling Rep AND the System Setup option is to “prompt” the split screen to adjust margin share between Buyer and Seller.   Now when the Sale Price = 0 and or Unit cost = 0 the prompt will allow a Share to be inserted.  This means the Buyer can get proper value for equipment with a 0 cost due to inventory write-downs.  Previously you could do this in the Rep Margin share function only.ENHANCEMENT
3709Maxlist – new option to ignore master item pricing by condition code by inserting a price in the Maxlist items screen which will override the Master Item condition code pricing.ENHANCEMENT
3746Changed Access for CRM TASKs so that if user has no access to Client Vendor they can still access Tasks.ENHANCEMENT
4089 Added condition code column to cycle count menu.   Users can now see the condition in the system matches the item they are physically auditing.ENHANCEMENT
4093Aligned buttons to the left of SP menu.ENHANCEMENT
4103New 4×1 Inventory label format with location under description.ENHANCEMENT
4107Vendor preferred default payment method and visibility in the Bills list.  Also allows you to create your own Payment Methods to appear in the drop-down.   PayPal, ACH, Wire, Venmo, etc.NEW FEATURE
4138PO Update file action using the Inventory > Update function via .xlsx upload.  Previously when a user Mapped only Inventory ID and Location in the Inventory > Update function the resulting Inventory Action table audit trail showed the PO rep of record as the one that updated the item instead of the warehouse user that actually did the update.FIXED
4150When user access was limited to  “Only see their own tasks”  they were unable to assign tasks to other users.

4159Added CV name in the SO list view.ENHANCEMENT
4165Task notification background color changed to white.

4167Rep on items when using Bulk Breakdown was set to user doing the breakdown instead of the PO rep.   Should be the PO rep for proper commission tracking and write-downs.FIXED
4171 Auto-size Receive screen  based on monitor device resolution and settings.  Users will higher resolution will see more lines.  You can always use Ctrl + or – to see more or less data.ENHANCEMENT
4175PO additional information tab > User defined fields.   Now these fields are editable when PO is fully received.  Prior they were locked.ENHANCEMENT
4178PO Contract “Print Preview” Rep name would default to first name in the list instead of the PO Rep.FIXED
4186On rare occasion companies could receive a “duplicate STdetail id”  shared between 2 SOs which caused issues.FIXED
4187Maxlist > All Items Screen when filtering by Mfg and then deleting an item with the filter remaining in place the screen refresh did not retain the filter.   Now it does.ENHANCEMENT
4202Add “Open by”and “Sales Rep” to Return ScreenENHANCEMENT
4207Remove “include Zero- Quantity Items” from MaxlistENHANCEMENT
4211Get Category1 in the Get SOs and Get POs APINEW FEATURE
4212Margin Summary from SO List is showing Return items Sale Price – should be 0FIXED
Bootstrap UpdateSO ReserveENHANCEMENT
Workflow processENHANCEMENT
SO Commercial InvoiceENHANCEMENT
Bulk Part RemovalENHANCEMENT
Pick List setup screenENHANCEMENT
Pick List+ Setup screenENHANCEMENT
Return Verify screen and Close screenENHANCEMENT
        Brokerbin ItemsENHANCEMENT
Invoice -> Receive Payment -> Add Payment screenENHANCEMENT
Performance UpdateInventory -> Import -> New – Optimization done.  It now allows you to import up to 4000 lines ~ 1 minutesENHANCEMENT
NALocation length in PO Receive supports 25 chars whereas the actual location length is 20.  And this caused the string truncated issueFIXED
Warehouse and Inventory
3746Changed Access for CRM TASKs so that if user has no access to Client Vendor they can still access Tasks.ENHANCEMENT
4103New 4×1 Inventory label format with location under description.

4138PO Update file action using the Inventory > Update function via .xlsx upload.  Previously when a user Mapped only Inventory ID and Location in the Inventory > Update function the resulting Inventory Action table audit trail showed the PO rep of record as the one that updated the item instead of the warehouse user that actually did the update.FIXED
4150When user access was limited to  “Only see their own tasks”  they were unable to assign tasks to other users.

4165Task notification background color changed to white.

4171 Auto-size Receive screen  based on monitor device resolution and settings.  Users will higher resolution will see more lines.  You can always use Ctrl + or – to see more or less data.ENHANCEMENT
4175PO additional information tab > User defined fields.   Now these fields are editable when PO is fully received.  Prior they were locked.ENHANCEMENT
4185 Wider Invoiced > Receive payments screen > now shows the whole “Fees Shortages” function field added in V39.ENHANCEMENT
4187Maxlist > All Items Screen when filtering by Mfg and then deleting an item with the filter remaining in place the screen refresh did not retain the filter.   Now it does.ENHANCEMENT
4192Pick List print Grouping by Item and Warehouse Location did not group correctly.FIXED
4194Return  with 1 line. Then you mark the line as “Remove from return” in the verify/test screen and the screen locked.  NowFIXED
4207Remove “include Zero- Quantity Items” from MaxlistENHANCEMENT
Bootstrap UpdateSO ReserveENHANCEMENT
Workflow processENHANCEMENT
SO Commercial InvoiceENHANCEMENT
Bulk Part RemovalENHANCEMENT
Pick List setup screenENHANCEMENT
Pick List+ Setup screenENHANCEMENT
Return Verify screen and Close screenENHANCEMENT
        Brokerbin ItemsENHANCEMENT
Invoice -> Receive Payment -> Add Payment screenENHANCEMENT


January 26, 2022 – By IQ Honcho
Accounting & Administration
UI EnhancementDynamic screen autosize based on screen resolution and percentage selected.  Dynamically additional records are shown on the screen and if you use Ctrl key with + the screen will resize with a larger font and less data.  Or use Ctrl – to increase data shown.   Many customers have asked for this feature to show more inventory lines more POs in a list etc.NEW
QB SyncQB Sync Issue: The length of the item+mfgr+description exceeding a specific length would prevent the sync completing.  Fixed  in Production in November.FIXED
3219Ledger Lock  changes:  1. Viewing Bill line detail  was prevented in a Locked period.   That has been relaxed so you can view Bill line detail with no “unlock” first message.   2. When attempting to make a Bill taxable in a Locked period you were blocked correctly from marking it taxable.  However after unlocked and then marking it taxable the taxes posted in the current session date.  That has been changed to create the tax entry using the Bill date.ENHANCEMENT
3914EORI number printing enhancement for European IQ reseller users only.  EORI stands for “Economic Operators Registration and Identification number”.
Businesses wishing to do business in the EU must use the EORI number as an identification number in all customs procedures when exchanging information with Customs administrations.   Old Logic:  EORI number was stored as 1 record with the Client Vendor (CV) record. This number would then appear on Commercial invoice.  New Logic:  You can enter an EORI number for each contact listed in a CV record so different EORI numbers can be used in the Commercial Invoice for  the Shipper, Consignee, and Importer of Records.  By default IQ reseller will use each Contact EORI  for the Shipper, Consignee and Importer of Record. If one is not present it will use the Main CV record EORI number to print the Commercial invoice.
3903SO Partially applied Prepayment change.  Old logic:  SO Prepayment Ledger Entries convert to AR Ledger account entries for the value of each SO line invoiced.  The Prepayment Ledger account is different than the AR Ledger account.   If later the Prepayment is VOIDED in its entirety it was incorrectly updating the AR Ledger Account for the value of both Prepayment and Invoiced Payment which then caused the wrong account account to be updated with the full amount.  This was never an issue if the prepayment was voided before any partial invoicing of the product.   New logic:  When VOIDing a SO Prepayment that is partially invoiced.  Ledger entries are made to the SO Prepayment account for the portion of the SO not invoiced.  Any invoiced SO lines update the AR Ledger account.   This corrects the issue.   Example:  An SO for $1000 value with a $1000 Prepayment.  $300 is invoiced and $700 is not.  When the Prepayment is VOIDED at that moment.   Your Cash Account used for the payment (typically 1010) will Decrease by $1000 and AR Ledger account will increase by $300 and Prepayment account will decrease by $700.FIXED
3923PO receive flow internal code design change.   Users will see no difference.  The code change makes the design resilient to concurrent  situations:  Example: Two users access same inventory item from a PO and update the record and receive it.  The first users actions were overridden by the second user.  This could also create a situation on Prepayment PO’s where an amount might show in the “Paid Not Posted” field of the AP invoice table. However the Ledger, Vendor Prepayment  and Payments tables indicate the full amount has been paid.FIXED
3978Inventory.  Removed the possibility for a physical inventory item to have a negative value.   Non-inventory type Master items can still have a negative value.FIXED
3979Check printing.  Eliminated the possibility of printing a negative amount check from a credit AP (Bills) Invoice.FIXED
4042When tax is removed from an invoice the “Paid in full” date was not updated even though invoice was fully paid.FIXED
4096Fee Shortages in Receive Payments now works correctly when you see the prompt to enter Fee-Shortage Account we expanded the screen to see the whole account. In addition the entered Fee could go to 0 when saved.  This is a very handy feature for quickly entering shortages from customer payments due to a wire fee or short pay due to damage or missing components or a Credit Card fee.FIXED
4100Users can now re-open a Closed bank reconciliation from the past.FIXED
4105View invoice > Payment history view.   Service Fees from Receive Payments incorrectly.   Only the view was incorrect all the underlying accounting was correct in the Ledger.FIXED
4111Situation where freight line added to a existing invoice  where a rounding method caused a .002 difference from base amount and foreign amount fields even when done in base currency. Then invoice which was Paid did not show as paid due to the fractional penny.FIXED
4112Receive payments CV lookup was showing inactive Cvcode.  Corrected now Inactive CV does not show.FIXED
4113Bank reconciliation issue.  If a reconciliation is opened and some of the work completed and then saved but not closed.  Then a payment is made within that date range it did not update the ledger account balance for that Bill payment.  This is nowFIXED
4117Customer Prepayments made via IQ reseller Pay Credit card Processing  Refund button was inactive. Fixed in production in December.FIXED
4125Copy Bill was also copying bill receive date. Not anymore.FIXED
4129Customer Statement now ignores from and to Client fields when selecting All Clients and email function.  This prevents accidentally emailing a single client other clients statements.  You will need to deselect ALL to send a statement to a single client.FIXED
4130Should not be able to change a date on invoice or bill when doing so will do ledger entries prior to the Ledger lock date.  Prior to this fix you could change the date on an existing invoice or bill;  even if you could not create a new one.FIXED
4145Advance replacement SO created from an SO Return did not update properly with the Avatax calculated amount. NowFIXED
4148Reports – SO – Sales margin report Note wording edited.  Note – Estimated Costs are used for SO detail lines that are not reserved or invoiced.FIXED
4027On occasion organizations want to override the default margin share for a particular SO for a variety of reasons.   Feature granted to a user in  Admin > Access > Sales >  Enable Rep Share Tool.  How to use:  Navigate to Sell > Margin Rep Share.  The grid will appear with the sold items in it and the respective margins the user can easily  redistribute the share on any single item or all items quickly and easily prior to invoicing.   Once invoiced the Rep Share cannot be changed.   Certain organizations review the Shipped Orders from the Reserved SO list tab with a filter on Ship status column = Shipped.   The owner or manager or accounting department then reviews the margin Share and can change just before invoicing.

4116SO > Commercial Invoice > Show SO User Defined Field 3 value in the Commercial invoice header details.  This allows our customers to have “user defined” field data appear on Commercial invoices if desired.NEW
4132API endpoint to get the commercial Invoice report as XML and JSON format for an SO.NEW
Sales and Purchasing
UI EnhancementDynamic screen autosize based on screen resolution and percentage selected.  Dynamically additional records are shown on the screen and if you use Ctrl key with + the screen will resize with a larger font and less data.  Or use Ctrl – to increase data shown.   Many customers have asked for this feature to show more inventory lines more POs in a list etc.NEW
4154Maxlist changes.
1. Added Mfgr mapping to match with Broker Bin mfg list.
2. Send Now > Name changed to “Sync All”.  Logic we re-sync items to BrokerBin.
3. One way substitute had an issue of updating the Qty to the parent item.
4. If the Condition Code was mapped to a BrokerBin qualified Condition code, the Qty wasn’t updating properly in the Broker Bin portal when the qty of item reduced.
5. Substitute checkbox and BrokerBin checkbox columns are set as non-editable, since they are tied to the parent item. Unchecking the parent will remove the subs as well.
3923PO receive flow internal code design change.   Users will see no difference.  The code change makes the design resilient to concurrent  situations:  Example: Two users access same inventory item from a PO and update the record and receive it.  The first users actions were overridden by the second user.  This could also create a situation on Prepayment PO’s where an amount might show in the “Paid Not Posted” field of the AP invoice table. However the Ledger, Vendor Prepayment  and Payments tables indicate the full amount has been paid.FIXED
4007Maxlist does not resend item to BrokerBin when quantity goes from 0 to greater than 0.    Example:  Item is on BrokerBin with a quantity and the item sells out and qty avail = 0;  later a new Receipt of that item raises qty above 0.  Item will now reappear automatically on BrokerBin without any user intervention.FIXED
4087Only occurs when when printing Blind Shipment packing list WITHOUT a IQ reseller Globalship scheduled shipment.   In that case the first level SO customer name  was printing in upper right hand corner of Packing List instead of the designated Ship From.   Blind and double blind scheduled shipment packing lists were always correct.FIXED
4110V38 Upgrade caused the PO import to fail.  This was fixed Nov 9, 2021.FIXED
4117Customer Prepayments made via IQ reseller Pay Credit card Processing  Refund button was inactive. Fixed in production in December.FIXED
4126Creating an SO from an SP adds comments and cuts off others.FIXED
4135Summary format serial numbers were incorrect on Picklist.FIXED
4145Advance replacement SO created from an SO Return did not update properly with the Avatax calculated amount. NowFIXED
4148Reports – SO – Sales margin report Note wording edited.  Note – Estimated Costs are used for SO detail lines that are not reserved or invoiced.FIXED
4027On occasion, organizations want to override the default margin share for a particular SO for a variety of reasons.   Feature granted to a user in  Admin > Access > Sales >  Enable Rep Share Tool.  How to use:  Navigate to Sell > Margin Rep Share.  The grid will appear with the sold items in it and the respective margins the user can easily  redistribute the share on any single item or all items quickly and easily prior to invoicing.   Once invoiced the Rep Share cannot be changed.   Certain organizations review the Shipped Orders from the Reserved SO list tab with a filter on Ship status column = Shipped.   The owner or manager or accounting department then reviews the margin Share and can change just before invoicing.

4048Maxlist Last Update not new records a timestamp which is useful for diagnosing issues.NEW
4071Maxlist functionality rewritten to use BrokerBin’s latest REST API technology.  The REST API logic should be more resilient when making updates at BrokerBin compared to their original SOAP method.  This is because BrokerBin had logic restricting the volume of updates per second from a single IP address which was required by each Maxlist user to enter in their RTI registration at BrokerBin.   The REST technology eliminates that limiter.NEW
4080Added ability to scan outgoing product serials in the SO screen.  Perfect for high volume low value product where its final disposition is to be scrapped or may be sold, saving the effort of scanning serials into IQ reseller or printing a label.  See video how to use:
4090PO Receive > Items to Receive tab    Inventory description can now be edited in the grid overriding the default master item description.   IQ reseller automation with erasure and diagnostic software have always updated changes automatically.NEW
4098Client Vendor Select screen redesigned to add searchable address fields.NEW
4116SO > Commercial Invoice > Show SO User Defined Field 3 value in the Commercial invoice header details.  This allows our customers to have “user defined” field data appear on Commercial invoices if desired.NEW
4121Added Quality control boxes to Pick list to identify who Picked, Packed, Verified and Shipped order.NEW
4123System Setup > Order Processing > Added a user defined field (UDF) as checkbox control for the Shipping Log screen in Order processing.  This can be used to have someone Approve shipments or for other reasons.NEW
4128Company Mask Feature.   Allows you Sell Ship Invoice and Return product using different business name address and logo.   This is perfect for resellers using multiple web stores or business DBA’s “doing business as”.  All customer facing documents are created using the “Company Mask” chosen at the point of sale.NEW
4141Maxlist List > Added a Sync button. This helps to re-sync a Maxlist item to BrokerBin, if failed by any means.NEW
Warehouse, Technical, Order Processing
UI EnhancementDynamic screen autosize based on screen resolution and percentage selected.  Dynamically additional records are shown on the screen and if you use Ctrl key with + the screen will resize with a larger font and less data.  Or use Ctrl – to increase data shown.   Many customers have asked for this feature to show more inventory lines more POs in a list etc.NEW
4022Eliminated the possibility of a duplicate inventoryID being created.  In rare events when multiple users were receiving multiple items from the same PO a duplicate inventory item was created in rare instances.    This was fixed in all production databases November 19, 2021 with no occurrences since.FIXED
4087Only occurs when when printing Blind Shipment packing list WITHOUT a IQ reseller Globalship scheduled shipment.   In that case the first level SO customer name  was printing in upper right hand corner of Packing List instead of the designated Ship From.   Blind and double blind scheduled shipment packing lists were always correct.FIXED
4110V38 Upgrade caused the PO import to fail.  This was fixed Nov 9, 2021.FIXED
4135Summary format serial numbers were incorrect on Picklist.FIXED
4071Maxlist functionality rewritten to use BrokerBin’s latest REST API technology.  The REST API logic should be more resilient when making updates at BrokerBin compared to their original SOAP method.  This is because BrokerBin had logic restricting the volume of updates per second from a single IP address which was required by each Maxlist user to enter in their RTI registration at BrokerBin.   The REST technology eliminates that limiter.NEW
4080Added ability to scan outgoing product serials in the SO screen.  Perfect for high volume low value product where its final disposition is to be scrapped or may be sold, saving the effort of scanning serials into IQ reseller or printing a label.  See video how to use:
4090PO Receive > Items to Receive tab    Inventory description can now be edited in the grid overriding the default master item description.   IQ reseller automation with erasure and diagnostic software have always updated changes automatically.NEW
4103New 4×1 Inventory label formatNEW
4115User Access  point Order Processing -> To Ship tab -> Edit Warehouse access.  This will allow or deny warehouse shipping personnel from changing the warehouse field.New
4121Added Quality control boxes to Pick list to identify who Picked, Packed, Verified and Shipped order.NEW
4123System Setup > Order Processing > Added a user defined field (UDF) as checkbox control for the Shipping Log screen in Order processing.  This can be used to have someone Approve shipments or for other reasons.NEW


October 1, 2021 – By IQ Honcho
Admin & Accounting
TaskDescriptionFIX, Enhancement, New feature
527Payment shortage ledger entry shortcut.  When using Invoices > Receive payments screen easily distribute payment shortages to the correct Ledger account for each transaction.  For example invoice $1000 net payment is $980 due to incoming bank wire fees.  Just enter $20 in the new Shortage column cell for that transaction and select the Ledger account and the both the payment and shortage Ledger entries are done when posting the payments.  Also works for Sale Order Prepayments in the same screen.

3060Facebook style notifications over your IQ reseller User Icon when tagged or Assigned a Task created in Client Vendor/CRM > Task Manager.  Tasks can be created from any transaction, bill or invoice or client vendor followup of leads.  Attachments can be loaded and a due date assigned to complete the Task.  The Task tells you what is expected and what transaction or CV it is attached too.  A single click from the Task opens the underlying transaction to do action immediately.  Re-assign tasks and set due dates or snooze the due date.  See your own tasks or as a manager see others.

3185Extended Description Font issues In Master Item default matches size of Description.  Was slightly off. Fixed July 9th via SQL  stored procedure.FIXED
3912SO Tax being set to 0 when reserving SO that already had calculated Avalara Tax. Tax resets at Invoice anyway so was lower priority.FIXED
3919When auto margin split was enabled AND a Rep involved in the split did not have the required IQ reseller Margin accounts setup for Revenue and COGS etc. then  Ledger entries would get created with Ledger account = 0 which was wrong.  Now it uses the Main Corporate account mapped in your Admin > System setup.  (usually -00 accounts)  This issue did not affect any organizations that had the required commission accounts setup remember when adding new Commissionable Reps to always add the Commission Ledger accounts for them.FIXED
3976Ampersand character (&) in the Receive Payments Journal Code prevented Cash Receipts Journal from being printed.FIXED
3980Vendor Prepayment must select the PO 2 times to save. Now it saves on first click.FIXED
3999When using Copy Bill function the  Session ID was not set on the newly copied Bill in the APinvoiceTable.  Now it is.FIXED
4000Copy Invoice function did not set the Session ID I n the AR invoice table on the newly copied invoice.  Now it does.FIXED
4012Note: This case occurred only when a Create PO from SO process AND a SO Early Invoice was created AND a Bulk Type inventory item was then added to the sale.  During the final invoice step after early invoice a Ledger Entry would fail for the Bulk item only.FIXED
4013 Auto Invoice during Shipment would on occasion with a couple customers would fail to post the ledger transactions for the created invoice.  Fixed prior to upgrade July 15.FIXED
4015v37: Globalship tic box under System Setup was not working.  Fixed on July 13 for all customers.FIXED
4029SO Early invoice with foreign currency as follows. – The invoice ledger posting fails due to out of balance.               Example:  The Base currency is EUR

1. Create a SO with a foreign currency say USD

2. Add a line item with foreign unit price is $560 and Base currency unit price is calculated using the conversion rate in IQ.

3. Click Early Invoice

Expected Results;

The line item added in the early invoiced should be same as the SO line item

Actual Results:

The line item added in the early invoiced record shows the foreign unit price calculated with the base unit price using the conversion rate and updated in the line item.  This caused the difference in the SO amount and Invoice amount.  And failed the ledger entries with out of balance.

4030In a rare case Reserved SO-lines were allowed to be deleted/removed and were not unreserved.  Occurred only in the following manner. The SO was created with more than 200 lines.
They were reserved first with In Transit inventory items and received the PO lines
Then they unreserved a few lines and invoiced a few lines.  And they did this unreserved lines for all the reserved lines.
In the step 3, the REP “ESH”.  Opened that SO record in 2 different browser Tabs.
The REP selected a few lines and invoiced.
Later, from another tab, the same invoiced line is selected and unreserved.  The SO view screen shows the data as it was filled in the screen.  So, the status still in “Reserved” which allowed to unreserved.
So, the line is unreserved and reserved it again with different line item.  FIXED by adding validation.
4035Unpaid Margin Report ONLY: The Excel Summary does not match with PDF Summary.
There are 2 issues on Excel sheet that are not matched with Print PDF1. The returned inventory’s ledger account (REP based) has “matched paid” checkbox unchecked in the glaccount.  So, it shouldn’t be displayed in the Unpaid margin report.

2. PO’s apinvoice records should be displayed only on Paid margin and All invoiced margin reports.  So, the PO section displaying on Unpaid margin Excel is wrong.

4046When using the GL Ledger Transactions recurring template feature for Payroll for example.  It was using the date the template was created as the Ledger transactions date and the user would have to double check and change.  Now it uses the selected session date in the Ledger Transactions screen.FIXED
4056IQ reseller Pay   Accepting UK Credit cards issue.   Needed to replace UK with GB in the COF token creation when the Card is from the United Kingdom.FIXED
4060Sale Order that had multiple Prepayments against it and then Invoiced.  Later if you VOID one of the Prepayments; Paid and Due amount would not update correctly.FIXED
4074SO > Commercial Invoice > Choose the saved commercial ID and Print. The Importer address is wrong. Did not fail if printed while creating only after save.  Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a SO with a line item
2. Invoke Commercial Invoice
3. By default, there is no importer set.
4. Print the commercial invoice
5. Now using the search lookup, set the Importer address say ship to address
6. Print the commercial invoice.
7. It prints correctly.
8. Now from the saved list, choose the first commercial invoice ID then choose the last saved ID (which has importer set)
9. Click Print

Expected Results:
1. The importer address should be the one chose in that selected commercial invoice ID

Actual Results:
1. The importer address shows the first address of that CVcode not the saved one.

No Task <> symbol characters added code to validate and remove these harmful characters in Inventory Comments, CV Notes and Contact Comments and more.  These characters when present would prevent printing certain documents.FIXED
3917When initial payment is a prepayment using IQ reseller Pay you can now refund a portion or the whole or prepayment. IQ reseller Pay invoice  payment refunds were already allowed.

3985Avalara Auto- tax calc when Sale is saved and user is setup with a commission account.  Saves time.  Before when a lines were added to a sale and the save button was selected the tax calc did not automatically calc by design to stay under Avalara’s server “ping” limit of 10 pings to 1 final invoice. After evaluating user real life data we now added the auto-calc when SO Save button is pressed without any additional user action.  Or course when the Sale is invoiced or partially invoiced it “pings” Avalara again to calc the proper taxes.  Organizations using Avalara should still be under the Avalara 10 to 1 ratio.ENHANCEMENT
3997Added search fields in Invoices > Receive Payments to search by Invoice ID or Sale ID.  Quickly find the payments listed on the Payees check or other communication.

3998Receive Payment Screen – Functionality Optimization. Eliminated the Payments and Credits grid to show more invoices.   Optimized the performance to select large numbers of payments and apply without a timeout issue. Improved logic so multiple users can Receive payments simultaneously without issue. Added ability to enter payment shortages as described earlier.ENHANCEMENT
4010Avalara broad category tax codes were missing have now added those to the available for selection.ENHANCEMENT
4019API – Get Master Items – Add “recadded” date column in the API output response.  Went live July 17.ENHANCEMENT
4045IQ reseller Pay – Skip Level 2 and Level 3 data when the mandatory data fields are missed in the payment transaction API request.  Prior to this payments could authorize but not fund when required Ship to and Bill to data were missing.    Now it will run without the Level 2 and 3 data and process without the Ship to and Bill to.ENHANCEMENT
4063Added Vendor Invoice number to Bills Payments and Credits Report in Excel output.  Do a electronic payment now for hundreds of Vendor invoices and output the distribution easily by Vendor invoice ID in the standard report.ENHANCEMENT
4070Invoice List Performance OptimizationENHANCEMENT
4076Bills List Performance Optimization reduced time to display by 60%.ENHANCEMENT
No TaskBills Payments and Credits Report.  Excel Output now works from the “Accounts tab”. Other tabs worked.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceSO Margin Summary Excel output  optimized for larger datasets.ENHANCEMENT
Performance Invoices Payments/Credits List optimized for faster performance. 1000 Unpaid come up in under 2 seconds.ENHANCEMENT
PerformancePerformance improvement made on Insert  Attribute from API and applicationENHANCEMENT
Sales and Purchasing
TaskDescriptionFIX, Enhancement, New feature
3060Facebook style notifications over your IQ reseller User Icon when tagged or Assigned a Task created in Client Vendor/CRM > Task Manager.  Tasks can be created from any transaction, bill or invoice or client vendor followup of leads.  Attachments can be loaded and a due date assigned to complete the Task.  The Task tells you what is expected and what transaction or CV it is attached too.  A single click from the Task opens the underlying transaction to do action immediately.  Re-assign tasks and set due dates or snooze the due date.  See your own tasks or as a manager see others. NEW FEATURE
3820Auto-Add Material list items to Sale Order.   Also called “Kitting or Bundling”.   IQ reseller already had the ability to use “Buildup or Part  Add”  to merge items into a parent item.  This feature does the opposite so when you add the item to the sale it will add all “ticked” items in the item’s Material list to the Sale as separate lines.   This is used by resellers who typically want to show their customers the separate items that are in the “kit” or “bundle” and have been adding them to the sales order manually anyway.   For example selling a Cisco Catalyst Chassis item you might add the Power supply, Redundant Power supply, Fan and motherboard or daughterboard on separate lines.  You might price just the parent item and leave the additional “kit” lines with no value OR you might want to show the price of each kit line item.

3866Update Received PO line items Purchase cost via Excel.   This is important for ITAD resellers which have a large amount of different SKU’s on one PO and are going to redistribute a gross purchase amount to individual items.   Invoiced items cannot be updated.  To use your spreadsheet needs the inventory ID and the POID only.  Simple go to Inventory > Import and Select Update option.NEW FEATURE
4001 IQ reseller GlobalShip > To Ship screen.   Add color coding and edit warehouse function to know what scheduled shipments are ready to ship where product is Reserved and Received.   Made warehouse editable for each shipment to quickly update what person is handling the order OR what pre-shipment stage the order resides in.   See video.  Great for high volume shippers or those that do lots of configuration on orders improved communication to sales and less time spent looking at orders where goods to be shipped are not in the building.

4011Added Erasure API endpoint to allow any Erasure or Diagnostic test vendor to send an xml report and then configure, create and map product attributes based on Product type.  This makes the IQ reseller “One Touch” asset processing very easy to enable for any external program as all data normalization and formatting are handled by our endpoint.NEW FEATURE
3185Extended Description Font issues In Master Item default matches size of Description.  Was slightly off. Fixed July 9th via SQL  stored procedure.FIXED
3945SO – Additional Information tab contract field was not saving on SO SaveFIXED
4034Some attribute values were saved with extra spaces which required TRIM commands to then report without spaces.  FIXED in September and scripts were run to clear spaces out of all customers attributes.FIXED
4056IQ reseller Pay   Accepting UK Credit cards issue.   Needed to replace UK with GB in the COF token creation when the Card is from the United Kingdom.FIXED
No Task <> symbol characters added code to validate and remove these harmful characters in Inventory Comments, CV Notes and Contact Comments and more.  These characters when present would prevent printing certain documents.FIXED
3985Avalara Auto- tax calc when Sale is saved and user is setup with a commission account.  Saves time.  Before when a lines were added to a sale and the save button was selected the tax calc did not automatically calc by design to stay under Avalara’s server “ping” limit of 10 pings to 1 final invoice. After evaluating user real life data we now added the auto-calc when SO Save button is pressed without any additional user action.  Or course when the Sale is invoiced or partially invoiced it “pings” Avalara again to calc the proper taxes.  Organizations using Avalara should still be under the Avalara 10 to 1 ratio.ENHANCEMENT
4045IQ reseller Pay – Skip Level 2 and Level 3 data when the mandatory data fields are missed in the payment transaction API request.  Prior to this payments could authorize but not fund when required Ship to and Bill to data were missing.    Now it will run without the Level 2 and 3 data and process without the Ship to and Bill to.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceInventory and Inventory History list performance optimization.  Inventory list now even with 500,000 records displays in 2 seconds.  Inventory History with over 2 million records display in 2.5 seconds.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceAPI Insert SO line internal comments allowed only 100 characters now expanded to 2048.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceSO Margin Summary Excel output  optimized for larger datasets.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceSO List view Performance Improvement loads 70% faster in 1 second even with 1000 Open sales.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceNew SO and View SO optimized with faster loading now.ENHANCEMENT
Tech and Warehouse
TaskDescriptionFIX, Enhancement, New feature
3060Facebook style notifications over your IQ reseller User Icon when tagged or Assigned a Task created in Client Vendor/CRM > Task Manager.  Tasks can be created from any transaction, bill or invoice or client vendor followup of leads.  Attachments can be loaded and a due date assigned to complete the Task.  The Task tells you what is expected and what transaction or CV it is attached too.  A single click from the Task opens the underlying transaction to do action immediately.  Re-assign tasks and set due dates or snooze the due date.  See your own tasks or as a manager see others.

4001 IQ reseller GlobalShip > To Ship screen.   Add color coding and edit warehouse function to know what scheduled shipments are ready to ship where product is Reserved and Received.   Made warehouse editable for each shipment to quickly update what person is handling the order OR what pre-shipment stage the order resides in.   See video.  Great for high volume shippers or those that do lots of configuration on orders improved communication to sales and less time spent looking at orders where goods to be shipped are not in the building.

4011Added Erasure API endpoint to allow any Erasure or Diagnostic test vendor to send an xml report and then configure, create and map product attributes based on Product type.  This makes the IQ reseller “One Touch” asset processing very easy to enable for any external program as all data normalization and formating are handled by our endpoint.NEW FEATURE
4015v37: Globalship tic box under System Setup was not working.  Fixed on July 13 for all customers.FIXED
4034Some attribute values were saved with extra spaces which required TRIM commands to then report without spaces.  FIXED in September and scripts were run to clear spaces out of all customers attributes.FIXED
4047When using Inventory Bulk Changes from the Inventory Screen or Advance Inventory Screen to change Warehouse, it is not working when multiple warehouse contain similar names with the differential in the name coming after a space.FIXED
4050Attributes are deleted randomly when ITAD Workflow Process feature is used to change UDFs on inventory items.FIXED
4057ITAD Workflow process – The process allows to save Inventory with Blank Description when it should not.FIXED
4074SO > Commercial Invoice > Choose the saved commercial ID and Print. The Importer address is wrong. Did not fail if printed while creating only after save.  Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a SO with a line item
2. Invoke Commercial Invoice
3. By default, there is no importer set.
4. Print the commercial invoice
5. Now using the search lookup, set the Importer address say ship to address
6. Print the commercial invoice.
7. It prints correctly.
8. Now from the saved list, choose the first commercial invoice ID then choose the last saved ID (which has importer set)
9. Click Print

Expected Results:
1. The importer address should be the one chose in that selected commercial invoice ID

Actual Results:
1. The importer address shows the first address of that CVcode not the saved one.

No Task <> symbol characters added code to validate and remove these harmful characters in Inventory Comments, CV Notes and Contact Comments and more.  These characters when present would prevent printing certain documents.FIXED
No TaskUPS International Shipping – Using Duplicate line would clear the unit code from the existing line items.FIXED
4014Prevent users from creating Generic Shippers with same names as GlobalShip Integrated shipper names to avoid conflict with then prevented use.ENHANCEMENT
4059FedEx International – Customs screen entries are now “sticky” and retain the last values input which will speed international shipments for all.

PerformanceInventory and Inventory History list performance optimization.  Inventory list now even with 500,000 records displays in 2 seconds.  Inventory History with over 2 million records display in 2.5 seconds.ENHANCEMENT


June 9, 2021 – By IQ Honcho

We are excited to announce that we have a new Beta version of ReportWriter that is ready for customer testing.

An open test period is now available until Midnight CST, Wed, Jun 23, 2021.

Use your existing Report writer Credentials and log into   See the new version and test your important reports prior to upgrade June 26th.

New Features in IQ reseller ReportWriter 6.0 include:

  • Scheduled reporting will no longer be handled using Windows task scheduler and a separate server. An enhancement has been added to the new release that allows for scheduling to be handled exclusively by the App, running scheduled reports within the App, increasing their performance, and cutting out the “middleman” for Scheduled Reports.
  • We have enabled support for IIS web farms, allowing us to add multiple servers into a cluster that can load balance based on active users and server demand. This will also allow for scalability as more customers start using ReportWriter and failover to stop connection interruptions.
  • ReportWriter now uses an updated .NET runtime and SQL driver, which has greatly increased performance of report output, especially for reports with a large number of records. In some cases, over 20% reduction in output/processing times.
  • Report Optimization. Standard Canned Reports have been optimized. Some bottlenecks have been identified and corrected. It is important to note the ReportWriter lets you easily create a query and get a report. However, in the world of complex SQL queries developers can spend 20 hours or more fine tuning a query to run in an optimized manner.  Most IQ reseller users do not have the SQL skills or time to spend in honing their query.
  • Billable Report services. Enhanced logging has been added to identify non-optimized long running reports. Owners of these reports will be notified to optimize or modify the report. If the report continues to run and is exceeding reasonable time-resource parameters we will remove the report or modify the report for a fee.
  • Several Reports have been optimized. Many bottlenecks have been identified and corrected. We will continue to monitor for individual report bottlenecks and correct them.
  • 24-hour date conversion in scheduled reports is now supported. For example, if you enter 16 or 16:00 as the trigger time in a schedule, it will automatically convert to 4:00 PM, if the option is enabled.
  • Tenant admins can now see and edit all schedules within the tenant, not just the ones the tenant admin account has created.
  • Enhanced logging has been created that contains more data to help with error identification and tracking.
  • Two factor authentication and enhanced API capabilities have become available for users that use SendGrid as their primary SMTP relay.
  • Enhanced logging has also been enabled through SendGrid, making it easier to identify issues with sending emails from ReportWriter.
  • You can now upload report files to a SFTP server. To specify that the target ftp server should use SFTP, prefix the server’s name with “sftp://”.
  • Report parameters are now available in the Advanced Report Designer.
  • Previewing a chart now displays the same view as when outputting the chart to a file. You’ll still see the old chart view if a chart has click actions (e.g. drill through).
  • You can now edit the values of parameters for an existing SQL Passthrough report. You will find these settings under Advanced Report Properties in step 5 of the report wizards.
  • In addition to being displayed with green colored text, “logged in” users now also have an icon displayed next to their entry in the user list. This should be helpful for users with certain types of color blindness.
  • You can now search formulas by name, report, or caption (or tenant in a multi-tenant environment).
  • Formulas now display the tenant they belong to in a multi-tenant environment.
  • Tenant administrators can now see all schedules for users in their tenant.
  • Issues with a field display expression no longer prevent the report from running.
  • Added several new loading indicators.

And many more bug fixes etc.

If you experience any issues or bugs, please report them to our support department:


May 27, 2021 – By IQ Honcho
Accounting & Admin
1568ENHANCEMENT. Buyer Seller Margin entries rounded to 2 decimal places.ENHANCEMENT
1804FIXED. Sort by Checknumber filter.  Bills > Payments and Credits report.FIX
2396FIXED. Rep margin share for “BULK” type inventory items only.   Margin now splits between Buyer and Seller at the auto-calculated percentage set in Admin for bulk items just like individualized items.FIX
3129FIXED. When Selling in a foreign currency and printing the Commercial invoice in Base currency the Commercial invoice value in some cases might be off by 1 penny due to line item total rounding method.  Fixed.FIX
3638FIXED. When using “Copy Bill” function to copy a Miscellaneous Bill.  Then enter the SO or PO in the distribution. The ledger posted to the original copied distribution SO or PO  not the updated distribution SO or PO.FIXED
3689NEW FEATURE.  Alternate check print format Deluxe DLT 153  with check on top.NEW FEATURE
3767NEW FEATURE. USPS – United States Postal Service Integration via EasyPost – Print 26 Packaging Types including all the Flat rate and International shipments. Click here to signup   Then visit this quickstart guide  Login to your EasyPost account, navigate to the API Keys section on the EasyPost Dashboard: The API Keys section can be found by clicking on your account email in the top left corner of the EasyPost Dashboard:  Insert your API keys there. Then insert the same API key in IQ reseller Admin > System setup > Integrated Apps.



3773ENHANCEMENT. Invoices created with zero value from SO are now listed in Paid Invoice screen in addition to the All Invoice Screen.ENHANCEMENT
3781FIXED. Bank reconcilation Print.  A few adjustments to show specific records outstanding or cleared depending on report filter.FIXED
3787NEW FEATURE. Admin system setup > inventory tab For electronic component resellers Create Master Item default setting type “BULK” instead of “individualized”.NEW FEATURE
3802FIXED. Reports > Bills > Payments and Credits Report now sorts by check number in all outputs.FIX
3817FIXED. Do not allow a Vendor Prepayment to be Voided if a payment has been applied to any bill. This could cause Bill account and Bill prepayment account to be out of balance. Message now appears to the user. “Void is not allowed since prepayment is partially applied”.   Recommended action for user is to use the function at the bottom of Vendor Prepayment screen  “Convert Vendor Prepayment to Credit Invoice”FIX
3818ENHANCEMENT. Removed today’s date filter from Quick Books Online “Completed Payments Screen”ENHANCEMENT
3826FIXED. Report > Taxes > Tax Reconciliation Report. Affected Foreign Currency Puchases only. The Purchase amount was incorrectly displayed in the Foreign currency value instead of the Base currency value like the Sales – Purchases Tax Report.   The Accounting Ledger was always correct.FIX
3849ENHANCEMENT>  IQ reseller PAY Add a button to the CV record view to see all Cards on File with a specific CVENHANCEMENT
3863FIXED. SP to SO creation loses Item’s Ledger Sales Distribution Ledger info.  Issue only arises when your SP is configured to use Ledger Sales Distribution to Categorize sales on the Profit & Loss.FIX
3872FIXED. Master Item Update Import is not mapping SalePrice2 field.  Fixed in Nov. 2020.FIX
3874ENHANCEMENT.  IQ ResellerPAY phase 2.  Added ability to send buyer a secure link from the Contact view for the buyer to securely enter their credit card details.  Card is “tokenized” and last 4 digits are saved with the contact.ENHANCEMENT
3878Enhancement. Added Sales REP from SO to the IQ reseller PAY – Payments Reports for easy chargeback of exact Credit card payment costs to the Sales REP.FIX
3886FIXED. Copy SO function is copying the source SO Recadded date when it should use current session date.FIX
3892FIXED. Print Prepayment check is not honoring the check format setting set in Bills > Print Checks.  Non-Prepayment checks printed fine.FIX
3895FIXED. IQ resellerPAY Added ability to Refund a SO prepayment which now allows the underlying SO to be VOIDED.ENHANCEMENT
3899FIXED.  Fixed in January 2021 with a patch. Bank reconciliation in some cases not picking up the correct glaccount balance.FIX
3900FIXED. Zero value invoices get a paid in full date equal to invoice creation date. Move to paid Tab.  Previously they did not move to the Paid Tab.FIX
3901FIXED.  SO with with 1 line taxable and 1 line not; then create Early invoice and the non-taxable line would be incorrectly taxed.FIX
3902ENHANCEMENT.  Changed Commercial invoice currency to allways use the Sale transaction currency.  This prevents value changes on the commercial invoice when re-printing in Base currency with updated Currency conversion rates over time.ENHANCEMENT
3907NEW FEATURE.  Generic shippers can now be made Inactive so they don’t appear in the selection dropdown when Scheduling new shipments. Nice for IQ reseller users that used IQ reseller for years and might have dozens of Shippers they don’t use anymore.NEW FEATURE
3911FIXED.  SO Prepayment which is later converted to a Credit invoice was not being marked as posted.FIX
3912FIXED.  Avalara Tax Service users only. When Reserving an SO that has Avalara Tax already saved the Reserve function was reseting tax to 0. Users were then required to re-select the Calc Avatax button.FIX
3914ENHANCEMENT. Due to BREXIT The existing European EORI number fields were added to include Shipper, Consignee and Importer of record.FIX
3925NEW FEATURE.   Configure attributes to print on your Inventory label to create your own 2 x 4 custom label.
1. In the Print label setup, we have added 2 new dropdowns for Attribute 1 and Attribute 2
2. For example: Attributes for OS and Battery are Selected and then print with Bold label.
3. These attributes selection are saved per REP in the report settings.
3926FIXED. VAT Tax Report for Foreign Currency transactions shipped within the resident country.  Sales and Purchases Tax report was correct.FIX
3927NEW FEATURE. Added ability to upload text to SO  the text feature to SO detail lines area that is in VFPENHANCEMENT
3929FIXED. Added country code for South Korea to available lists.FIX
3930FIXED. SO line view “Reserved by” rep is now the actual user who reservedthe item instead of the SO rep.  The Right click inventory Action Table record was not changed as that showed the correct rep.FIX
3935FIXED. Inventory > Warehouses Admin screen search did not work.ENHANCEMENT
3938ENHANCEMENT.  IQ reseller PAY integrated Credit Card payment processing now allows a partial value SO Deposit payment from CC.FIX
3939ENHANCEMENT. Add Bulktype master item Reserve capability on SO import.  Now you can import a SO with both “individualized and “bulk” type inventory items and Reserve them all.FIX
3943FIXED. CV Ledger Report Showing voided not posted payments.  Report was wrong underlying accounting data was correct.ENHANCEMENT
3953FIXED. In Inventory list screen”Conditioncodedate” column search filter; if it had a value then export to excel for the items would fail.FIX
3954FIXED. Sales Proposal Sales Distribution Logic transfers from SP to SO for final invoice.FIX
3958FIXED.  Avalara Tax Service users only.  RMA Return is Closed and a Taxable Credit Memo is generated. The Open invoice aging report included the value of the Credit but not the tax value of the credit. Ledger accounting was all correct only the report was missing that item.ENHANCEMENT
3966ENHANCEMENT. IQ resellerPAY Increased flexibility to allow CV Cards on File to be used with any transaction within that CV.FIX
3969FIXED. April 20 via patch. Ledger transaction list view default order changed to most recent Session ID first then decending order.FIX
APIFIXED.  API endpoint. Insert CV – cvtype tag is not parsed in JSON input.FIX
NAENHANCEMENT.  Changed the date time for all entries to the users local computer device date time.  Previously all entries were based on Azure East US data center time.ENHANCEMENT
NAENHANCEMENT. IQ resellerPAY can now accept payment cards from foreign buyers.FIX
NAFIXED. Sales proposal creation now sets internal Shipdate and Scheduledate set as default start date instead of NULL. Prevents later issue from  arising.ENHANCEMENT
NAFIXED.  Update scheduled shipment date is not updating in stdetail table for that item it was updating the Shipment detail. This improves data for custom report writer reports.ENHANCEMENT
NAENHANCEMENT. Paid invoiced margin report – Preview and Excel – Performance improvement displays in 30% less time.FIX
NAENHANCEMENT.  PO Item Summary price chance. Eliminated confirmation pop-up for even faster repricing.ENHANCEMENT
NAENHANCEMENT. Avalara Tax users only.  Improvement in Ship-From information sent to Avatax.ENHANCEMENT
Sales & Purchasing
1568ENHANCEMENT. Buyer Seller Margin entries rounded to 2 decimal places.ENHANCEMENT
2396FIXED. Rep margin share for “BULK” type inventory items only.   Margin now splits between Buyer and Seller at the auto-calculated percentage set in Admin for bulk items just like individualized items.FIX
3767NEW FEATURE. USPS – United States Postal Service Integration via EasyPost – Print 26 Packaging Types including all the Flat rate and International shipments. Click here to signup   Then visit this quickstart guide  Login to your EasyPost account, navigate to the API Keys section on the EasyPost Dashboard: The API Keys section can be found by clicking on your account email in the top left corner of the EasyPost Dashboard:  Insert your API keys there. Then insert the same API key in IQ reseller Admin > System setup > Integrated Apps. NEW FEATURE
3787NEW FEATURE. Admin system setup > inventory tab For electronic component resellers Create Master Item default setting type “BULK” instead of “individualized”.NEW FEATURE
3801ENHANCEMENT.  Print PO contract in summary format we have removed item cost and left the extended cost by customer request.ENHANCEMENT
3830FIXED. Email misspelled on print purchase order ship to addressFIX
3840FIXED. RMA Packing list had IQ reseller user Ship From address instead of Customer ship from; which would have been the original Ship to address.FIX
3841FIXED. Voided PO should not allow user to add a New LineFIX
3847ENHANCEMENT. Shipping Log screen email of Pick or Packing List changed PDF name to SO number from internal ID.ENHANCEMENT
3848ENHANCEMENT.  SO Import creates Master Items in the import if Mfgr is supplied in the source file.ENHANCEMENT
3849ENHANCEMENT>  IQ reseller PAY Add a button to the CV record view to see all Cards on File with a specific CVENHANCEMENT
3863FIXED. SP to SO creation loses Item’s Ledger Sales Distribution Ledger info.  Issue only arises when your SP is configured to use Ledger Sales Distribution to Categorize sales on the Profit & Loss.FIX
3872FIXED. Master Item Update Import is not mapping SalePrice2 field.  Fixed in Nov. 2020.FIX
3874ENHANCEMENT.  IQ ResellerPAY phase 2.  Added ability to send buyer a secure link from the Contact view for the buyer to securely enter their credit card details.  Card is “tokenized” and last 4 digits are saved with the contact.ENHANCEMENT
3880FIXED. Master Item lookup – Performance Issue when over 250,000 substitutes are related to other items in the database. Optimized query to eliminate issue.  Released Dec 2020.FIX
3886FIXED. Copy SO function is copying the source SO Recadded date when it should use current session date.FIX
3895FIXED. IQ resellerPAY Added ability to Refund a SO prepayment which now allows the underlying SO to be VOIDED.ENHANCEMENT
3901FIXED.  SO with with 1 line taxable and 1 line not; then create Early invoice and the non-taxable line would be incorrectly taxed.FIX
3902ENHANCEMENT.  Changed Commercial invoice currency to allways use the Sale transaction currency.  This prevents value changes on the commercial invoice when re-printing in Base currency with updated Currency conversion rates over time.ENHANCEMENT
3906FIXED. System Setup > PO > Breakdown – Bulk type item only add to existing PO was broken.FIX
3907NEW FEATURE.  Generic shippers can now be made Inactive so they don’t appear in the selection dropdown when Scheduling new shipments. Nice for IQ reseller users that used IQ reseller for years and might have dozens of Shippers they don’t use anymore.NEW FEATURE
3912FIXED.  Avalara Tax Service users only. When Reserving an SO that has Avalara Tax already saved the Reserve function was reseting tax to 0. Users were then required to re-select the Calc Avatax button.FIX
3914ENHANCEMENT. Due to BREXIT The existing European EORI number fields were added to include Shipper, Consignee and Importer of record.FIX
3923FIXED. On Bills with a Vendor Prepayment, the system was leaving an amount in Paid non Posted in 1 case.FIX
3924FIXED.  Master Item > Attribute Search screen. Search was case sensitive now it is not.NEW FEATURE
3929FIXED. Added country code for South Korea to available lists.FIX
3933FIXED. It was possible to edit the SO view Client ID field which did not match the main CV record. Client ID can never be changed only the longer Client full name.FIX
3935FIXED. Inventory > Warehouses Admin screen search did not work.ENHANCEMENT
3937FIXED. DropShip Purchase Packet feature when using a “bulk type” item in a “multiple purchase” packet.   Rare event solved.FIX
3938ENHANCEMENT.  IQ reseller PAY integrated Credit Card payment processing now allows a partial value SO Deposit payment from CC.FIX
3949ENHANCEMENT.  Added AI- intelligence to  the inventory import.  If import source file has no qty. field or qty field eith blank value will add the item and will make qty 1 for that item(s).  Any qty field with 0 will still be rejected as before. 
3953FIXED. In Inventory list screen”Conditioncodedate” column search filter; if it had a value then export to excel for the items would fail.FIX
NAENHANCEMENT.  Changed the date time for all entries to the users local computer device date time.  Previously all entries were based on Azure East US data center time.ENHANCEMENT
NAENHANCEMENT. IQ resellerPAY can now accept payment cards from foreign buyers.FIX
NAFIXED. Sales proposal creation now sets internal Shipdate and Scheduledate set as default start date instead of NULL. Prevents later issue from  arising.ENHANCEMENT
NAFIXED.  Update scheduled shipment date is not updating in stdetail table for that item it was updating the Shipment detail. This improves data for custom report writer reports.ENHANCEMENT
Warehouse, Inventory, & Technical
3129FIXED. When Selling in a foreign currency and printing the Commercial invoice in Base currency the Commercial invoice value in some cases might be off by 1 penny due to line item total rounding method.  Fixed.FIX
3767NEW FEATURE. USPS – United States Postal Service Integration via EasyPost – Print 26 Packaging Types including all the Flat rate and International shipments. Click here to signup   Then visit this quickstart guide  Login to your EasyPost account, navigate to the API Keys section on the EasyPost Dashboard: The API Keys section can be found by clicking on your account email in the top left corner of the EasyPost Dashboard:  Insert your API keys there. Then insert the same API key in IQ reseller Admin > System setup > Integrated Apps.

3859FIXED. Inventory > Advanced inventory Change Condition code on multiple selected items was not working.FIX
3862FIXED. Inventory update via spreadsheet. Custom user defined fields were populating with zeros in inventory user defined fields from a blank source field.  Changed last October via patch.FIX
3881FIXED. Cannot delete a Bulk type Inventory item Serial number that contains spaces.FIX
3906FIXED. System Setup > PO > Breakdown – Bulk type item only add to existing PO was broken.FIX
3924FIXED.  Master Item > Attribute Search screen. Search was case sensitive now it is not.

3949ENHANCEMENT.  Added AI- intelligence to  the inventory import.  If import source file has no qty. field or qty field eith blank value will add the item and will make qty 1 for that item(s).  Any qty field with 0 will still be rejected as before.ENHANCEMENT
APIFIXED. When using Insert SO API – with a mulitple SO insert, all the inserts failed when one of the SO content has missing or bad data. Now the complete SO’s are inserted and SO with missing required fields or bad data is not.FIX
NAENHANCEMENT.  Changed the date time for all entries to the users local computer device date time.  Previously all entries were based on Azure East US data center time.ENHANCEMENT
NAInventory List -Userdefined5 is not workingFIX
NAFIXED. Import Master Item Update Category 2 Sub Query Error.FIX


December 18, 2020 – By IQ Honcho

Easy search for “How to” guidance on IQ reseller functions.


April 02, 2024 – By IQreseller

Accounting and Administration
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4292 Fixed the inventory summary report  to use the “Sort By” options.
New Enhancement 4327 Added a batch number to AP Payments records  then added the ability to void all payments in that batch number at one time.
New Enhancement 4492 Removed Print Function from Ledger > Ledger Transactions and Add Export to PDF function
New Enhancement 4508 Added the apinvoice vendor invoice number  as Vendor Bill to Bills Payments and Credits report.
Fix 4509 Bill was not being generate due to timing issue, duplicate key value for apinvoicedetailid which is now fixed.
New Enhancement 4518 Added  more room in the footer when printing invoices  allow it to be a little taller/higher space for data.
Fix 4534 Now allowing Credit to APinvoice/Bill to have the paymentID on the general ledger transaction like the regular payments.
New Enhancement 4557 Added PO id of inventory item non-inventory item removed from to general ledger transaction for the part removal of a non inventory item.
New Enhancement 4558 Added option to turn off the intervals column on the Profit and loss report.
Fix 4633 P&L Report didn’t line up with Report Admin Report Name.
New Enhancement 4692 When a user copies a invoice, it will not longer post it right away until the copied invoice is saved.
New Enhancement 4663 When a user copies a bill, the system will not post the bill until the bill is saved.
Fix 4566 Sales/Purchase Tax Report was not contingent on Customer’s Residential Country.
Fix 4686 When voiding a APpayment, we now advise of a currency adjustment in the original posting session and use that in void session.
Fix 4690 We now allow the change the currency rate on manual ledger transaction once date is entered.
New Enhancement 4624 Added a check box selection on all 3 reports under the commission reports drop down, Paid invoiced margin, Unpaid invoiced margin, All invoiced margin.
Sales and Purchasing
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4421 SO imported can now  be voided
New Enhancement 4527 Expand Comments of the CI.
Fix 4561 PO list contract  selection option screen allows user to use the magnifying glass to select  another rep’s PO to print the contract  and is now fixed
Fix 4693 User could not  unreserve items even with unreserve/unreserve  is marked in Access  and when show prices is unmarked.
Fix 4596 Create PO from SO – PO ship to field defaulting to customer information when it should not have and is now fixed.
Fix 4627 System was allowing users to add more items to a invoices SO replacement during the return of a SO. This is now fixed to create a new SO for replacement when the first SO has been invoiced.
Warehouse and Inventory
Status Tasks Description
New Enhancement 3727 Added a clear marks button under inventory.
Fix 3764 Maxlist Marketplace status data entry issue is now fixed.
Fix 3948 Action date and actual date was not getting timed stamp on import inventory on inventorycomments table.
New Enhancement 3960 Added a Inventory Access Right for Maxlist.
New Enhancement 4400 Maxlist > BrokerBin Status – last update filter should include a greater than option and it has now been added.
Fix 4500 Shipping Service was not saving default in System Shipper Setup.
Fix 4547 Inventory Breakdown displays rounded unit cost and it should not have.
New Enhancement 4688 New 2×1 Label to show item number.
New Enhancement Shipping Project New UPS customs screen based on Easypost – Please view this support KB as all UPS users in Globalship have to switch to Easy Post by June 1 2024.
New Enhancement Shipping Project New FedEx customs screen to go with new shipping window.
Fix 4572 The inventory comments table shows item received after a location change when item was in transit and it should not have.
New Enhancement Shipping Project UPS from Easy Post – please view this support KB as all UPS users in Global ship have to switch to Easy Post by June 1 2024. post-ups-registration
Fix 4592 FIXED – Import attributes must not create a record in attribute value table for attributes that is a text attribute.
Fix 4593 System comments on inventory item for write down is now worded to make it sound better.
Fix 4636 Add inventoryID to view inventory from the inventory or inventory history list.
New Enhancement 4639 Added under the im import update of master item to show  url of image in the mappable list.  Update in new Master Item import as well.
New Enhancement 4616 Added a comment to system comments and to the actions/Comments table when location is changed during cycle count.
Fix 4619 Inventory comments table dates/times  are now displaying the correct dates and times.
New Enhancement Shipping Project Shipping  UI is improve for SO view performance, better View of shipping screen, and additional settings for Providers based on the new requests on FedEx and UPS.
API & Integrated Apps
Status Tasks Description
New Enhancement 4641 Add non-inventory item from the Insert SO API call
New Enhancement 4691 Avalara Enhancement – Marketplace location transactions to stop taxes from being added for some retail sales.
New Enhancement 4640 Created non-inventory item in the Insert master item API call
Fix Fix SO ship status is not updated when shipment is updated via API, this is now fixed.
New Enhancement External IQ now offers a eBay Integration! Please view this link to learn more:


November 20, 2023 – By IQreseller

New Features and Fixes
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4609 Item Number disappears when changing a Clei Item under Inventory is now fixed.
Fix 4595 The create PO from SO with purchase packet enabled, failed, and just hangs on the creation. This is now fixed to load without issue.
New Feature 4587 Added a qty count on Bulk Advance change menu. When you scan a item, it will now count how many items you have scanned and marked.
New Feature 4578 Due to new tax laws within MN IQ added 2 more tax boxes to the tax structure for a total 6 taxes options within IQ.
You can now have 6 possible taxes on the following menus screens:
1. PP Print
2. PO Print
3. PO Export to Excel
4. PO Contract Print
5. PO Contract Export to Excel
6. AP Invoice Print
7. AP Invoice Export to Excel
8. AP Invoice Export to XML
9. SP Print
10. SO Print
11. SO Contract
12. SO Contract Export to Excel
13. AR Invoice Print
14. AR Invoice Print (French)
15. AR Invoice Export to Excel
16. AR Invoice Export to XML
17. Sales- Purchase Tax Report
18. Sales- Purchase Tax Report – Export Excel
19. VAT-Tax Report
20. VAT-Tax Report Export to Excel
21. Tax Reconciliation
22. Invoice Register Print
23. Invoice Register Export to Excel
24. Tax Reports


July 14, 2023 – By IQreseller

Accounting & Administration
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4524 Calculate avalara avatax on Add Line function in a Return Credit Memo.
Fix 4191 Added an option to show currency symbol on printed checks.
Fix 4342 Fixed Avalara tax is putting full new amount of tax into the ledger transactions for a change of unit price on AR invoice, instead of the amount of tax change.
Fix 4419 Delete Function in Admin > Terms is now working.
Fix 4427 When a user is now voiding an ARpayment, users will now know if there was a currency adjustment in the original posting session which it will now use that in void session.
Fix 4431 Corrected the prepayment void field, void status now appears.
Fix 4433 Added Total Credit Remaining to print from a CREDIT AR invoice.
Fix 4448 FIXED: Bills >> Payment and Credit report to now pull.
Fix 4476 Corrected the credit invoice created from returns on Inventory history page that has amount  0.00  to now put in a paid in full date.
Fix 4506 Corrected the rounding adjustment Issue when SO prepayment is applied with manual adjustment in the amount
Fix Internal Filtering now works under Payment and Credits in the Invoice
Fix Internal Print Sample Check is now fixed.
Fix Internal Ledger Transaction Screen >> Print Setup -> Remove unnecessary scrollbar.
Fix 4488 SO number will now  be included on Ledger entries generated from tax adjustments done on an Invoice.
Fix 4451 Corrected the filtering issue for the CV Contact Ismaincontact, ship to, remit to and bill to. As well as the scrollbar issue in lookup for CV shipping and New/View.
Fix 4386 When a user clicked on item label it did not sort correctly on write down list after retrieval and it is now fixed to do so.
New Feature 4460 Added  warehouse column to the inventory write down selection screen.
Fix 4484 Bills >> Unpaid screen has added new filters.
Sales and Purchasing
Status Tasks Description
Fix 3063 Corrected the Copy PO: Return Pending Action Type PO record copies the return pending type when it should NOT have.
Fix 3631 Allow margin split screen to appear when default margin is set to 0 %
New Feature 4387 Added search filters to the Price History window.
Fix 4416 Print name will now show instead of Code for the buyer and seller in the section 5: ACCEPTANCE: area of print PO Contract.
New Feature 4417 Added the access setting for sales – margin summary & sales – Sales Margin report for “Show for all Reps”.
Fix 4424 A space will now appear when you add a new new line character to the internal comments under the bill screen.
New Feature 4428 Added an option to admin >> system setup >> SO to copy SO internal comments to Invoice internal comments.
Fix 4432 When a user added an apostrophe in mfgr it prevented inventory from being reserved and this has been corrected.
New Feature 4436 Implemented new logic tool to diagnose the ledger accounts in System setup and display the status.
Fix 4444 The wrong corporate ledger account for Returns-COG was created and used when Scrap at Client site was used in the RMA.
Fix 4445 When using the Create PO from SO the system was selecting the wrong Ship To Address when a user was changed from default.
New Feature 4450 Added the function to include SO Non-Inventory items to Early Invoice.
New Feature 4452 Added a verification on delete of potype from the potype table.
Fix 4455 Corrected PO Void from being allowed for prepaid PO’s.
Fix 4457 Ship to on SO by hitting a “one time” did not give the message box asking to change shipments to this address and this feature was added to allow this pop-up.
Fix 4458 Made “all manufacturer” box wider to be able to see all mfgr selected for master item list report.
Fix 4470 SP line item >> The item number gets cleared when an Item is looked at and is invoked and Cancels it. This has been corrected.
Fix 4473 Under Returns -> Return Reason Code Delete validation has been corrected to validate.
New Feature 4474 Added poid and line number to scan serial number screen.
Fix 4475 Location has been added when you export the SO out of IQ to excel.
New Feature 4479 Add the ability to search under reserve in the SO reserve screen.
New Feature 4480 Added a method to delete import mappings for SO import.
New Feature 4481 Added a method to delete import mappings for PO import.
New Feature 4483 Added the ability to add PO and SO from Master Items.
Fix 4494 Corrected the logic to stop permissions from now saving all the time.
Fix 4502 Corrected the SO and PO from not displaying correctly when a  Mfgr was chosen.
Fix 4511 Received and current fields on inventory comments table records incorrect when item is remove/deleted on receive screen. This is now corrected to display correctly.
Fix 4517 Allow the refresh of the sub-category update list after save on a sub-category record.
Fix 4519 Corrected the Email Notification Saying Message Sent even with Interactive Off and when inactive is not enabled or email is not setup the pop-up will no longer appear.
Fix 4540 Early Invoice message was not grammatically correct and had no space between the words early & invoice for Early Invoice, it has now corrected.
Fix 4546 Added logic to stop duplicate substitute records from being added.
Fix Customer Issue The Attachment MAX limit was not working based on System Setting and logic was added to enforce this.
Fix Customer Issue Maxlist – Delay Logic Implemented  and Skipped the batch processing when invalid items exist and proceeded during Full Sync. This will allow Maxlist to sync faster and stop the hang ups from happening.
Fix Internal SO and SP line-item window cancel button mouse hover was causing users issues and corrected the logic to fix this.
Fix Internal Inactive item had shown on SP, PO, PP, Bills during line item edit and logic has been added to correct this.
Fix Internal When viewing an RMA – Verified Date and Received Date >> It shows the next day’s date instead of current date.
Fix Internal Fixed the SP line item dialog scrollbar issue
New Feature Internal Users will now have the ability to apply up to 250  items with attributes at the same time. This is a increase from 100 items.
Warehouse & Technical
Status Tasks Description
New Feature 4498 IQ reseller now has all missing Smart post servers.
New Feature 3038 UPS no longer require zip code for third party for some accounts and added a validation within shipping to allow this.
Fix 3652 Corrected the Inventory Actions. Comments Current column displays “Y” when the Inventory record is in the Inventory History list.
Fix 3686 Under the Action Table in inventory, the date/time fields are now being consistently updated with the users local date/time. Work is still being handled within the system to bring this change to all areas within IQ.
New Feature 4340 New 4×2 label option to allow users to pick 5 headers and 1 header will be headerless.
Fix 4447 Corrected the inventory breakdown to now use highlighted item instead of the marked one.
Fix 4472 Added an option on the commercial invoice Print setup to “Show EORI number” when “NA” format is chosen.
Fix 4485 Corrected the warehouse default in PO to now match the warehouse from Master Item.
New Feature 4497 Added a new 3×1 label to match older versions of IQ.
Fix 4507 Workflow attribute bug is now fixed and will save all values to the label when a user clicks save from the workflow process page.
New Feature 4531 Created a new 4×1 header less label to add more space for data to show on the label.
Fix Internal Under the PO Receive Screen, Serial Number Focus will now remain when serial number is empty.
Fix Internal Corrected under the  PO Received, Summarized items  to now show correct mfg. and item number that has serial numbers to display correctly.
Fix Internal New PO (from Breakdown) used broken down items’ received date for new items and it will now use the date of the item that was removed from the breakdown.
Fix Internal Corrected the Inventoryid to now update when used in breakdowninventoryid field after breakdown.
Fix Internal Fixed the condition code drop down from not refreshing in the workflow process page.
Fix Internal Changed the code with loading of attributes and cycle count to allow for faster load times
API & Integrated Apps
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4542 API Receive Inventory – Reserved Inventory’s Serial number, Warehouse and Location have now been updated in the SO line items.
New Feature 3610 Bills update API endpoint.
New Feature 4491 New Feature API to allow users to insert and create a substitute in the IQR database.
New Feature 4501 API has now been added to read and write to the UDF’s in the Sale’s Order page.
Mobile App
View Master Item Table (NEW) July 2023
   •  Allow users to view available qty of an item and all condition codes, plus able to see avg cost of items under each condition.
   •  User can see what type of master item they are viewing, CLEI, Bulk and Non-Inventory.
   •  Able to see Item number, MFG, Description and Ext. Description.
Create Sale’s Order’s (NEW) July 2023
   •  Allows users to create new sales orders to be picked right from the app.
   •  Select the CV Code, REP code, and change Contact, Ship From and Ship to addresses from the app.
   •  Allows you to add items to a OPEN sales order, add QTY and unit price.


October 30, 2023 By – IQReseller
New Features and Fixes
Status Tasks Description
New Feature NA when a user changes the drop down for the date selection page of the client portal, it will now save to the last known date range selected.


September 3, 2023 – By IQreseller

New Features and Fixes
Status Tasks Description
New Feature 4565 IQ reseller PAY Link not being sent with Early Invoice
New Feature 4559 For customers running Avalara AvaTax, added logic to make AvaTax Code mandatory in Master Item.
Fix 4574 When users had  used cycle count for location change function. It was  updating the inventory item and on the SO, but will no longer up  the SO detail line’s location when item is reserved.
New Feature 4552 Released API
Fix 4555 Cvcode lookup on reports >> invoice >> invoice print failed does not choose cvcode selected by user
Fix 4213 Show associated item number on SO reserve screen when associated logic is enabled on Admin system setup
New Feature 4554 IQ now allows users to update associated items  after receiving
New Feature 3707 When a user creates a new one time address(es) when a document is copied like a SO, PO, SP, PP, invoice bill
New Feature 4443 New 1×3 label
New Feature 4403 Created a vendor statement report
New Feature 2871 Added item number and description to excel output of the paid invoice margin report.
New Feature 4582 SO Reserve API using Itemnumber/Mfgr/Condition from Inventories
Fix 3714 Fixed to made sure that main contact, bill to, ship to and remit to contacts are always the top contacts (page one) when viewing a Client Vendor
Fix 4571 Printed Ship To Country Didn’t match CV Ship To.
New Feature 4542 API Receive Inventory – Reserved Inventories’ Serial number, Warehouse, Location not updated in the SO line items
Fix 4394 View Inventory Access setting was not working
New Feature 4585 Extend the Get All Shipments – Fetch additional columns detail(BlindShipment and DropShipment) – API
Fix 4584 Allows for the convert taxable SP/SQ to SO/ST does not update the amount and foreign amounts on the SO/ST header record.
Fix 4174 Changed the verbiage for “Convert Vendor Prepayment to Credit Invoice”.


July 14, 2023 – By IQreseller

Accounting & Administration
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4524 Calculate avalara avatax on Add Line function in a Return Credit Memo.
Fix 4191 Added an option to show currency symbol on printed checks.
Fix 4342 Fixed Avalara tax is putting full new amount of tax into the ledger transactions for a change of unit price on AR invoice, instead of the amount of tax change.
Fix 4419 Delete Function in Admin > Terms is now working.
Fix 4427 When a user is now voiding an ARpayment, users will now know if there was a currency adjustment in the original posting session which it will now use that in void session.
Fix 4431 Corrected the prepayment void field, void status now appears.
Fix 4433 Added Total Credit Remaining to print from a CREDIT AR invoice.
Fix 4448 FIXED: Bills >> Payment and Credit report to now pull.
Fix 4476 Corrected the credit invoice created from returns on Inventory history page that has amount  0.00  to now put in a paid in full date.
Fix 4506 Corrected the rounding adjustment Issue when SO prepayment is applied with manual adjustment in the amount
Fix Internal Filtering now works under Payment and Credits in the Invoice
Fix Internal Print Sample Check is now fixed.
Fix Internal Ledger Transaction Screen >> Print Setup -> Remove unnecessary scrollbar.
Fix 4488 SO number will now  be included on Ledger entries generated from tax adjustments done on an Invoice.
Fix 4451 Corrected the filtering issue for the CV Contact Ismaincontact, ship to, remit to and bill to. As well as the scrollbar issue in lookup for CV shipping and New/View.
Fix 4386 When a user clicked on item label it did not sort correctly on write down list after retrieval and it is now fixed to do so.
New Feature 4460 Added  warehouse column to the inventory write down selection screen.
Fix 4484 Bills >> Unpaid screen has added new filters.
Sales and Purchasing
Status Tasks Description
Fix 3063 Corrected the Copy PO: Return Pending Action Type PO record copies the return pending type when it should NOT have.
Fix 3631 Allow margin split screen to appear when default margin is set to 0 %
New Feature 4387 Added search filters to the Price History window.
Fix 4416 Print name will now show instead of Code for the buyer and seller in the section 5: ACCEPTANCE: area of print PO Contract.
New Feature 4417 Added the access setting for sales – margin summary & sales – Sales Margin report for “Show for all Reps”.
Fix 4424 A space will now appear when you add a new new line character to the internal comments under the bill screen.
New Feature 4428 Added an option to admin >> system setup >> SO to copy SO internal comments to Invoice internal comments.
Fix 4432 When a user added an apostrophe in mfgr it prevented inventory from being reserved and this has been corrected.
New Feature 4436 Implemented new logic tool to diagnose the ledger accounts in System setup and display the status.
Fix 4444 The wrong corporate ledger account for Returns-COG was created and used when Scrap at Client site was used in the RMA.
Fix 4445 When using the Create PO from SO the system was selecting the wrong Ship To Address when a user was changed from default.
New Feature 4450 Added the function to include SO Non-Inventory items to Early Invoice.
New Feature 4452 Added a verification on delete of potype from the potype table.
Fix 4455 Corrected PO Void from being allowed for prepaid PO’s.
Fix 4457 Ship to on SO by hitting a “one time” did not give the message box asking to change shipments to this address and this feature was added to allow this pop-up.
Fix 4458 Made “all manufacturer” box wider to be able to see all mfgr selected for master item list report.
Fix 4470 SP line item >> The item number gets cleared when an Item is looked at and is invoked and Cancels it. This has been corrected.
Fix 4473 Under Returns -> Return Reason Code Delete validation has been corrected to validate.
New Feature 4474 Added poid and line number to scan serial number screen.
Fix 4475 Location has been added when you export the SO out of IQ to excel.
New Feature 4479 Add the ability to search under reserve in the SO reserve screen.
New Feature 4480 Added a method to delete import mappings for SO import.
New Feature 4481 Added a method to delete import mappings for PO import.
New Feature 4483 Added the ability to add PO and SO from Master Items.
Fix 4494 Corrected the logic to stop permissions from now saving all the time.
Fix 4502 Corrected the SO and PO from not displaying correctly when a  Mfgr was chosen.
Fix 4511 Received and current fields on inventory comments table records incorrect when item is remove/deleted on receive screen. This is now corrected to display correctly.
Fix 4517 Allow the refresh of the sub-category update list after save on a sub-category record.
Fix 4519 Corrected the Email Notification Saying Message Sent even with Interactive Off and when inactive is not enabled or email is not setup the pop-up will no longer appear.
Fix 4540 Early Invoice message was not grammatically correct and had no space between the words early & invoice for Early Invoice, it has now corrected.
Fix 4546 Added logic to stop duplicate substitute records from being added.
Fix Customer Issue The Attachment MAX limit was not working based on System Setting and logic was added to enforce this.
Fix Customer Issue Maxlist – Delay Logic Implemented  and Skipped the batch processing when invalid items exist and proceeded during Full Sync. This will allow Maxlist to sync faster and stop the hang ups from happening.
Fix Internal SO and SP line-item window cancel button mouse hover was causing users issues and corrected the logic to fix this.
Fix Internal Inactive item had shown on SP, PO, PP, Bills during line item edit and logic has been added to correct this.
Fix Internal When viewing an RMA – Verified Date and Received Date >> It shows the next day’s date instead of current date.
Fix Internal Fixed the SP line item dialog scrollbar issue
New Feature Internal Users will now have the ability to apply up to 250  items with attributes at the same time. This is a increase from 100 items.
Warehouse & Technical
Status Tasks Description
New Feature 4498 IQ reseller now has all missing Smart post servers.
New Feature 3038 UPS no longer require zip code for third party for some accounts and added a validation within shipping to allow this.
Fix 3652 Corrected the Inventory Actions. Comments Current column displays “Y” when the Inventory record is in the Inventory History list.
Fix 3686 Under the Action Table in inventory, the date/time fields are now being consistently updated with the users local date/time. Work is still being handled within the system to bring this change to all areas within IQ.
New Feature 4340 New 4×2 label option to allow users to pick 5 headers and 1 header will be headerless.
Fix 4447 Corrected the inventory breakdown to now use highlighted item instead of the marked one.
Fix 4472 Added an option on the commercial invoice Print setup to “Show EORI number” when “NA” format is chosen.
Fix 4485 Corrected the warehouse default in PO to now match the warehouse from Master Item.
New Feature 4497 Added a new 3×1 label to match older versions of IQ.
Fix 4507 Workflow attribute bug is now fixed and will save all values to the label when a user clicks save from the workflow process page.
New Feature 4531 Created a new 4×1 header less label to add more space for data to show on the label.
Fix Internal Under the PO Receive Screen, Serial Number Focus will now remain when serial number is empty.
Fix Internal Corrected under the  PO Received, Summarized items  to now show correct mfg. and item number that has serial numbers to display correctly.
Fix Internal New PO (from Breakdown) used broken down items’ received date for new items and it will now use the date of the item that was removed from the breakdown.
Fix Internal Corrected the Inventoryid to now update when used in breakdowninventoryid field after breakdown.
Fix Internal Fixed the condition code drop down from not refreshing in the workflow process page.
Fix Internal Changed the code with loading of attributes and cycle count to allow for faster load times
API & Integrated Apps
Status Tasks Description
Fix 4542 API Receive Inventory – Reserved Inventory’s Serial number, Warehouse and Location have now been updated in the SO line items.
New Feature 3610 Bills update API endpoint.
New Feature 4491 New Feature API to allow users to insert and create a substitute in the IQR database.
New Feature 4501 API has now been added to read and write to the UDF’s in the Sale’s Order page.
Mobile App
View Master Item Table (NEW) July 2023
   •  Allow users to view available qty of an item and all condition codes, plus able to see avg cost of items under each condition.
   •  User can see what type of master item they are viewing, CLEI, Bulk and Non-Inventory.
   •  Able to see Item number, MFG, Description and Ext. Description.
Create Sale’s Order’s (NEW) July 2023
   •  Allows users to create new sales orders to be picked right from the app.
   •  Select the CV Code, REP code, and change Contact, Ship From and Ship to addresses from the app.
   •  Allows you to add items to a OPEN sales order, add QTY and unit price.


May 30, 2023 By – IQReseller

Sales and Purchasing
Status Tasks Description
New Feature 4501 Increasing the UDF space from 35 characters to 100 on SO’s


January 27, 2023 – By IQ Honcho

Accounting and Administration
TaskTask DescriptionFeature
4435Avalara Tax API unavailability caused invoice Ledger posting issue and is now fixed to always allow posting.Fix
3751Ledger detail will now be sorted on print, and PDF by the  first   account number, then by the date.Fix
3803Add Reference Field to Invoices New Credits.New Enhancement
4305Added option to default the contact info into the bill to address on SO and invoice tables.Fix
4311Print check will now the contact name and address from the bill’s remit to addressFix
4321Open Customer Prepayment – Convert to Client Credit Memo is now allowed.New Enhancement
4322IQ now allows the use of all of the reference from apply payment to GL trans description.Fix
4329SO totals had not always updated when a misc charge is on the SQ/SP.Fix
4331When changing  the rep on a bill after tabbing out of the rep field  stopped once the billed was paid manually.  This has been corrected.Fix
4332When using IQ Pay, sometimes the cash account would should 1000-00Fix
4334Internal logic for the apinvoicedetail ID had the wrong value in the company last ID table as it not updated after last line was added to a bill.Fix
4335When a Bill is created that contains a cash account, and then the Bill is Voided, the voided transaction does not show up in the Bank ReconciliationFix
4348The bill to address on early invoice was not getting  updated with CVCODE’s “bill to” when client cvcode on SO was changed.Fix
4350Correct the issues for when bulk items that are split onto a new inventory id had  not been  coping the inventory attributes.Fix
4354Add a filter box for ledger transactions to search who it was created by.New Enhancement
4356Export from ledger transaction list after filter is applied does not export to excel the resultsFix
4357When the  inventory item was removed from the PO  its PTID changed to 0.00Fix
4360In certain situation the  bank deposit failed to post to general ledger transaction.Fix
4361Fixed and correct when the ledger transaction did not total in all lines of the session.Fix
4362PO Receive Item not generating a Bill when Purchase Cost is updated in the Receive Screen.Fix
4371Inventory Cost change methods creates different Ledger Reference.Fix
4379When a user was using the Avalara calculate tax button on SP and SO  in random times it was inconsistent when freight on SP or SO was added.Fix
4384Zero amount for  Credit Memos from a Return needed to Paid in Full date and Commission Date, it has been corrected to allow this logic to happen.Fix
4410We now allow the choice of SO or PO on manual JE ledger transactions using accounts with margin type E.New Enhancement
4411In v42 IQ added the ability to have a  warehouse filter to the inventory write down selection screen.New Enhancement
Internal QACreate SO via Attribute search is failed and it has been corrected to allowed search for all types of Attribute.Fix
FixWhen a user copied a SO it will now have the Avatax values from the existing SO that it was copied from.Fix
FixCredit Invoice created from Return had used Avatax value of  zero and this has been corrected.Fix
FixAvalara Freight tax-code was creating duplication when copied. Fixed on SP, SO and Invoices.Fix
FixIn View of the PO, after changing the purchase cost and try invoking any buttons on the header, it throws invalid message “Please select a record”. This error has been fixed.Fix
FixOptimization of procedure within IQ when invoicing SO’s to load quicker.Fix
FixEnabled the  Colorado retail delivery tax handling when using Avalara.Fix
Sales and Purchasing
TaskTask DescriptionFeature
2359Buildup dialog – On the Available Inventory list, the PO search was not working.Fix
2755Add ability to apply INVENTORY ATTRIBUTES to the MASTER ITEM and INHERIT ATTRIBUTES when Inventory is added to PO. Click the link to learn how to use this: Enhancement
3122Schedule Shipment error when a SO has an item with a status = “Return In Process”Fix
3478Update Return comments on SO detail to include the PO-line & inventory ID of the item is returned.Fix
3622The system allows two mfgrs to be created with same spelling, one in all upper and one in all lower, this was fixed to only allow one mfg..Fix
3751Ledger detail will now be sorted on print, and pdf first by the account number, then by the date.Fix
3796Couldn’t  add a category and have it saved, if the mfg.  was not saved first.Fix
3803Add Reference Field to Invoices New Credits.New Enhancement
3971Bills with voided date after the end date of the aging report will now appear on the as of aging report.passed
4031Updated the logic to stop duplicate mfg. from being allowed.passed
4033The subject on emails with same format as the pdf as the name creation.passed
4055Added new logic to make the warehouse inactive so it cannot be applied to any master item, inventory item, shipment, PO, SO.Fix
4196Add customer PO number and SO number to the ship screen.New Enhancement
4232SO Ship To address updated to prompt to update all shipments or not when a address update is made on the order.Fix
4244The. Material Lists that was auto added was not adding when converting a SQ to SO.Fix
4272Added 30 UDF fields to Master Items: Enhancement
4285Added a inventory condition column in Returns, click here to learn more; Enhancement
4286Easily added missing SO items to a return. Click here to learn more: Enhancement
4305Added a option to default the contact info into the bill to address on the SO and invoice table.New Enhancement
4307Now able to map and import “estimated sale price” on inventory import and import update.New Enhancement
4308Fixed mapping errors when using. inventory update/import to map to original unit cost.Fix
4311Print check must will now use the  contact name and address from the bill’s remit to address.Fix
4315Add email Column in CV Contacts page.New Enhancement
4321When opening Customer Prepayment  you can Convert to Client Credit Memo.New Enhancement
4324Added a setting under the setup of  blind drop ship and when this setup is marked, the addresses will match on commercial invoice for blind drop shipments.New Enhancement
4329SO totals not always updated when a misc. charge is on the SQ/SPFix
4331When changing the rep on a bill after tabbing out of the rep field allow this to happen up  unit the point the manual bill is paid.Fix
4337The tabs “price and cost” and “More” fields are not updated when “jump substitute” button is clicked on the “substitute” tab.Fix
4343Reports > Inventory > Master Item – Manufacturer was difficult to select and was corrected.Fix
4345SO Schedule Shipment was not saving Signature Field.Fix
4353Users can now add serial numbers on the import screen when importing SO’s and it will now reserve the items to the SO.New Enhancement
4362When PO receive Item of an item was happening  at times it was  not generating a bill when Purchase Cost is updated in the Receive Screen.Fix
4364When there was a period or semicolon at end of notification email address it was causing  SO’s  to not be viewable.Fix
4365Added prepayment column on the Purchase orders list.Fix
4370Added a comment to internal comments that when a PO was emailed by the user it will give a time stable of when that emailed.Fix
4372Pick list now has a option to not be blind on when  processing a order that is a blind shipmentFix
4380Added a access right to View a PO only.New Enhancement
4383Turned on the ability to  “show build up and part add” on picklist.New Enhancement
4399Invalid email in the notification email field on shipments prevents other tabs to be viewed on SO of the shipment.Fix
4411Added warehouse filter to the inventory write down selection screen.New Enhancement
4418Updated the master item view access  to now  give the user the ability to move to next page on price history tab or inventory tab.Fix
4438SO Return on partial inventory – Returned inventory record is deleted from ‘inventorybulkallocation’ table when it should notFix
Fix Sales Proposal Export to Excel was not exporting.Fix
EnhancementSO Line Item Add OptimizationNew Enhancement
EnhancementUpdated the pick list to always show the  barcode of the SO number on the normal pick list.New Enhancement
EnhancementCreate SO via Attribute search had failed at times and is now fixed.Fix
EnhancementMaster item list performance optimization, load times have increased to load 2-3 seconds faster.New Enhancement
SO InvoiceOptimization of procedure for SO to invoice to be quicker.passed
EnhancementMaster Item view now has  the applied bootstrap design to that page.passed
Warehouse and Inventory
TaskTask DescriptionFeature
2359Buildup dialog – On the Available Inventory list, the PO search was not working.Fix
2755Add ability to apply INVENTORY ATTRIBUTES to the MASTER ITEM and INHERIT ATTRIBUTES when Inventory is added to PO. Click the link to learn how to use this: Enhancement
3122Schedule Shipment error when a SO has an item with a status = “Return In Process”Fix
3478Update Return comments on SO detail to include the PO-line & inventory ID of the item is returned.Fix
3622The system allows two mfgrs to be created with same spelling, one in all upper and one in all lower, this was fixed to only allow one mfg..Fix
3751Ledger detail will now be sorted on print, and pdf first by the account number, then by the date.Fix
3796Couldn’t  add a category and have it saved, if the mfg.  was not saved first.Fix
3803Add Reference Field to Invoices New Credits.New Enhancement
3971Bills with voided date after the end date of the aging report will now appear on the as of aging report.passed
4031Updated the logic to stop duplicate mfg. from being allowed.passed
4033The subject on emails with same format as the pdf as the name creation.passed
4055Added new logic to make the warehouse inactive so it cannot be applied to any master item, inventory item, shipment, PO, SO.Fix
4196Add customer PO number and SO number to the ship screen.New Enhancement
4232SO Ship To address updated to prompt to update all shipments or not when a address update is made on the order.Fix
4244The. Material Lists that was auto added was not adding when converting a SQ to SO.Fix
4272Added 30 UDF fields to Master Items: Enhancement
4285Added a inventory condition column in Returns, click here to learn more; Enhancement
4286Easily added missing SO items to a return. Click here to learn more: Enhancement
4305Added a option to default the contact info into the bill to address on the SO and invoice table.New Enhancement
4307Now able to map and import “estimated sale price” on inventory import and import update.New Enhancement
4308Fixed mapping errors when using. inventory update/import to map to original unit cost.Fix
4311Print check must will now use the  contact name and address from the bill’s remit to address.Fix
4315Add email Column in CV Contacts page.New Enhancement
4321When opening Customer Prepayment  you can Convert to Client Credit Memo.New Enhancement
4324Added a setting under the setup of  blind drop ship and when this setup is marked, the addresses will match on commercial invoice for blind drop shipments.New Enhancement
4329SO totals not always updated when a misc. charge is on the SQ/SPFix
4331When changing the rep on a bill after tabbing out of the rep field allow this to happen up  unit the point the manual bill is paid.Fix
4337The tabs “price and cost” and “More” fields are not updated when “jump substitute” button is clicked on the “substitute” tab.Fix
4343Reports > Inventory > Master Item – Manufacturer was difficult to select and was corrected.Fix
4345SO Schedule Shipment was not saving Signature Field.Fix
4353Users can now add serial numbers on the import screen when importing SO’s and it will now reserve the items to the SO.New Enhancement
4362When PO receive Item of an item was happening  at times it was  not generating a bill when Purchase Cost is updated in the Receive Screen.Fix
4364When there was a period or semicolon at end of notification email address it was causing  SO’s  to not be viewable.Fix
4365Added prepayment column on the Purchase orders list.Fix
4370Added a comment to internal comments that when a PO was emailed by the user it will give a time stable of when that emailed.Fix
4372Pick list now has a option to not be blind on when  processing a order that is a blind shipmentFix
4380Added a access right to View a PO only.New Enhancement
4383Turned on the ability to  “show build up and part add” on picklist.New Enhancement
4399Invalid email in the notification email field on shipments prevents other tabs to be viewed on SO of the shipment.Fix
4411Added warehouse filter to the inventory write down selection screen.New Enhancement
4418Updated the master item view access  to now  give the user the ability to move to next page on price history tab or inventory tab.Fix
4438SO Return on partial inventory – Returned inventory record is deleted from ‘inventorybulkallocation’ table when it should notFix
Fix Sales Proposal Export to Excel was not exporting.Fix
EnhancementSO Line Item Add OptimizationNew Enhancement
EnhancementUpdated the pick list to always show the  barcode of the SO number on the normal pick list.New Enhancement
EnhancementCreate SO via Attribute search had failed at times and is now fixed.Fix
EnhancementMaster item list performance optimization, load times have increased to load 2-3 seconds faster.New Enhancement
SO InvoiceOptimization of procedure for SO to invoice to be quicker.passed
EnhancementMaster Item view now has  the applied bootstrap design to that page.passed
API & Integrated Apps
TaskTask DescriptionFeature
4435- API Avalara Tax API unavailability caused invoice Ledger posting issue, this has been corrected.New Feature
4369 – APIAPI endpoints which can be filtered by CV code on  inventory and inventory history.New Feature
4414 – APIShipment API – Update Delivery StatusNew Feature
4415 – APIExtend the Get Shipments API – Add new parameter to fetch the data using Scheduled ship date rangeNew Feature
New API FeatureIn  Get Master ItemAPI, in the output response, get the non-inventory field and Max available field detailsNew Feature
4272 – APIAPI added for the 30 new UDFs added to the master items.New Feature


August 5, 2022 – By IQ reseller

Accounting & Administration
Task Description Type
1346 PO Prepayment of foreign currency we were displaying the currency exchange rate dialog pop up. This is removed as the Prepayment is completed at the existing currency conversion rate. Fix
3067 Ledger Journal Entry import from Excel. Great for payroll entries and other situations where you have multiple entries to make in one shot. New Feature
3538 Admin > Comments Admin format now respects the line spacing formatting you have entered. Enhancement
3563 Inactive users are not included in the Rep field for Open Invoice with Aging Report Enhancement
3700 Admin > Manage Company Credit Cards – Added Card Delete function. Enhancement
3772 User with Master Item View Access Right was blocked using Jump to Substitute function. Now they can use it. Fix
3814 In some cases a duplicate inventoryid would get created in inventory matching one in inventory history. Fix
3896 In rare specific situation a user could VOID a payment twice or Pay a Bill twice. Fix
3898 Future ledger entries were showing in prior month’s closed bank reconciliation in Excel. Fix
3921 In rare instances printing check for Bill was creating 2 ledger sessions for posting. Fix
3964 Bulk inventory type only on a RMA return. When 2 separate lines on a SO were Sold of the same item and Reserved of the same Bulk Item lot (which shared the same inventoryid) and both lines were returned; the RMA would fail. Fix
3968 Open Bills with Aging Report AND selecting option Exclude Bills with No Vendor Bill Number OR Only Bills with No Vendor Bill Number the report would fail with message “no records” Fix
4006 Marketplace Payment File Import to pay Ecommerce sales invoices from file from any market place like Amazon or Ebay or Backmarket, New Egg etc. New Feature
4038 Multi-select several AR credit memos to convert to a Bill. Then unselect more than 1. System would not respect all the unchecked and would create a Bill for 1 that was unselected. Fix
4062 RMA Return for Credit Only was returning Bulk Type Inventory items to inventory; when they should go to History. Fix
4072 Cost averaging for all inventory.  This was made for an IQ reseller user which does only computer maintenance and wanted all parts to be cost averaged by condition code. It is all or nothing in that when you enabled it in Admin > System Setup > Inventory; all items will be cost averaged. New Feature
4075 Removed the “upload from posted session” from ledger transaction new screen as it was confusing users to think they could upload a file of ledger transactions. They got their wish and in V41 we added the file upload function to create ledger transactions. Fix
4152 IQ reseller Pay. Added column to show the Card Brand, VISA, AMEX, MasterCard etc. Fix
4156 Affected Chrome browser UK users only. Miscellaneous Invoice with Chrome Language set to English (United Kingdom) was displaying Month/Day instead of Day /Month. Fix
4201 View Cash Receipts Journal screen VOIDED tick box was unchecked when payment was VOIDED. Now it shows both VOIDED and Un-voided payments properly. Fix
4220 Added the AP prepaymentID to the ledger transaction when posting the prepayment for enhanced transaction auditing. Format: PREPAYMENT 3171 ET 294314  where 3171 is the prepayment ID and 294314 is the reference field. Fix
4222 Arrange SO List View List Grid columns anywhere you want! Enhancement
4229 Margin Summary Report “Other Cost” section is showing AR Invoice line as unpaid even when invoice is paid. This did not affect the accuracy of the report as it was shown on the Paid report. Fix
4230 In some cases companylastid for soid was getting updated when Admin > System Setup is viewed creating an incorrect last id sequence. Fix
4233 Invalid Ledge date entry did not permit the user to hit OK and change the date it required a full screen refresh. Fix
4251 Avalara AVATAX Setup.Added in the Tax category headers which now includes all Tax Categories for use. Enhancement
4252 Barcode Reserve on SO was not triggering Margin Share calculations for Buyer and seller when inventory-id was scanned. Manual Reserves were unaffected. Fix
4257 Change session date takes 20 to 30 seconds to update to new date. FIXED in production May 24th. Fix
4262 Added APIs for financial dashboard data Like – Profit and Loss and comparison over time. Dashboards coming shortly from IQ or you can create your own. New Feature
4263 Paid Commission Report API for dashboards. IQ dashboard coming soon or create your own. New Feature
4265 If user VOIDS a Bill then deletes a line from voided Bill, a ledger transaction was made for the deletion of the line. Fix
4266 AP open aging report. Since we added the user defined payment methods in V40 we now have updated the AP aging report to sort by Payment Method if desired. Now you can have payment method ACH and sort to find all ACH payments due. Enhancement
4267 Bills Payment Date format when using UK English is showing Month/Day instead of D/M on an international system. Fix
4270 Invoices appearing in Invoices Aging report that should not be there. This could make the Aging report not match the Balance sheet in specific situations. The underlying financial data was correct the report was not. Fix
4275 IQ reseller Pay.  Card on File capture for International cards no need to require a state value. Makes processing intl cards easier. Enhancement
4278 In rare instance Credit applied to arinvoice not posting to general ledger. Revised the coding to eliminate any possibility. Fix
4279 Bank Reconciliation handling of AP prepayment balance and credit invoices cleared date. New logic insures the entries appear in the correct manner in the bank reconciliation. Fix
4280 Avalara Avatax users only. When Admin > System Setup > Ledger is set to “Post on Document Date” that date is now being sent to Avalara instead of the current date. Fix
4281 Invoice and Bill view. When international user the date format for Due Date was set with wrong date format. Fix
4283 Bank reconciliation fixed a couple issues that caused entries to appear twice in specific instance. Fix
4294 Added page size options for 250 and 500 lines for the Invoice view screen. Great for high volume resellers. Enhancement
4296 Added VOID reason for Bills.  Now when you VOID the Bill it prompts for a reason. Enhancement
4298 Blind Commercial Invoice option. Now you can remove your name from the Commercial Invoice that would normally print in the Upper right hand corner. Enhancement
4300 IQ reseller GlobalShip. When Blind Shipment is selected. The Reference 1 and 2 values used to be blank. Now we populate the SOID and Client PO ID. The Shipment label is still blind. This change makes it easier when the Billing arrived from FedEx and UPS to track it to the SO. Enhancement
4306 Added option to copy internal comments from PO to internal comments of Bill(s) created from the PO. New Feature
Change request Changed Logic when Reserving Bulk type items to split the bulk value for that SO and give its own inventoryid. This improves things later on Return events. Fix
Optimization. Optimized the Inventory Write-down scripts to run faster allowing up to 3000 items to be executed at one time without timeout. Enhancement
Sales and Purchasing
1071Master Item Inactive selection. IQ reseller has customers that have been on the platform for over 15 and over 20 years.  They have hundreds of Master items that will no longer be used in a new transaction.  This feature allows them to make the item inactive so it cannot be used in new transactions.New Feature
3538Admin > Comments Admin format now respects the line spacing formatting you have entered.

4008Copy PO Function will not copy location anymore from the origin PO. It uses the Master Item default location for the item.Fix
4141IQ reseller Maxlist. Added a Sync button at the item.  So any item can be re-synced to reset the qty or availability.Enhancement
4172IQ reseller Globalship. Added “Signature Required” option.Enhancement
4208Added vendor code to SO Reserve screen. This is important for users which are Cisco certified resellers to know when the product being reserved is from a Cisco direct PO and not the secondary market. Feature
4215SO Contract Comments with &or # cause the fatal restart IQ reseller error page.Fix
4222Arrange SO List View List Grid columns anywhere you want!
4246SO Margin Summary View is working when user did not have permission.Fix
4252Barcode Reserve on SO was not triggering Margin Share calculations for Buyer and Seller when inventoryid was scanned. Manual Reserves were unaffected.Fix
4260In rare case when user had SO open in one tab and invoicing in another a prepayment could be done on the SO via IQ reseller Pay.Fix
4275IQ reseller Pay.  Card on File capture for International cards no need to require a state value. Makes processing intl cards easier.Enhancement
4277SO detail Reference field is now being replicated to all lines when quantity of SO line is greater than 1 and expanded upon Reserve.Enhancement
4298Blind Commercial Invoice option. Now you can remove your name from the Commercial Invoice that would normally print in the Upper right hand corner.Enhancement
4299Added Print Packing List and Pick list option in the Shipments screen of the SO.

4300IQ reseller GlobalShip. When Blind Shipment is selected. The Reference 1 and 2 values used to be blank. Now we populate the SOID and Client PO ID. The Shipment label is still blind. This change makes it easier when the Billing arrived from FedEx and UPS to track it to the SO.Enhancement
4303Edit Inventory Description in Bulk Changes. Now you can mark many inventory items and update description for all.

New Feature
Optimization.When viewing a particular Master Item we optimized performance to pop screen in under 2 seconds vs 10 to 15 seconds.Enhancement
Warehouse & Technical
3538Admin > Comments Admin format now respects the line spacing formatting you have entered.

3816An ampersand (&) in the Inventory Comments field caused an error.Fix
3845Master Item import when item description was over the allowed 60 characters this prevented any master items from being imported. Now it skips the offending line and loops to the next.  Report card will tell you what lines need change.Fix
3964Bulk inventory type only on a RMA return. When 2 separate lines on a SO were Sold of the same item and Reserved of the same Bulk Item lot (which shared the same inventoryid) and both lines were returned; the RMA would fail.Fix
4189RMA Partial Return of a Bulk Type item only. Inventory item returned but did not appear in the inventory list. Now it does.Fix
4222Arrange SO List View List Grid columns anywhere you want!
4231SO Right click “Time stamp” cursor change for comment text to post each time stamp in its own line and not from end of prior time stamp. Much improved readability!Enhancement
4234SO Reserve Screen default page size changed from 15 to 50.Enhancement
4238Add attachments to Inventory item via drag and drop or selection.
4240Pick List no longer printed by Location in non summary mode. FIXED May 11 in Production for all users.Fix
4250Inventory comments ID can duplicate causing issues. 
4258Inventory User defined Field multi-select change. Now you can select hundreds of items and change any Inventory User Defined field value in one shot. Used to be 1 at a time.
4271When using Generic Shipping process flow Ship to Phone is no longer required field. Speeds up order processing.Enhancement
4288Ampersand in the attribute value field in inventory attribute table does not allow item with that attribute to be updated.Fix
4299Added Print Packing List and Pick list option in the Shipments screen of the SO.

4300IQ reseller GlobalShip. When Blind Shipment is selected. The Reference 1 and 2 values used to be blank. Now we populate the SOID and Client PO ID. The Shipment label is still blind. This change makes it easier when the Billing arrived from FedEx and UPS to track it to the SO.Enhancement
4301Added SO number to SO ship screen.

4303Edit Inventory Description in Bulk Changes. Now you can mark many inventory items and update description for all.

New Feature
ITAD workflow ScreenCondition code drop-down failed to load the next processing condition code after SaveFix
Optimization.When viewing a particular Master Item we optimized performance to pop screen in under 2 seconds vs 10 to 15 seconds.Enhancement


April 2, 2022  – By IQ Honcho

Accounting & Administration
3630When using Shared Margin between Buying and Selling Rep AND the System Setup option is to “prompt” the split screen to adjust margin share between Buyer and Seller.   Now when the Sale Price = 0 and or Unit cost = 0 the prompt will allow a Share to be inserted.  This means the Buyer can get proper value for equipment with a 0 cost due to inventory writedowns.  Previously you could do this in the Rep Margin share function only.ENHANCEMENT
3746Changed Access for CRM TASK’s so that if user has no access to Client Vendor they can still access Tasks.ENHANCEMENT
3923On Bills with a Vendor Prepayment, system was leaving an amount in Paid non Posted in he table.  However, the Ledger, Vendor Prepayment, Payments and all details indicated the full amount has been applied.FIXED
4043Expanded Bills page size to at least 200 per page.  This is a max number to maintain fast performance.ENHANCEMENT
4095We now automate the default SO ID when applying a New Credit to an Invoice saving a few clicks per line.ENHANCEMENT
4107Vendor preferred default payment method and visibility in the Bills list.  Also allows you to create your own Payment Methods to appear in the dropdown.   PayPal, ACH, Wire, Venmo, etc.NEW FEATURE
4150When user access was limited to  “Only see their own tasks”  they were unable to assign tasks to other users.
4158User with Admin > Access > Bills > Show Transactions of all Reps (unchecked) could not see their own Bills either.FIXED
4159Added CV name in the SO list view.ENHANCEMENT
4165Task notification background color changed to white.

4167Rep on items when using Bulk Breakdown was set to user doing the breakdown instead of the PO rep.   Should be the PO rep for proper commission tracking and write-downs.FIXED
4174Change Button from  “Convert Vendor Prepayment to Credit Invoice”  to “Vendor Credit Bill”    the resulting Bill generated says “Credit Invoice” as before.ENHANCEMENT
4186  On rare occasion companies could receive a “duplicate stdetail id”  shared between 2 SO’s which caused issues.FIXED
4195When changing a Bill Date and entering an Invalid Date, the system prompts you invalid date but then loops and does not move on.FIXED
4210Commercial Invoice Save LogicNEW FEATURE
4211Get Category1 in the Get SOs and Get POs APINEW FEATURE
4216Normalize PO Bill Amount and Paid Posted Amount – use same formatFIXED
4219Bills Payment and Credits Report now shows the prepayments entries in Print PDF and ExcelENHANCEMENT
Sales and Purchasing
1589SO Gross Margin field now shows correct margin.  Note that when products are not reserved the line cost used = $0  when SO is fully “Reserved” the actual costs are used in the Calculation.

3343Added an alert when a CVCode is entered into a SO with a duplicate Client PO number.ENHANCEMENT
3630When using Shared Margin between Buying and Selling Rep AND the System Setup option is to “prompt” the split screen to adjust margin share between Buyer and Seller.   Now when the Sale Price = 0 and or Unit cost = 0 the prompt will allow a Share to be inserted.  This means the Buyer can get proper value for equipment with a 0 cost due to inventory write-downs.  Previously you could do this in the Rep Margin share function only.ENHANCEMENT
3709Maxlist – new option to ignore master item pricing by condition code by inserting a price in the Maxlist items screen which will override the Master Item condition code pricing.ENHANCEMENT
3746Changed Access for CRM TASKs so that if user has no access to Client Vendor they can still access Tasks.ENHANCEMENT
4089 Added condition code column to cycle count menu.   Users can now see the condition in the system matches the item they are physically auditing.ENHANCEMENT
4093Aligned buttons to the left of SP menu.ENHANCEMENT
4103New 4×1 Inventory label format with location under description.ENHANCEMENT
4107Vendor preferred default payment method and visibility in the Bills list.  Also allows you to create your own Payment Methods to appear in the drop-down.   PayPal, ACH, Wire, Venmo, etc.NEW FEATURE
4138PO Update file action using the Inventory > Update function via .xlsx upload.  Previously when a user Mapped only Inventory ID and Location in the Inventory > Update function the resulting Inventory Action table audit trail showed the PO rep of record as the one that updated the item instead of the warehouse user that actually did the update.FIXED
4150When user access was limited to  “Only see their own tasks”  they were unable to assign tasks to other users.

4159Added CV name in the SO list view.ENHANCEMENT
4165Task notification background color changed to white.

4167Rep on items when using Bulk Breakdown was set to user doing the breakdown instead of the PO rep.   Should be the PO rep for proper commission tracking and write-downs.FIXED
4171 Auto-size Receive screen  based on monitor device resolution and settings.  Users will higher resolution will see more lines.  You can always use Ctrl + or – to see more or less data.ENHANCEMENT
4175PO additional information tab > User defined fields.   Now these fields are editable when PO is fully received.  Prior they were locked.ENHANCEMENT
4178PO Contract “Print Preview” Rep name would default to first name in the list instead of the PO Rep.FIXED
4186On rare occasion companies could receive a “duplicate STdetail id”  shared between 2 SOs which caused issues.FIXED
4187Maxlist > All Items Screen when filtering by Mfg and then deleting an item with the filter remaining in place the screen refresh did not retain the filter.   Now it does.ENHANCEMENT
4202Add “Open by”and “Sales Rep” to Return ScreenENHANCEMENT
4207Remove “include Zero- Quantity Items” from MaxlistENHANCEMENT
4211Get Category1 in the Get SOs and Get POs APINEW FEATURE
4212Margin Summary from SO List is showing Return items Sale Price – should be 0FIXED
Bootstrap UpdateSO ReserveENHANCEMENT
Workflow processENHANCEMENT
SO Commercial InvoiceENHANCEMENT
Bulk Part RemovalENHANCEMENT
Pick List setup screenENHANCEMENT
Pick List+ Setup screenENHANCEMENT
Return Verify screen and Close screenENHANCEMENT
        Brokerbin ItemsENHANCEMENT
Invoice -> Receive Payment -> Add Payment screenENHANCEMENT
Performance UpdateInventory -> Import -> New – Optimization done.  It now allows you to import up to 4000 lines ~ 1 minutesENHANCEMENT
NALocation length in PO Receive supports 25 chars whereas the actual location length is 20.  And this caused the string truncated issueFIXED
Warehouse and Inventory
3746Changed Access for CRM TASKs so that if user has no access to Client Vendor they can still access Tasks.ENHANCEMENT
4103New 4×1 Inventory label format with location under description.

4138PO Update file action using the Inventory > Update function via .xlsx upload.  Previously when a user Mapped only Inventory ID and Location in the Inventory > Update function the resulting Inventory Action table audit trail showed the PO rep of record as the one that updated the item instead of the warehouse user that actually did the update.FIXED
4150When user access was limited to  “Only see their own tasks”  they were unable to assign tasks to other users.

4165Task notification background color changed to white.

4171 Auto-size Receive screen  based on monitor device resolution and settings.  Users will higher resolution will see more lines.  You can always use Ctrl + or – to see more or less data.ENHANCEMENT
4175PO additional information tab > User defined fields.   Now these fields are editable when PO is fully received.  Prior they were locked.ENHANCEMENT
4185 Wider Invoiced > Receive payments screen > now shows the whole “Fees Shortages” function field added in V39.ENHANCEMENT
4187Maxlist > All Items Screen when filtering by Mfg and then deleting an item with the filter remaining in place the screen refresh did not retain the filter.   Now it does.ENHANCEMENT
4192Pick List print Grouping by Item and Warehouse Location did not group correctly.FIXED
4194Return  with 1 line. Then you mark the line as “Remove from return” in the verify/test screen and the screen locked.  NowFIXED
4207Remove “include Zero- Quantity Items” from MaxlistENHANCEMENT
Bootstrap UpdateSO ReserveENHANCEMENT
Workflow processENHANCEMENT
SO Commercial InvoiceENHANCEMENT
Bulk Part RemovalENHANCEMENT
Pick List setup screenENHANCEMENT
Pick List+ Setup screenENHANCEMENT
Return Verify screen and Close screenENHANCEMENT
        Brokerbin ItemsENHANCEMENT
Invoice -> Receive Payment -> Add Payment screenENHANCEMENT


January 26, 2022 – By IQ Honcho
Accounting & Administration
UI EnhancementDynamic screen autosize based on screen resolution and percentage selected.  Dynamically additional records are shown on the screen and if you use Ctrl key with + the screen will resize with a larger font and less data.  Or use Ctrl – to increase data shown.   Many customers have asked for this feature to show more inventory lines more POs in a list etc.NEW
QB SyncQB Sync Issue: The length of the item+mfgr+description exceeding a specific length would prevent the sync completing.  Fixed  in Production in November.FIXED
3219Ledger Lock  changes:  1. Viewing Bill line detail  was prevented in a Locked period.   That has been relaxed so you can view Bill line detail with no “unlock” first message.   2. When attempting to make a Bill taxable in a Locked period you were blocked correctly from marking it taxable.  However after unlocked and then marking it taxable the taxes posted in the current session date.  That has been changed to create the tax entry using the Bill date.ENHANCEMENT
3914EORI number printing enhancement for European IQ reseller users only.  EORI stands for “Economic Operators Registration and Identification number”.
Businesses wishing to do business in the EU must use the EORI number as an identification number in all customs procedures when exchanging information with Customs administrations.   Old Logic:  EORI number was stored as 1 record with the Client Vendor (CV) record. This number would then appear on Commercial invoice.  New Logic:  You can enter an EORI number for each contact listed in a CV record so different EORI numbers can be used in the Commercial Invoice for  the Shipper, Consignee, and Importer of Records.  By default IQ reseller will use each Contact EORI  for the Shipper, Consignee and Importer of Record. If one is not present it will use the Main CV record EORI number to print the Commercial invoice.
3903SO Partially applied Prepayment change.  Old logic:  SO Prepayment Ledger Entries convert to AR Ledger account entries for the value of each SO line invoiced.  The Prepayment Ledger account is different than the AR Ledger account.   If later the Prepayment is VOIDED in its entirety it was incorrectly updating the AR Ledger Account for the value of both Prepayment and Invoiced Payment which then caused the wrong account account to be updated with the full amount.  This was never an issue if the prepayment was voided before any partial invoicing of the product.   New logic:  When VOIDing a SO Prepayment that is partially invoiced.  Ledger entries are made to the SO Prepayment account for the portion of the SO not invoiced.  Any invoiced SO lines update the AR Ledger account.   This corrects the issue.   Example:  An SO for $1000 value with a $1000 Prepayment.  $300 is invoiced and $700 is not.  When the Prepayment is VOIDED at that moment.   Your Cash Account used for the payment (typically 1010) will Decrease by $1000 and AR Ledger account will increase by $300 and Prepayment account will decrease by $700.FIXED
3923PO receive flow internal code design change.   Users will see no difference.  The code change makes the design resilient to concurrent  situations:  Example: Two users access same inventory item from a PO and update the record and receive it.  The first users actions were overridden by the second user.  This could also create a situation on Prepayment PO’s where an amount might show in the “Paid Not Posted” field of the AP invoice table. However the Ledger, Vendor Prepayment  and Payments tables indicate the full amount has been paid.FIXED
3978Inventory.  Removed the possibility for a physical inventory item to have a negative value.   Non-inventory type Master items can still have a negative value.FIXED
3979Check printing.  Eliminated the possibility of printing a negative amount check from a credit AP (Bills) Invoice.FIXED
4042When tax is removed from an invoice the “Paid in full” date was not updated even though invoice was fully paid.FIXED
4096Fee Shortages in Receive Payments now works correctly when you see the prompt to enter Fee-Shortage Account we expanded the screen to see the whole account. In addition the entered Fee could go to 0 when saved.  This is a very handy feature for quickly entering shortages from customer payments due to a wire fee or short pay due to damage or missing components or a Credit Card fee.FIXED
4100Users can now re-open a Closed bank reconciliation from the past.FIXED
4105View invoice > Payment history view.   Service Fees from Receive Payments incorrectly.   Only the view was incorrect all the underlying accounting was correct in the Ledger.FIXED
4111Situation where freight line added to a existing invoice  where a rounding method caused a .002 difference from base amount and foreign amount fields even when done in base currency. Then invoice which was Paid did not show as paid due to the fractional penny.FIXED
4112Receive payments CV lookup was showing inactive Cvcode.  Corrected now Inactive CV does not show.FIXED
4113Bank reconciliation issue.  If a reconciliation is opened and some of the work completed and then saved but not closed.  Then a payment is made within that date range it did not update the ledger account balance for that Bill payment.  This is nowFIXED
4117Customer Prepayments made via IQ reseller Pay Credit card Processing  Refund button was inactive. Fixed in production in December.FIXED
4125Copy Bill was also copying bill receive date. Not anymore.FIXED
4129Customer Statement now ignores from and to Client fields when selecting All Clients and email function.  This prevents accidentally emailing a single client other clients statements.  You will need to deselect ALL to send a statement to a single client.FIXED
4130Should not be able to change a date on invoice or bill when doing so will do ledger entries prior to the Ledger lock date.  Prior to this fix you could change the date on an existing invoice or bill;  even if you could not create a new one.FIXED
4145Advance replacement SO created from an SO Return did not update properly with the Avatax calculated amount. NowFIXED
4148Reports – SO – Sales margin report Note wording edited.  Note – Estimated Costs are used for SO detail lines that are not reserved or invoiced.FIXED
4027On occasion organizations want to override the default margin share for a particular SO for a variety of reasons.   Feature granted to a user in  Admin > Access > Sales >  Enable Rep Share Tool.  How to use:  Navigate to Sell > Margin Rep Share.  The grid will appear with the sold items in it and the respective margins the user can easily  redistribute the share on any single item or all items quickly and easily prior to invoicing.   Once invoiced the Rep Share cannot be changed.   Certain organizations review the Shipped Orders from the Reserved SO list tab with a filter on Ship status column = Shipped.   The owner or manager or accounting department then reviews the margin Share and can change just before invoicing.

4116SO > Commercial Invoice > Show SO User Defined Field 3 value in the Commercial invoice header details.  This allows our customers to have “user defined” field data appear on Commercial invoices if desired.NEW
4132API endpoint to get the commercial Invoice report as XML and JSON format for an SO.NEW
Sales and Purchasing
UI EnhancementDynamic screen autosize based on screen resolution and percentage selected.  Dynamically additional records are shown on the screen and if you use Ctrl key with + the screen will resize with a larger font and less data.  Or use Ctrl – to increase data shown.   Many customers have asked for this feature to show more inventory lines more POs in a list etc.NEW
4154Maxlist changes.
1. Added Mfgr mapping to match with Broker Bin mfg list.
2. Send Now > Name changed to “Sync All”.  Logic we re-sync items to BrokerBin.
3. One way substitute had an issue of updating the Qty to the parent item.
4. If the Condition Code was mapped to a BrokerBin qualified Condition code, the Qty wasn’t updating properly in the Broker Bin portal when the qty of item reduced.
5. Substitute checkbox and BrokerBin checkbox columns are set as non-editable, since they are tied to the parent item. Unchecking the parent will remove the subs as well.
3923PO receive flow internal code design change.   Users will see no difference.  The code change makes the design resilient to concurrent  situations:  Example: Two users access same inventory item from a PO and update the record and receive it.  The first users actions were overridden by the second user.  This could also create a situation on Prepayment PO’s where an amount might show in the “Paid Not Posted” field of the AP invoice table. However the Ledger, Vendor Prepayment  and Payments tables indicate the full amount has been paid.FIXED
4007Maxlist does not resend item to BrokerBin when quantity goes from 0 to greater than 0.    Example:  Item is on BrokerBin with a quantity and the item sells out and qty avail = 0;  later a new Receipt of that item raises qty above 0.  Item will now reappear automatically on BrokerBin without any user intervention.FIXED
4087Only occurs when when printing Blind Shipment packing list WITHOUT a IQ reseller Globalship scheduled shipment.   In that case the first level SO customer name  was printing in upper right hand corner of Packing List instead of the designated Ship From.   Blind and double blind scheduled shipment packing lists were always correct.FIXED
4110V38 Upgrade caused the PO import to fail.  This was fixed Nov 9, 2021.FIXED
4117Customer Prepayments made via IQ reseller Pay Credit card Processing  Refund button was inactive. Fixed in production in December.FIXED
4126Creating an SO from an SP adds comments and cuts off others.FIXED
4135Summary format serial numbers were incorrect on Picklist.FIXED
4145Advance replacement SO created from an SO Return did not update properly with the Avatax calculated amount. NowFIXED
4148Reports – SO – Sales margin report Note wording edited.  Note – Estimated Costs are used for SO detail lines that are not reserved or invoiced.FIXED
4027On occasion, organizations want to override the default margin share for a particular SO for a variety of reasons.   Feature granted to a user in  Admin > Access > Sales >  Enable Rep Share Tool.  How to use:  Navigate to Sell > Margin Rep Share.  The grid will appear with the sold items in it and the respective margins the user can easily  redistribute the share on any single item or all items quickly and easily prior to invoicing.   Once invoiced the Rep Share cannot be changed.   Certain organizations review the Shipped Orders from the Reserved SO list tab with a filter on Ship status column = Shipped.   The owner or manager or accounting department then reviews the margin Share and can change just before invoicing.

4048Maxlist Last Update not new records a timestamp which is useful for diagnosing issues.NEW
4071Maxlist functionality rewritten to use BrokerBin’s latest REST API technology.  The REST API logic should be more resilient when making updates at BrokerBin compared to their original SOAP method.  This is because BrokerBin had logic restricting the volume of updates per second from a single IP address which was required by each Maxlist user to enter in their RTI registration at BrokerBin.   The REST technology eliminates that limiter.NEW
4080Added ability to scan outgoing product serials in the SO screen.  Perfect for high volume low value product where its final disposition is to be scrapped or may be sold, saving the effort of scanning serials into IQ reseller or printing a label.  See video how to use:
4090PO Receive > Items to Receive tab    Inventory description can now be edited in the grid overriding the default master item description.   IQ reseller automation with erasure and diagnostic software have always updated changes automatically.NEW
4098Client Vendor Select screen redesigned to add searchable address fields.NEW
4116SO > Commercial Invoice > Show SO User Defined Field 3 value in the Commercial invoice header details.  This allows our customers to have “user defined” field data appear on Commercial invoices if desired.NEW
4121Added Quality control boxes to Pick list to identify who Picked, Packed, Verified and Shipped order.NEW
4123System Setup > Order Processing > Added a user defined field (UDF) as checkbox control for the Shipping Log screen in Order processing.  This can be used to have someone Approve shipments or for other reasons.NEW
4128Company Mask Feature.   Allows you Sell Ship Invoice and Return product using different business name address and logo.   This is perfect for resellers using multiple web stores or business DBA’s “doing business as”.  All customer facing documents are created using the “Company Mask” chosen at the point of sale.NEW
4141Maxlist List > Added a Sync button. This helps to re-sync a Maxlist item to BrokerBin, if failed by any means.NEW
Warehouse, Technical, Order Processing
UI EnhancementDynamic screen autosize based on screen resolution and percentage selected.  Dynamically additional records are shown on the screen and if you use Ctrl key with + the screen will resize with a larger font and less data.  Or use Ctrl – to increase data shown.   Many customers have asked for this feature to show more inventory lines more POs in a list etc.NEW
4022Eliminated the possibility of a duplicate inventoryID being created.  In rare events when multiple users were receiving multiple items from the same PO a duplicate inventory item was created in rare instances.    This was fixed in all production databases November 19, 2021 with no occurrences since.FIXED
4087Only occurs when when printing Blind Shipment packing list WITHOUT a IQ reseller Globalship scheduled shipment.   In that case the first level SO customer name  was printing in upper right hand corner of Packing List instead of the designated Ship From.   Blind and double blind scheduled shipment packing lists were always correct.FIXED
4110V38 Upgrade caused the PO import to fail.  This was fixed Nov 9, 2021.FIXED
4135Summary format serial numbers were incorrect on Picklist.FIXED
4071Maxlist functionality rewritten to use BrokerBin’s latest REST API technology.  The REST API logic should be more resilient when making updates at BrokerBin compared to their original SOAP method.  This is because BrokerBin had logic restricting the volume of updates per second from a single IP address which was required by each Maxlist user to enter in their RTI registration at BrokerBin.   The REST technology eliminates that limiter.NEW
4080Added ability to scan outgoing product serials in the SO screen.  Perfect for high volume low value product where its final disposition is to be scrapped or may be sold, saving the effort of scanning serials into IQ reseller or printing a label.  See video how to use:
4090PO Receive > Items to Receive tab    Inventory description can now be edited in the grid overriding the default master item description.   IQ reseller automation with erasure and diagnostic software have always updated changes automatically.NEW
4103New 4×1 Inventory label formatNEW
4115User Access  point Order Processing -> To Ship tab -> Edit Warehouse access.  This will allow or deny warehouse shipping personnel from changing the warehouse field.New
4121Added Quality control boxes to Pick list to identify who Picked, Packed, Verified and Shipped order.NEW
4123System Setup > Order Processing > Added a user defined field (UDF) as checkbox control for the Shipping Log screen in Order processing.  This can be used to have someone Approve shipments or for other reasons.NEW


October 1, 2021 – By IQ Honcho
Admin & Accounting
TaskDescriptionFIX, Enhancement, New feature
527Payment shortage ledger entry shortcut.  When using Invoices > Receive payments screen easily distribute payment shortages to the correct Ledger account for each transaction.  For example invoice $1000 net payment is $980 due to incoming bank wire fees.  Just enter $20 in the new Shortage column cell for that transaction and select the Ledger account and the both the payment and shortage Ledger entries are done when posting the payments.  Also works for Sale Order Prepayments in the same screen.

3060Facebook style notifications over your IQ reseller User Icon when tagged or Assigned a Task created in Client Vendor/CRM > Task Manager.  Tasks can be created from any transaction, bill or invoice or client vendor followup of leads.  Attachments can be loaded and a due date assigned to complete the Task.  The Task tells you what is expected and what transaction or CV it is attached too.  A single click from the Task opens the underlying transaction to do action immediately.  Re-assign tasks and set due dates or snooze the due date.  See your own tasks or as a manager see others.

3185Extended Description Font issues In Master Item default matches size of Description.  Was slightly off. Fixed July 9th via SQL  stored procedure.FIXED
3912SO Tax being set to 0 when reserving SO that already had calculated Avalara Tax. Tax resets at Invoice anyway so was lower priority.FIXED
3919When auto margin split was enabled AND a Rep involved in the split did not have the required IQ reseller Margin accounts setup for Revenue and COGS etc. then  Ledger entries would get created with Ledger account = 0 which was wrong.  Now it uses the Main Corporate account mapped in your Admin > System setup.  (usually -00 accounts)  This issue did not affect any organizations that had the required commission accounts setup remember when adding new Commissionable Reps to always add the Commission Ledger accounts for them.FIXED
3976Ampersand character (&) in the Receive Payments Journal Code prevented Cash Receipts Journal from being printed.FIXED
3980Vendor Prepayment must select the PO 2 times to save. Now it saves on first click.FIXED
3999When using Copy Bill function the  Session ID was not set on the newly copied Bill in the APinvoiceTable.  Now it is.FIXED
4000Copy Invoice function did not set the Session ID I n the AR invoice table on the newly copied invoice.  Now it does.FIXED
4012Note: This case occurred only when a Create PO from SO process AND a SO Early Invoice was created AND a Bulk Type inventory item was then added to the sale.  During the final invoice step after early invoice a Ledger Entry would fail for the Bulk item only.FIXED
4013 Auto Invoice during Shipment would on occasion with a couple customers would fail to post the ledger transactions for the created invoice.  Fixed prior to upgrade July 15.FIXED
4015v37: Globalship tic box under System Setup was not working.  Fixed on July 13 for all customers.FIXED
4029SO Early invoice with foreign currency as follows. – The invoice ledger posting fails due to out of balance.               Example:  The Base currency is EUR

1. Create a SO with a foreign currency say USD

2. Add a line item with foreign unit price is $560 and Base currency unit price is calculated using the conversion rate in IQ.

3. Click Early Invoice

Expected Results;

The line item added in the early invoiced should be same as the SO line item

Actual Results:

The line item added in the early invoiced record shows the foreign unit price calculated with the base unit price using the conversion rate and updated in the line item.  This caused the difference in the SO amount and Invoice amount.  And failed the ledger entries with out of balance.

4030In a rare case Reserved SO-lines were allowed to be deleted/removed and were not unreserved.  Occurred only in the following manner. The SO was created with more than 200 lines.
They were reserved first with In Transit inventory items and received the PO lines
Then they unreserved a few lines and invoiced a few lines.  And they did this unreserved lines for all the reserved lines.
In the step 3, the REP “ESH”.  Opened that SO record in 2 different browser Tabs.
The REP selected a few lines and invoiced.
Later, from another tab, the same invoiced line is selected and unreserved.  The SO view screen shows the data as it was filled in the screen.  So, the status still in “Reserved” which allowed to unreserved.
So, the line is unreserved and reserved it again with different line item.  FIXED by adding validation.
4035Unpaid Margin Report ONLY: The Excel Summary does not match with PDF Summary.
There are 2 issues on Excel sheet that are not matched with Print PDF1. The returned inventory’s ledger account (REP based) has “matched paid” checkbox unchecked in the glaccount.  So, it shouldn’t be displayed in the Unpaid margin report.

2. PO’s apinvoice records should be displayed only on Paid margin and All invoiced margin reports.  So, the PO section displaying on Unpaid margin Excel is wrong.

4046When using the GL Ledger Transactions recurring template feature for Payroll for example.  It was using the date the template was created as the Ledger transactions date and the user would have to double check and change.  Now it uses the selected session date in the Ledger Transactions screen.FIXED
4056IQ reseller Pay   Accepting UK Credit cards issue.   Needed to replace UK with GB in the COF token creation when the Card is from the United Kingdom.FIXED
4060Sale Order that had multiple Prepayments against it and then Invoiced.  Later if you VOID one of the Prepayments; Paid and Due amount would not update correctly.FIXED
4074SO > Commercial Invoice > Choose the saved commercial ID and Print. The Importer address is wrong. Did not fail if printed while creating only after save.  Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a SO with a line item
2. Invoke Commercial Invoice
3. By default, there is no importer set.
4. Print the commercial invoice
5. Now using the search lookup, set the Importer address say ship to address
6. Print the commercial invoice.
7. It prints correctly.
8. Now from the saved list, choose the first commercial invoice ID then choose the last saved ID (which has importer set)
9. Click Print

Expected Results:
1. The importer address should be the one chose in that selected commercial invoice ID

Actual Results:
1. The importer address shows the first address of that CVcode not the saved one.

No Task <> symbol characters added code to validate and remove these harmful characters in Inventory Comments, CV Notes and Contact Comments and more.  These characters when present would prevent printing certain documents.FIXED
3917When initial payment is a prepayment using IQ reseller Pay you can now refund a portion or the whole or prepayment. IQ reseller Pay invoice  payment refunds were already allowed.

3985Avalara Auto- tax calc when Sale is saved and user is setup with a commission account.  Saves time.  Before when a lines were added to a sale and the save button was selected the tax calc did not automatically calc by design to stay under Avalara’s server “ping” limit of 10 pings to 1 final invoice. After evaluating user real life data we now added the auto-calc when SO Save button is pressed without any additional user action.  Or course when the Sale is invoiced or partially invoiced it “pings” Avalara again to calc the proper taxes.  Organizations using Avalara should still be under the Avalara 10 to 1 ratio.ENHANCEMENT
3997Added search fields in Invoices > Receive Payments to search by Invoice ID or Sale ID.  Quickly find the payments listed on the Payees check or other communication.

3998Receive Payment Screen – Functionality Optimization. Eliminated the Payments and Credits grid to show more invoices.   Optimized the performance to select large numbers of payments and apply without a timeout issue. Improved logic so multiple users can Receive payments simultaneously without issue. Added ability to enter payment shortages as described earlier.ENHANCEMENT
4010Avalara broad category tax codes were missing have now added those to the available for selection.ENHANCEMENT
4019API – Get Master Items – Add “recadded” date column in the API output response.  Went live July 17.ENHANCEMENT
4045IQ reseller Pay – Skip Level 2 and Level 3 data when the mandatory data fields are missed in the payment transaction API request.  Prior to this payments could authorize but not fund when required Ship to and Bill to data were missing.    Now it will run without the Level 2 and 3 data and process without the Ship to and Bill to.ENHANCEMENT
4063Added Vendor Invoice number to Bills Payments and Credits Report in Excel output.  Do a electronic payment now for hundreds of Vendor invoices and output the distribution easily by Vendor invoice ID in the standard report.ENHANCEMENT
4070Invoice List Performance OptimizationENHANCEMENT
4076Bills List Performance Optimization reduced time to display by 60%.ENHANCEMENT
No TaskBills Payments and Credits Report.  Excel Output now works from the “Accounts tab”. Other tabs worked.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceSO Margin Summary Excel output  optimized for larger datasets.ENHANCEMENT
Performance Invoices Payments/Credits List optimized for faster performance. 1000 Unpaid come up in under 2 seconds.ENHANCEMENT
PerformancePerformance improvement made on Insert  Attribute from API and applicationENHANCEMENT
Sales and Purchasing
TaskDescriptionFIX, Enhancement, New feature
3060Facebook style notifications over your IQ reseller User Icon when tagged or Assigned a Task created in Client Vendor/CRM > Task Manager.  Tasks can be created from any transaction, bill or invoice or client vendor followup of leads.  Attachments can be loaded and a due date assigned to complete the Task.  The Task tells you what is expected and what transaction or CV it is attached too.  A single click from the Task opens the underlying transaction to do action immediately.  Re-assign tasks and set due dates or snooze the due date.  See your own tasks or as a manager see others. NEW FEATURE
3820Auto-Add Material list items to Sale Order.   Also called “Kitting or Bundling”.   IQ reseller already had the ability to use “Buildup or Part  Add”  to merge items into a parent item.  This feature does the opposite so when you add the item to the sale it will add all “ticked” items in the item’s Material list to the Sale as separate lines.   This is used by resellers who typically want to show their customers the separate items that are in the “kit” or “bundle” and have been adding them to the sales order manually anyway.   For example selling a Cisco Catalyst Chassis item you might add the Power supply, Redundant Power supply, Fan and motherboard or daughterboard on separate lines.  You might price just the parent item and leave the additional “kit” lines with no value OR you might want to show the price of each kit line item.

3866Update Received PO line items Purchase cost via Excel.   This is important for ITAD resellers which have a large amount of different SKU’s on one PO and are going to redistribute a gross purchase amount to individual items.   Invoiced items cannot be updated.  To use your spreadsheet needs the inventory ID and the POID only.  Simple go to Inventory > Import and Select Update option.NEW FEATURE
4001 IQ reseller GlobalShip > To Ship screen.   Add color coding and edit warehouse function to know what scheduled shipments are ready to ship where product is Reserved and Received.   Made warehouse editable for each shipment to quickly update what person is handling the order OR what pre-shipment stage the order resides in.   See video.  Great for high volume shippers or those that do lots of configuration on orders improved communication to sales and less time spent looking at orders where goods to be shipped are not in the building.

4011Added Erasure API endpoint to allow any Erasure or Diagnostic test vendor to send an xml report and then configure, create and map product attributes based on Product type.  This makes the IQ reseller “One Touch” asset processing very easy to enable for any external program as all data normalization and formatting are handled by our endpoint.NEW FEATURE
3185Extended Description Font issues In Master Item default matches size of Description.  Was slightly off. Fixed July 9th via SQL  stored procedure.FIXED
3945SO – Additional Information tab contract field was not saving on SO SaveFIXED
4034Some attribute values were saved with extra spaces which required TRIM commands to then report without spaces.  FIXED in September and scripts were run to clear spaces out of all customers attributes.FIXED
4056IQ reseller Pay   Accepting UK Credit cards issue.   Needed to replace UK with GB in the COF token creation when the Card is from the United Kingdom.FIXED
No Task <> symbol characters added code to validate and remove these harmful characters in Inventory Comments, CV Notes and Contact Comments and more.  These characters when present would prevent printing certain documents.FIXED
3985Avalara Auto- tax calc when Sale is saved and user is setup with a commission account.  Saves time.  Before when a lines were added to a sale and the save button was selected the tax calc did not automatically calc by design to stay under Avalara’s server “ping” limit of 10 pings to 1 final invoice. After evaluating user real life data we now added the auto-calc when SO Save button is pressed without any additional user action.  Or course when the Sale is invoiced or partially invoiced it “pings” Avalara again to calc the proper taxes.  Organizations using Avalara should still be under the Avalara 10 to 1 ratio.ENHANCEMENT
4045IQ reseller Pay – Skip Level 2 and Level 3 data when the mandatory data fields are missed in the payment transaction API request.  Prior to this payments could authorize but not fund when required Ship to and Bill to data were missing.    Now it will run without the Level 2 and 3 data and process without the Ship to and Bill to.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceInventory and Inventory History list performance optimization.  Inventory list now even with 500,000 records displays in 2 seconds.  Inventory History with over 2 million records display in 2.5 seconds.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceAPI Insert SO line internal comments allowed only 100 characters now expanded to 2048.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceSO Margin Summary Excel output  optimized for larger datasets.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceSO List view Performance Improvement loads 70% faster in 1 second even with 1000 Open sales.ENHANCEMENT
PerformanceNew SO and View SO optimized with faster loading now.ENHANCEMENT
Tech and Warehouse
TaskDescriptionFIX, Enhancement, New feature
3060Facebook style notifications over your IQ reseller User Icon when tagged or Assigned a Task created in Client Vendor/CRM > Task Manager.  Tasks can be created from any transaction, bill or invoice or client vendor followup of leads.  Attachments can be loaded and a due date assigned to complete the Task.  The Task tells you what is expected and what transaction or CV it is attached too.  A single click from the Task opens the underlying transaction to do action immediately.  Re-assign tasks and set due dates or snooze the due date.  See your own tasks or as a manager see others.

4001 IQ reseller GlobalShip > To Ship screen.   Add color coding and edit warehouse function to know what scheduled shipments are ready to ship where product is Reserved and Received.   Made warehouse editable for each shipment to quickly update what person is handling the order OR what pre-shipment stage the order resides in.   See video.  Great for high volume shippers or those that do lots of configuration on orders improved communication to sales and less time spent looking at orders where goods to be shipped are not in the building.

4011Added Erasure API endpoint to allow any Erasure or Diagnostic test vendor to send an xml report and then configure, create and map product attributes based on Product type.  This makes the IQ reseller “One Touch” asset processing very easy to enable for any external program as all data normalization and formating are handled by our endpoint.NEW FEATURE
4015v37: Globalship tic box under System Setup was not working.  Fixed on July 13 for all customers.FIXED
4034Some attribute values were saved with extra spaces which required TRIM commands to then report without spaces.  FIXED in September and scripts were run to clear spaces out of all customers attributes.FIXED
4047When using Inventory Bulk Changes from the Inventory Screen or Advance Inventory Screen to change Warehouse, it is not working when multiple warehouse contain similar names with the differential in the name coming after a space.FIXED
4050Attributes are deleted randomly when ITAD Workflow Process feature is used to change UDFs on inventory items.FIXED
4057ITAD Workflow process – The process allows to save Inventory with Blank Description when it should not.FIXED
4074SO > Commercial Invoice > Choose the saved commercial ID and Print. The Importer address is wrong. Did not fail if printed while creating only after save.  Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a SO with a line item
2. Invoke Commercial Invoice
3. By default, there is no importer set.
4. Print the commercial invoice
5. Now using the search lookup, set the Importer address say ship to address
6. Print the commercial invoice.
7. It prints correctly.
8. Now from the saved list, choose the first commercial invoice ID then choose the last saved ID (which has importer set)
9. Click Print

Expected Results:
1. The importer address should be the one chose in that selected commercial invoice ID

Actual Results:
1. The importer address shows the first address of that CVcode not the saved one.

No Task <> symbol characters added code to validate and remove these harmful characters in Inventory Comments, CV Notes and Contact Comments and more.  These characters when present would prevent printing certain documents.FIXED
No TaskUPS International Shipping – Using Duplicate line would clear the unit code from the existing line items.FIXED
4014Prevent users from creating Generic Shippers with same names as GlobalShip Integrated shipper names to avoid conflict with then prevented use.ENHANCEMENT
4059FedEx International – Customs screen entries are now “sticky” and retain the last values input which will speed international shipments for all.

PerformanceInventory and Inventory History list performance optimization.  Inventory list now even with 500,000 records displays in 2 seconds.  Inventory History with over 2 million records display in 2.5 seconds.ENHANCEMENT


June 9, 2021 – By IQ Honcho

We are excited to announce that we have a new Beta version of ReportWriter that is ready for customer testing.

An open test period is now available until Midnight CST, Wed, Jun 23, 2021.

Use your existing Report writer Credentials and log into   See the new version and test your important reports prior to upgrade June 26th.

New Features in IQ reseller ReportWriter 6.0 include:

  • Scheduled reporting will no longer be handled using Windows task scheduler and a separate server. An enhancement has been added to the new release that allows for scheduling to be handled exclusively by the App, running scheduled reports within the App, increasing their performance, and cutting out the “middleman” for Scheduled Reports.
  • We have enabled support for IIS web farms, allowing us to add multiple servers into a cluster that can load balance based on active users and server demand. This will also allow for scalability as more customers start using ReportWriter and failover to stop connection interruptions.
  • ReportWriter now uses an updated .NET runtime and SQL driver, which has greatly increased performance of report output, especially for reports with a large number of records. In some cases, over 20% reduction in output/processing times.
  • Report Optimization. Standard Canned Reports have been optimized. Some bottlenecks have been identified and corrected. It is important to note the ReportWriter lets you easily create a query and get a report. However, in the world of complex SQL queries developers can spend 20 hours or more fine tuning a query to run in an optimized manner.  Most IQ reseller users do not have the SQL skills or time to spend in honing their query.
  • Billable Report services. Enhanced logging has been added to identify non-optimized long running reports. Owners of these reports will be notified to optimize or modify the report. If the report continues to run and is exceeding reasonable time-resource parameters we will remove the report or modify the report for a fee.
  • Several Reports have been optimized. Many bottlenecks have been identified and corrected. We will continue to monitor for individual report bottlenecks and correct them.
  • 24-hour date conversion in scheduled reports is now supported. For example, if you enter 16 or 16:00 as the trigger time in a schedule, it will automatically convert to 4:00 PM, if the option is enabled.
  • Tenant admins can now see and edit all schedules within the tenant, not just the ones the tenant admin account has created.
  • Enhanced logging has been created that contains more data to help with error identification and tracking.
  • Two factor authentication and enhanced API capabilities have become available for users that use SendGrid as their primary SMTP relay.
  • Enhanced logging has also been enabled through SendGrid, making it easier to identify issues with sending emails from ReportWriter.
  • You can now upload report files to a SFTP server. To specify that the target ftp server should use SFTP, prefix the server’s name with “sftp://”.
  • Report parameters are now available in the Advanced Report Designer.
  • Previewing a chart now displays the same view as when outputting the chart to a file. You’ll still see the old chart view if a chart has click actions (e.g. drill through).
  • You can now edit the values of parameters for an existing SQL Passthrough report. You will find these settings under Advanced Report Properties in step 5 of the report wizards.
  • In addition to being displayed with green colored text, “logged in” users now also have an icon displayed next to their entry in the user list. This should be helpful for users with certain types of color blindness.
  • You can now search formulas by name, report, or caption (or tenant in a multi-tenant environment).
  • Formulas now display the tenant they belong to in a multi-tenant environment.
  • Tenant administrators can now see all schedules for users in their tenant.
  • Issues with a field display expression no longer prevent the report from running.
  • Added several new loading indicators.

And many more bug fixes etc.

If you experience any issues or bugs, please report them to our support department:


May 27, 2021 – By IQ Honcho
Accounting & Admin
1568ENHANCEMENT. Buyer Seller Margin entries rounded to 2 decimal places.ENHANCEMENT
1804FIXED. Sort by Checknumber filter.  Bills > Payments and Credits report.FIX
2396FIXED. Rep margin share for “BULK” type inventory items only.   Margin now splits between Buyer and Seller at the auto-calculated percentage set in Admin for bulk items just like individualized items.FIX
3129FIXED. When Selling in a foreign currency and printing the Commercial invoice in Base currency the Commercial invoice value in some cases might be off by 1 penny due to line item total rounding method.  Fixed.FIX
3638FIXED. When using “Copy Bill” function to copy a Miscellaneous Bill.  Then enter the SO or PO in the distribution. The ledger posted to the original copied distribution SO or PO  not the updated distribution SO or PO.FIXED
3689NEW FEATURE.  Alternate check print format Deluxe DLT 153  with check on top.NEW FEATURE
3767NEW FEATURE. USPS – United States Postal Service Integration via EasyPost – Print 26 Packaging Types including all the Flat rate and International shipments. Click here to signup   Then visit this quickstart guide  Login to your EasyPost account, navigate to the API Keys section on the EasyPost Dashboard: The API Keys section can be found by clicking on your account email in the top left corner of the EasyPost Dashboard:  Insert your API keys there. Then insert the same API key in IQ reseller Admin > System setup > Integrated Apps.



3773ENHANCEMENT. Invoices created with zero value from SO are now listed in Paid Invoice screen in addition to the All Invoice Screen.ENHANCEMENT
3781FIXED. Bank reconcilation Print.  A few adjustments to show specific records outstanding or cleared depending on report filter.FIXED
3787NEW FEATURE. Admin system setup > inventory tab For electronic component resellers Create Master Item default setting type “BULK” instead of “individualized”.NEW FEATURE
3802FIXED. Reports > Bills > Payments and Credits Report now sorts by check number in all outputs.FIX
3817FIXED. Do not allow a Vendor Prepayment to be Voided if a payment has been applied to any bill. This could cause Bill account and Bill prepayment account to be out of balance. Message now appears to the user. “Void is not allowed since prepayment is partially applied”.   Recommended action for user is to use the function at the bottom of Vendor Prepayment screen  “Convert Vendor Prepayment to Credit Invoice”FIX
3818ENHANCEMENT. Removed today’s date filter from Quick Books Online “Completed Payments Screen”ENHANCEMENT
3826FIXED. Report > Taxes > Tax Reconciliation Report. Affected Foreign Currency Puchases only. The Purchase amount was incorrectly displayed in the Foreign currency value instead of the Base currency value like the Sales – Purchases Tax Report.   The Accounting Ledger was always correct.FIX
3849ENHANCEMENT>  IQ reseller PAY Add a button to the CV record view to see all Cards on File with a specific CVENHANCEMENT
3863FIXED. SP to SO creation loses Item’s Ledger Sales Distribution Ledger info.  Issue only arises when your SP is configured to use Ledger Sales Distribution to Categorize sales on the Profit & Loss.FIX
3872FIXED. Master Item Update Import is not mapping SalePrice2 field.  Fixed in Nov. 2020.FIX
3874ENHANCEMENT.  IQ ResellerPAY phase 2.  Added ability to send buyer a secure link from the Contact view for the buyer to securely enter their credit card details.  Card is “tokenized” and last 4 digits are saved with the contact.ENHANCEMENT
3878Enhancement. Added Sales REP from SO to the IQ reseller PAY – Payments Reports for easy chargeback of exact Credit card payment costs to the Sales REP.FIX
3886FIXED. Copy SO function is copying the source SO Recadded date when it should use current session date.FIX
3892FIXED. Print Prepayment check is not honoring the check format setting set in Bills > Print Checks.  Non-Prepayment checks printed fine.FIX
3895FIXED. IQ resellerPAY Added ability to Refund a SO prepayment which now allows the underlying SO to be VOIDED.ENHANCEMENT
3899FIXED.  Fixed in January 2021 with a patch. Bank reconciliation in some cases not picking up the correct glaccount balance.FIX
3900FIXED. Zero value invoices get a paid in full date equal to invoice creation date. Move to paid Tab.  Previously they did not move to the Paid Tab.FIX
3901FIXED.  SO with with 1 line taxable and 1 line not; then create Early invoice and the non-taxable line would be incorrectly taxed.FIX
3902ENHANCEMENT.  Changed Commercial invoice currency to allways use the Sale transaction currency.  This prevents value changes on the commercial invoice when re-printing in Base currency with updated Currency conversion rates over time.ENHANCEMENT
3907NEW FEATURE.  Generic shippers can now be made Inactive so they don’t appear in the selection dropdown when Scheduling new shipments. Nice for IQ reseller users that used IQ reseller for years and might have dozens of Shippers they don’t use anymore.NEW FEATURE
3911FIXED.  SO Prepayment which is later converted to a Credit invoice was not being marked as posted.FIX
3912FIXED.  Avalara Tax Service users only. When Reserving an SO that has Avalara Tax already saved the Reserve function was reseting tax to 0. Users were then required to re-select the Calc Avatax button.FIX
3914ENHANCEMENT. Due to BREXIT The existing European EORI number fields were added to include Shipper, Consignee and Importer of record.FIX
3925NEW FEATURE.   Configure attributes to print on your Inventory label to create your own 2 x 4 custom label.
1. In the Print label setup, we have added 2 new dropdowns for Attribute 1 and Attribute 2
2. For example: Attributes for OS and Battery are Selected and then print with Bold label.
3. These attributes selection are saved per REP in the report settings.
3926FIXED. VAT Tax Report for Foreign Currency transactions shipped within the resident country.  Sales and Purchases Tax report was correct.FIX
3927NEW FEATURE. Added ability to upload text to SO  the text feature to SO detail lines area that is in VFPENHANCEMENT
3929FIXED. Added country code for South Korea to available lists.FIX
3930FIXED. SO line view “Reserved by” rep is now the actual user who reservedthe item instead of the SO rep.  The Right click inventory Action Table record was not changed as that showed the correct rep.FIX
3935FIXED. Inventory > Warehouses Admin screen search did not work.ENHANCEMENT
3938ENHANCEMENT.  IQ reseller PAY integrated Credit Card payment processing now allows a partial value SO Deposit payment from CC.FIX
3939ENHANCEMENT. Add Bulktype master item Reserve capability on SO import.  Now you can import a SO with both “individualized and “bulk” type inventory items and Reserve them all.FIX
3943FIXED. CV Ledger Report Showing voided not posted payments.  Report was wrong underlying accounting data was correct.ENHANCEMENT
3953FIXED. In Inventory list screen”Conditioncodedate” column search filter; if it had a value then export to excel for the items would fail.FIX
3954FIXED. Sales Proposal Sales Distribution Logic transfers from SP to SO for final invoice.FIX
3958FIXED.  Avalara Tax Service users only.  RMA Return is Closed and a Taxable Credit Memo is generated. The Open invoice aging report included the value of the Credit but not the tax value of the credit. Ledger accounting was all correct only the report was missing that item.ENHANCEMENT
3966ENHANCEMENT. IQ resellerPAY Increased flexibility to allow CV Cards on File to be used with any transaction within that CV.FIX
3969FIXED. April 20 via patch. Ledger transaction list view default order changed to most recent Session ID first then decending order.FIX
APIFIXED.  API endpoint. Insert CV – cvtype tag is not parsed in JSON input.FIX
NAENHANCEMENT.  Changed the date time for all entries to the users local computer device date time.  Previously all entries were based on Azure East US data center time.ENHANCEMENT
NAENHANCEMENT. IQ resellerPAY can now accept payment cards from foreign buyers.FIX
NAFIXED. Sales proposal creation now sets internal Shipdate and Scheduledate set as default start date instead of NULL. Prevents later issue from  arising.ENHANCEMENT
NAFIXED.  Update scheduled shipment date is not updating in stdetail table for that item it was updating the Shipment detail. This improves data for custom report writer reports.ENHANCEMENT
NAENHANCEMENT. Paid invoiced margin report – Preview and Excel – Performance improvement displays in 30% less time.FIX
NAENHANCEMENT.  PO Item Summary price chance. Eliminated confirmation pop-up for even faster repricing.ENHANCEMENT
NAENHANCEMENT. Avalara Tax users only.  Improvement in Ship-From information sent to Avatax.ENHANCEMENT
Sales & Purchasing
1568ENHANCEMENT. Buyer Seller Margin entries rounded to 2 decimal places.ENHANCEMENT
2396FIXED. Rep margin share for “BULK” type inventory items only.   Margin now splits between Buyer and Seller at the auto-calculated percentage set in Admin for bulk items just like individualized items.FIX
3767NEW FEATURE. USPS – United States Postal Service Integration via EasyPost – Print 26 Packaging Types including all the Flat rate and International shipments. Click here to signup   Then visit this quickstart guide  Login to your EasyPost account, navigate to the API Keys section on the EasyPost Dashboard: The API Keys section can be found by clicking on your account email in the top left corner of the EasyPost Dashboard:  Insert your API keys there. Then insert the same API key in IQ reseller Admin > System setup > Integrated Apps. NEW FEATURE
3787NEW FEATURE. Admin system setup > inventory tab For electronic component resellers Create Master Item default setting type “BULK” instead of “individualized”.NEW FEATURE
3801ENHANCEMENT.  Print PO contract in summary format we have removed item cost and left the extended cost by customer request.ENHANCEMENT
3830FIXED. Email misspelled on print purchase order ship to addressFIX
3840FIXED. RMA Packing list had IQ reseller user Ship From address instead of Customer ship from; which would have been the original Ship to address.FIX
3841FIXED. Voided PO should not allow user to add a New LineFIX
3847ENHANCEMENT. Shipping Log screen email of Pick or Packing List changed PDF name to SO number from internal ID.ENHANCEMENT
3848ENHANCEMENT.  SO Import creates Master Items in the import if Mfgr is supplied in the source file.ENHANCEMENT
3849ENHANCEMENT>  IQ reseller PAY Add a button to the CV record view to see all Cards on File with a specific CVENHANCEMENT
3863FIXED. SP to SO creation loses Item’s Ledger Sales Distribution Ledger info.  Issue only arises when your SP is configured to use Ledger Sales Distribution to Categorize sales on the Profit & Loss.FIX
3872FIXED. Master Item Update Import is not mapping SalePrice2 field.  Fixed in Nov. 2020.FIX
3874ENHANCEMENT.  IQ ResellerPAY phase 2.  Added ability to send buyer a secure link from the Contact view for the buyer to securely enter their credit card details.  Card is “tokenized” and last 4 digits are saved with the contact.ENHANCEMENT
3880FIXED. Master Item lookup – Performance Issue when over 250,000 substitutes are related to other items in the database. Optimized query to eliminate issue.  Released Dec 2020.FIX
3886FIXED. Copy SO function is copying the source SO Recadded date when it should use current session date.FIX
3895FIXED. IQ resellerPAY Added ability to Refund a SO prepayment which now allows the underlying SO to be VOIDED.ENHANCEMENT
3901FIXED.  SO with with 1 line taxable and 1 line not; then create Early invoice and the non-taxable line would be incorrectly taxed.FIX
3902ENHANCEMENT.  Changed Commercial invoice currency to allways use the Sale transaction currency.  This prevents value changes on the commercial invoice when re-printing in Base currency with updated Currency conversion rates over time.ENHANCEMENT
3906FIXED. System Setup > PO > Breakdown – Bulk type item only add to existing PO was broken.FIX
3907NEW FEATURE.  Generic shippers can now be made Inactive so they don’t appear in the selection dropdown when Scheduling new shipments. Nice for IQ reseller users that used IQ reseller for years and might have dozens of Shippers they don’t use anymore.NEW FEATURE
3912FIXED.  Avalara Tax Service users only. When Reserving an SO that has Avalara Tax already saved the Reserve function was reseting tax to 0. Users were then required to re-select the Calc Avatax button.FIX
3914ENHANCEMENT. Due to BREXIT The existing European EORI number fields were added to include Shipper, Consignee and Importer of record.FIX
3923FIXED. On Bills with a Vendor Prepayment, the system was leaving an amount in Paid non Posted in 1 case.FIX
3924FIXED.  Master Item > Attribute Search screen. Search was case sensitive now it is not.NEW FEATURE
3929FIXED. Added country code for South Korea to available lists.FIX
3933FIXED. It was possible to edit the SO view Client ID field which did not match the main CV record. Client ID can never be changed only the longer Client full name.FIX
3935FIXED. Inventory > Warehouses Admin screen search did not work.ENHANCEMENT
3937FIXED. DropShip Purchase Packet feature when using a “bulk type” item in a “multiple purchase” packet.   Rare event solved.FIX
3938ENHANCEMENT.  IQ reseller PAY integrated Credit Card payment processing now allows a partial value SO Deposit payment from CC.FIX
3949ENHANCEMENT.  Added AI- intelligence to  the inventory import.  If import source file has no qty. field or qty field eith blank value will add the item and will make qty 1 for that item(s).  Any qty field with 0 will still be rejected as before. 
3953FIXED. In Inventory list screen”Conditioncodedate” column search filter; if it had a value then export to excel for the items would fail.FIX
NAENHANCEMENT.  Changed the date time for all entries to the users local computer device date time.  Previously all entries were based on Azure East US data center time.ENHANCEMENT
NAENHANCEMENT. IQ resellerPAY can now accept payment cards from foreign buyers.FIX
NAFIXED. Sales proposal creation now sets internal Shipdate and Scheduledate set as default start date instead of NULL. Prevents later issue from  arising.ENHANCEMENT
NAFIXED.  Update scheduled shipment date is not updating in stdetail table for that item it was updating the Shipment detail. This improves data for custom report writer reports.ENHANCEMENT
Warehouse, Inventory, & Technical
3129FIXED. When Selling in a foreign currency and printing the Commercial invoice in Base currency the Commercial invoice value in some cases might be off by 1 penny due to line item total rounding method.  Fixed.FIX
3767NEW FEATURE. USPS – United States Postal Service Integration via EasyPost – Print 26 Packaging Types including all the Flat rate and International shipments. Click here to signup   Then visit this quickstart guide  Login to your EasyPost account, navigate to the API Keys section on the EasyPost Dashboard: The API Keys section can be found by clicking on your account email in the top left corner of the EasyPost Dashboard:  Insert your API keys there. Then insert the same API key in IQ reseller Admin > System setup > Integrated Apps.

3859FIXED. Inventory > Advanced inventory Change Condition code on multiple selected items was not working.FIX
3862FIXED. Inventory update via spreadsheet. Custom user defined fields were populating with zeros in inventory user defined fields from a blank source field.  Changed last October via patch.FIX
3881FIXED. Cannot delete a Bulk type Inventory item Serial number that contains spaces.FIX
3906FIXED. System Setup > PO > Breakdown – Bulk type item only add to existing PO was broken.FIX
3924FIXED.  Master Item > Attribute Search screen. Search was case sensitive now it is not.

3949ENHANCEMENT.  Added AI- intelligence to  the inventory import.  If import source file has no qty. field or qty field eith blank value will add the item and will make qty 1 for that item(s).  Any qty field with 0 will still be rejected as before.ENHANCEMENT
APIFIXED. When using Insert SO API – with a mulitple SO insert, all the inserts failed when one of the SO content has missing or bad data. Now the complete SO’s are inserted and SO with missing required fields or bad data is not.FIX
NAENHANCEMENT.  Changed the date time for all entries to the users local computer device date time.  Previously all entries were based on Azure East US data center time.ENHANCEMENT
NAInventory List -Userdefined5 is not workingFIX
NAFIXED. Import Master Item Update Category 2 Sub Query Error.FIX


December 18, 2020 – By IQ Honcho

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